
1use crate::{
2    field::RecordFields,
3    fmt::{format, FormatEvent, FormatFields, MakeWriter, TestWriter},
4    layer::{self, Context},
5    registry::{self, LookupSpan, SpanRef},
7use format::{FmtSpan, TimingDisplay};
8use std::{
9    any::TypeId, cell::RefCell, env, fmt, io, marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref, time::Instant,
11use tracing_core::{
12    field,
13    span::{Attributes, Current, Id, Record},
14    Event, Metadata, Subscriber,
17/// A [`Layer`] that logs formatted representations of `tracing` events.
19/// ## Examples
21/// Constructing a layer with the default configuration:
23/// ```rust
24/// use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, Registry};
25/// use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
27/// let subscriber = Registry::default()
28///     .with(fmt::Layer::default());
30/// tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).unwrap();
31/// ```
33/// Overriding the layer's behavior:
35/// ```rust
36/// use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, Registry};
37/// use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
39/// let fmt_layer = fmt::layer()
40///    .with_target(false) // don't include event targets when logging
41///    .with_level(false); // don't include event levels when logging
43/// let subscriber = Registry::default().with(fmt_layer);
44/// # tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).unwrap();
45/// ```
47/// Setting a custom event formatter:
49/// ```rust
50/// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, format, time};
51/// use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
53/// let fmt = format().with_timer(time::Uptime::default());
54/// let fmt_layer = fmt::layer()
55///     .event_format(fmt)
56///     .with_target(false);
57/// # let subscriber = fmt_layer.with_subscriber(tracing_subscriber::registry::Registry::default());
58/// # tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).unwrap();
59/// ```
61/// [`Layer`]: super::layer::Layer
62#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
64pub struct Layer<
65    S,
66    N = format::DefaultFields,
67    E = format::Format<format::Full>,
68    W = fn() -> io::Stdout,
69> {
70    make_writer: W,
71    fmt_fields: N,
72    fmt_event: E,
73    fmt_span: format::FmtSpanConfig,
74    is_ansi: bool,
75    log_internal_errors: bool,
76    _inner: PhantomData<fn(S)>,
79impl<S> Layer<S> {
80    /// Returns a new [`Layer`][self::Layer] with the default configuration.
81    pub fn new() -> Self {
82        Self::default()
83    }
86// This needs to be a seperate impl block because they place different bounds on the type parameters.
87impl<S, N, E, W> Layer<S, N, E, W>
89    S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
90    N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
91    W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
93    /// Sets the [event formatter][`FormatEvent`] that the layer being built will
94    /// use to format events.
95    ///
96    /// The event formatter may be any type implementing the [`FormatEvent`]
97    /// trait, which is implemented for all functions taking a [`FmtContext`], a
98    /// [`Writer`], and an [`Event`].
99    ///
100    /// # Examples
101    ///
102    /// Setting a type implementing [`FormatEvent`] as the formatter:
103    /// ```rust
104    /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, format};
105    ///
106    /// let layer = fmt::layer()
107    ///     .event_format(format().compact());
108    /// # // this is necessary for type inference.
109    /// # use tracing_subscriber::Layer as _;
110    /// # let _ = layer.with_subscriber(tracing_subscriber::registry::Registry::default());
111    /// ```
112    /// [`FormatEvent`]: format::FormatEvent
113    /// [`Event`]: tracing::Event
114    /// [`Writer`]: format::Writer
115    pub fn event_format<E2>(self, e: E2) -> Layer<S, N, E2, W>
116    where
117        E2: FormatEvent<S, N> + 'static,
118    {
119        Layer {
120            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
121            fmt_event: e,
122            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
123            make_writer: self.make_writer,
124            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
125            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
126            _inner: self._inner,
127        }
128    }
130    /// Updates the event formatter by applying a function to the existing event formatter.
131    ///
132    /// This sets the event formatter that the layer being built will use to record fields.
133    ///
134    /// # Examples
135    ///
136    /// Updating an event formatter:
137    ///
138    /// ```rust
139    /// let layer = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()
140    ///     .map_event_format(|e| e.compact());
141    /// # // this is necessary for type inference.
142    /// # use tracing_subscriber::Layer as _;
143    /// # let _ = layer.with_subscriber(tracing_subscriber::registry::Registry::default());
144    /// ```
145    pub fn map_event_format<E2>(self, f: impl FnOnce(E) -> E2) -> Layer<S, N, E2, W>
146    where
147        E2: FormatEvent<S, N> + 'static,
148    {
149        Layer {
150            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
151            fmt_event: f(self.fmt_event),
152            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
153            make_writer: self.make_writer,
154            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
155            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
156            _inner: self._inner,
157        }
158    }
161// This needs to be a seperate impl block because they place different bounds on the type parameters.
162impl<S, N, E, W> Layer<S, N, E, W> {
163    /// Sets the [`MakeWriter`] that the layer being built will use to write events.
164    ///
165    /// # Examples
166    ///
167    /// Using `stderr` rather than `stdout`:
168    ///
169    /// ```rust
170    /// use std::io;
171    /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
172    ///
173    /// let layer = fmt::layer()
174    ///     .with_writer(io::stderr);
175    /// # // this is necessary for type inference.
176    /// # use tracing_subscriber::Layer as _;
177    /// # let _ = layer.with_subscriber(tracing_subscriber::registry::Registry::default());
178    /// ```
179    pub fn with_writer<W2>(self, make_writer: W2) -> Layer<S, N, E, W2>
180    where
181        W2: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
182    {
183        Layer {
184            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
185            fmt_event: self.fmt_event,
186            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
187            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
188            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
189            make_writer,
190            _inner: self._inner,
191        }
192    }
194    /// Borrows the [writer] for this [`Layer`].
195    ///
196    /// [writer]: MakeWriter
197    pub fn writer(&self) -> &W {
198        &self.make_writer
199    }
201    /// Mutably borrows the [writer] for this [`Layer`].
202    ///
203    /// This method is primarily expected to be used with the
204    /// [`reload::Handle::modify`](crate::reload::Handle::modify) method.
205    ///
206    /// # Examples
207    ///
208    /// ```
209    /// # use tracing::info;
210    /// # use tracing_subscriber::{fmt,reload,Registry,prelude::*};
211    /// # fn non_blocking<T: std::io::Write>(writer: T) -> (fn() -> std::io::Stdout) {
212    /// #   std::io::stdout
213    /// # }
214    /// # fn main() {
215    /// let layer = fmt::layer().with_writer(non_blocking(std::io::stderr()));
216    /// let (layer, reload_handle) = reload::Layer::new(layer);
217    /// #
218    /// # // specifying the Registry type is required
219    /// # let _: &reload::Handle<fmt::Layer<Registry, _, _, _>, Registry> = &reload_handle;
220    /// #
221    /// info!("This will be logged to stderr");
222    /// reload_handle.modify(|layer| *layer.writer_mut() = non_blocking(std::io::stdout()));
223    /// info!("This will be logged to stdout");
224    /// # }
225    /// ```
226    ///
227    /// [writer]: MakeWriter
228    pub fn writer_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
229        &mut self.make_writer
230    }
232    /// Sets whether this layer should use ANSI terminal formatting
233    /// escape codes (such as colors).
234    ///
235    /// This method is primarily expected to be used with the
236    /// [`reload::Handle::modify`](crate::reload::Handle::modify) method when changing
237    /// the writer.
238    #[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
239    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ansi")))]
240    pub fn set_ansi(&mut self, ansi: bool) {
241        self.is_ansi = ansi;
242    }
244    /// Modifies how synthesized events are emitted at points in the [span
245    /// lifecycle][lifecycle].
246    ///
247    /// See [`Self::with_span_events`] for documentation on the [`FmtSpan`]
248    ///
249    /// This method is primarily expected to be used with the
250    /// [`reload::Handle::modify`](crate::reload::Handle::modify) method
251    ///
252    /// Note that using this method modifies the span configuration instantly and does not take into
253    /// account any current spans. If the previous configuration was set to capture
254    /// `FmtSpan::ALL`, for example, using this method to change to `FmtSpan::NONE` will cause an
255    /// exit event for currently entered events not to be formatted
256    ///
257    /// [lifecycle]: mod@tracing::span#the-span-lifecycle
258    pub fn set_span_events(&mut self, kind: FmtSpan) {
259        self.fmt_span = format::FmtSpanConfig {
260            kind,
261            fmt_timing: self.fmt_span.fmt_timing,
262        }
263    }
265    /// Configures the layer to support [`libtest`'s output capturing][capturing] when used in
266    /// unit tests.
267    ///
268    /// See [`TestWriter`] for additional details.
269    ///
270    /// # Examples
271    ///
272    /// Using [`TestWriter`] to let `cargo test` capture test output:
273    ///
274    /// ```rust
275    /// use std::io;
276    /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
277    ///
278    /// let layer = fmt::layer()
279    ///     .with_test_writer();
280    /// # // this is necessary for type inference.
281    /// # use tracing_subscriber::Layer as _;
282    /// # let _ = layer.with_subscriber(tracing_subscriber::registry::Registry::default());
283    /// ```
284    /// [capturing]:
285    ///
286    /// [`TestWriter`]: super::writer::TestWriter
287    pub fn with_test_writer(self) -> Layer<S, N, E, TestWriter> {
288        Layer {
289            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
290            fmt_event: self.fmt_event,
291            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
292            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
293            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
294            make_writer: TestWriter::default(),
295            _inner: self._inner,
296        }
297    }
299    /// Sets whether or not the formatter emits ANSI terminal escape codes
300    /// for colors and other text formatting.
301    ///
302    /// When the "ansi" crate feature flag is enabled, ANSI colors are enabled
303    /// by default unless the [`NO_COLOR`] environment variable is set to
304    /// a non-empty value.  If the [`NO_COLOR`] environment variable is set to
305    /// any non-empty value, then ANSI colors will be suppressed by default.
306    /// The [`with_ansi`] and [`set_ansi`] methods can be used to forcibly
307    /// enable ANSI colors, overriding any [`NO_COLOR`] environment variable.
308    ///
309    /// [`NO_COLOR`]:
310    ///
311    /// Enabling ANSI escapes (calling `with_ansi(true)`) requires the "ansi"
312    /// crate feature flag. Calling `with_ansi(true)` without the "ansi"
313    /// feature flag enabled will panic if debug assertions are enabled, or
314    /// print a warning otherwise.
315    ///
316    /// This method itself is still available without the feature flag. This
317    /// is to allow ANSI escape codes to be explicitly *disabled* without
318    /// having to opt-in to the dependencies required to emit ANSI formatting.
319    /// This way, code which constructs a formatter that should never emit
320    /// ANSI escape codes can ensure that they are not used, regardless of
321    /// whether or not other crates in the dependency graph enable the "ansi"
322    /// feature flag.
323    ///
324    /// [`with_ansi`]: Subscriber::with_ansi
325    /// [`set_ansi`]: Subscriber::set_ansi
326    pub fn with_ansi(self, ansi: bool) -> Self {
327        #[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
328        if ansi {
329            const ERROR: &str =
330                "tracing-subscriber: the `ansi` crate feature is required to enable ANSI terminal colors";
331            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
332            panic!("{}", ERROR);
333            #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
334            eprintln!("{}", ERROR);
335        }
337        Self {
338            is_ansi: ansi,
339            ..self
340        }
341    }
343    /// Sets whether to write errors from [`FormatEvent`] to the writer.
344    /// Defaults to true.
345    ///
346    /// By default, `fmt::Layer` will write any `FormatEvent`-internal errors to
347    /// the writer. These errors are unlikely and will only occur if there is a
348    /// bug in the `FormatEvent` implementation or its dependencies.
349    ///
350    /// If writing to the writer fails, the error message is printed to stderr
351    /// as a fallback.
352    ///
353    /// [`FormatEvent`]: crate::fmt::FormatEvent
354    pub fn log_internal_errors(self, log_internal_errors: bool) -> Self {
355        Self {
356            log_internal_errors,
357            ..self
358        }
359    }
361    /// Updates the [`MakeWriter`] by applying a function to the existing [`MakeWriter`].
362    ///
363    /// This sets the [`MakeWriter`] that the layer being built will use to write events.
364    ///
365    /// # Examples
366    ///
367    /// Redirect output to stderr if level is <= WARN:
368    ///
369    /// ```rust
370    /// use tracing::Level;
371    /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, writer::MakeWriterExt};
372    ///
373    /// let stderr = std::io::stderr.with_max_level(Level::WARN);
374    /// let layer = fmt::layer()
375    ///     .map_writer(move |w| stderr.or_else(w));
376    /// # // this is necessary for type inference.
377    /// # use tracing_subscriber::Layer as _;
378    /// # let _ = layer.with_subscriber(tracing_subscriber::registry::Registry::default());
379    /// ```
380    pub fn map_writer<W2>(self, f: impl FnOnce(W) -> W2) -> Layer<S, N, E, W2>
381    where
382        W2: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
383    {
384        Layer {
385            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
386            fmt_event: self.fmt_event,
387            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
388            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
389            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
390            make_writer: f(self.make_writer),
391            _inner: self._inner,
392        }
393    }
396impl<S, N, L, T, W> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T>, W>
398    N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
400    /// Use the given [`timer`] for span and event timestamps.
401    ///
402    /// See the [`time` module] for the provided timer implementations.
403    ///
404    /// Note that using the `"time`"" feature flag enables the
405    /// additional time formatters [`UtcTime`] and [`LocalTime`], which use the
406    /// [`time` crate] to provide more sophisticated timestamp formatting
407    /// options.
408    ///
409    /// [`timer`]: super::time::FormatTime
410    /// [`time` module]: mod@super::time
411    /// [`UtcTime`]: super::time::UtcTime
412    /// [`LocalTime`]: super::time::LocalTime
413    /// [`time` crate]:
414    pub fn with_timer<T2>(self, timer: T2) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T2>, W> {
415        Layer {
416            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_timer(timer),
417            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
418            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
419            make_writer: self.make_writer,
420            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
421            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
422            _inner: self._inner,
423        }
424    }
426    /// Do not emit timestamps with spans and event.
427    pub fn without_time(self) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, ()>, W> {
428        Layer {
429            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.without_time(),
430            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
431            fmt_span: self.fmt_span.without_time(),
432            make_writer: self.make_writer,
433            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
434            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
435            _inner: self._inner,
436        }
437    }
439    /// Configures how synthesized events are emitted at points in the [span
440    /// lifecycle][lifecycle].
441    ///
442    /// The following options are available:
443    ///
444    /// - `FmtSpan::NONE`: No events will be synthesized when spans are
445    ///    created, entered, exited, or closed. Data from spans will still be
446    ///    included as the context for formatted events. This is the default.
447    /// - `FmtSpan::NEW`: An event will be synthesized when spans are created.
448    /// - `FmtSpan::ENTER`: An event will be synthesized when spans are entered.
449    /// - `FmtSpan::EXIT`: An event will be synthesized when spans are exited.
450    /// - `FmtSpan::CLOSE`: An event will be synthesized when a span closes. If
451    ///    [timestamps are enabled][time] for this formatter, the generated
452    ///    event will contain fields with the span's _busy time_ (the total
453    ///    time for which it was entered) and _idle time_ (the total time that
454    ///    the span existed but was not entered).
455    /// - `FmtSpan::ACTIVE`: Events will be synthesized when spans are entered
456    ///    or exited.
457    /// - `FmtSpan::FULL`: Events will be synthesized whenever a span is
458    ///    created, entered, exited, or closed. If timestamps are enabled, the
459    ///    close event will contain the span's busy and idle time, as
460    ///    described above.
461    ///
462    /// The options can be enabled in any combination. For instance, the following
463    /// will synthesize events whenever spans are created and closed:
464    ///
465    /// ```rust
466    /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
467    /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan;
468    ///
469    /// let subscriber = fmt()
470    ///     .with_span_events(FmtSpan::NEW | FmtSpan::CLOSE)
471    ///     .finish();
472    /// ```
473    ///
474    /// Note that the generated events will only be part of the log output by
475    /// this formatter; they will not be recorded by other `Subscriber`s or by
476    /// `Layer`s added to this subscriber.
477    ///
478    /// [lifecycle]:
479    /// [time]: Layer::without_time()
480    pub fn with_span_events(self, kind: FmtSpan) -> Self {
481        Layer {
482            fmt_span: self.fmt_span.with_kind(kind),
483            ..self
484        }
485    }
487    /// Sets whether or not an event's target is displayed.
488    pub fn with_target(self, display_target: bool) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T>, W> {
489        Layer {
490            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_target(display_target),
491            ..self
492        }
493    }
494    /// Sets whether or not an event's [source code file path][file] is
495    /// displayed.
496    ///
497    /// [file]: tracing_core::Metadata::file
498    pub fn with_file(self, display_filename: bool) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T>, W> {
499        Layer {
500            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_file(display_filename),
501            ..self
502        }
503    }
505    /// Sets whether or not an event's [source code line number][line] is
506    /// displayed.
507    ///
508    /// [line]: tracing_core::Metadata::line
509    pub fn with_line_number(
510        self,
511        display_line_number: bool,
512    ) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T>, W> {
513        Layer {
514            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_line_number(display_line_number),
515            ..self
516        }
517    }
519    /// Sets whether or not an event's level is displayed.
520    pub fn with_level(self, display_level: bool) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T>, W> {
521        Layer {
522            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_level(display_level),
523            ..self
524        }
525    }
527    /// Sets whether or not the [thread ID] of the current thread is displayed
528    /// when formatting events.
529    ///
530    /// [thread ID]: std::thread::ThreadId
531    pub fn with_thread_ids(self, display_thread_ids: bool) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T>, W> {
532        Layer {
533            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_thread_ids(display_thread_ids),
534            ..self
535        }
536    }
538    /// Sets whether or not the [name] of the current thread is displayed
539    /// when formatting events.
540    ///
541    /// [name]: std::thread#naming-threads
542    pub fn with_thread_names(
543        self,
544        display_thread_names: bool,
545    ) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<L, T>, W> {
546        Layer {
547            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_thread_names(display_thread_names),
548            ..self
549        }
550    }
552    /// Sets the layer being built to use a [less verbose formatter][super::format::Compact].
553    pub fn compact(self) -> Layer<S, N, format::Format<format::Compact, T>, W>
554    where
555        N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
556    {
557        Layer {
558            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.compact(),
559            fmt_fields: self.fmt_fields,
560            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
561            make_writer: self.make_writer,
562            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
563            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
564            _inner: self._inner,
565        }
566    }
568    /// Sets the layer being built to use an [excessively pretty, human-readable formatter](crate::fmt::format::Pretty).
569    #[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
570    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ansi")))]
571    pub fn pretty(self) -> Layer<S, format::Pretty, format::Format<format::Pretty, T>, W> {
572        Layer {
573            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.pretty(),
574            fmt_fields: format::Pretty::default(),
575            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
576            make_writer: self.make_writer,
577            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
578            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
579            _inner: self._inner,
580        }
581    }
583    /// Sets the layer being built to use a [JSON formatter][super::format::Json].
584    ///
585    /// The full format includes fields from all entered spans.
586    ///
587    /// # Example Output
588    ///
589    /// ```ignore,json
590    /// {"timestamp":"Feb 20 11:28:15.096","level":"INFO","target":"mycrate","fields":{"message":"some message", "key": "value"}}
591    /// ```
592    ///
593    /// # Options
594    ///
595    /// - [`Layer::flatten_event`] can be used to enable flattening event fields into the root
596    ///   object.
597    ///
598    /// [`Layer::flatten_event`]: Layer::flatten_event()
599    #[cfg(feature = "json")]
600    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
601    pub fn json(self) -> Layer<S, format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, W> {
602        Layer {
603            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.json(),
604            fmt_fields: format::JsonFields::new(),
605            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
606            make_writer: self.make_writer,
607            // always disable ANSI escapes in JSON mode!
608            is_ansi: false,
609            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
610            _inner: self._inner,
611        }
612    }
615#[cfg(feature = "json")]
616#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
617impl<S, T, W> Layer<S, format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, W> {
618    /// Sets the JSON layer being built to flatten event metadata.
619    ///
620    /// See [`format::Json`][super::format::Json]
621    pub fn flatten_event(
622        self,
623        flatten_event: bool,
624    ) -> Layer<S, format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, W> {
625        Layer {
626            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.flatten_event(flatten_event),
627            fmt_fields: format::JsonFields::new(),
628            ..self
629        }
630    }
632    /// Sets whether or not the formatter will include the current span in
633    /// formatted events.
634    ///
635    /// See [`format::Json`][super::format::Json]
636    pub fn with_current_span(
637        self,
638        display_current_span: bool,
639    ) -> Layer<S, format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, W> {
640        Layer {
641            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_current_span(display_current_span),
642            fmt_fields: format::JsonFields::new(),
643            ..self
644        }
645    }
647    /// Sets whether or not the formatter will include a list (from root to leaf)
648    /// of all currently entered spans in formatted events.
649    ///
650    /// See [`format::Json`][super::format::Json]
651    pub fn with_span_list(
652        self,
653        display_span_list: bool,
654    ) -> Layer<S, format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, W> {
655        Layer {
656            fmt_event: self.fmt_event.with_span_list(display_span_list),
657            fmt_fields: format::JsonFields::new(),
658            ..self
659        }
660    }
663impl<S, N, E, W> Layer<S, N, E, W> {
664    /// Sets the field formatter that the layer being built will use to record
665    /// fields.
666    pub fn fmt_fields<N2>(self, fmt_fields: N2) -> Layer<S, N2, E, W>
667    where
668        N2: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
669    {
670        Layer {
671            fmt_event: self.fmt_event,
672            fmt_fields,
673            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
674            make_writer: self.make_writer,
675            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
676            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
677            _inner: self._inner,
678        }
679    }
681    /// Updates the field formatter by applying a function to the existing field formatter.
682    ///
683    /// This sets the field formatter that the layer being built will use to record fields.
684    ///
685    /// # Examples
686    ///
687    /// Updating a field formatter:
688    ///
689    /// ```rust
690    /// use tracing_subscriber::field::MakeExt;
691    /// let layer = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()
692    ///     .map_fmt_fields(|f| f.debug_alt());
693    /// # // this is necessary for type inference.
694    /// # use tracing_subscriber::Layer as _;
695    /// # let _ = layer.with_subscriber(tracing_subscriber::registry::Registry::default());
696    /// ```
697    pub fn map_fmt_fields<N2>(self, f: impl FnOnce(N) -> N2) -> Layer<S, N2, E, W>
698    where
699        N2: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
700    {
701        Layer {
702            fmt_event: self.fmt_event,
703            fmt_fields: f(self.fmt_fields),
704            fmt_span: self.fmt_span,
705            make_writer: self.make_writer,
706            is_ansi: self.is_ansi,
707            log_internal_errors: self.log_internal_errors,
708            _inner: self._inner,
709        }
710    }
713impl<S> Default for Layer<S> {
714    fn default() -> Self {
715        // only enable ANSI when the feature is enabled, and the NO_COLOR
716        // environment variable is unset or empty.
717        let ansi = cfg!(feature = "ansi") && env::var("NO_COLOR").map_or(true, |v| v.is_empty());
719        Layer {
720            fmt_fields: format::DefaultFields::default(),
721            fmt_event: format::Format::default(),
722            fmt_span: format::FmtSpanConfig::default(),
723            make_writer: io::stdout,
724            is_ansi: ansi,
725            log_internal_errors: false,
726            _inner: PhantomData,
727        }
728    }
731impl<S, N, E, W> Layer<S, N, E, W>
733    S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
734    N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
735    E: FormatEvent<S, N> + 'static,
736    W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
738    #[inline]
739    fn make_ctx<'a>(&'a self, ctx: Context<'a, S>, event: &'a Event<'a>) -> FmtContext<'a, S, N> {
740        FmtContext {
741            ctx,
742            fmt_fields: &self.fmt_fields,
743            event,
744        }
745    }
748/// A formatted representation of a span's fields stored in its [extensions].
750/// Because `FormattedFields` is generic over the type of the formatter that
751/// produced it, multiple versions of a span's formatted fields can be stored in
752/// the [`Extensions`][extensions] type-map. This means that when multiple
753/// formatters are in use, each can store its own formatted representation
754/// without conflicting.
756/// [extensions]: crate::registry::Extensions
758pub struct FormattedFields<E: ?Sized> {
759    _format_fields: PhantomData<fn(E)>,
760    was_ansi: bool,
761    /// The formatted fields of a span.
762    pub fields: String,
765impl<E: ?Sized> FormattedFields<E> {
766    /// Returns a new `FormattedFields`.
767    pub fn new(fields: String) -> Self {
768        Self {
769            fields,
770            was_ansi: false,
771            _format_fields: PhantomData,
772        }
773    }
775    /// Returns a new [`format::Writer`] for writing to this `FormattedFields`.
776    ///
777    /// The returned [`format::Writer`] can be used with the
778    /// [`FormatFields::format_fields`] method.
779    pub fn as_writer(&mut self) -> format::Writer<'_> {
780        format::Writer::new(&mut self.fields).with_ansi(self.was_ansi)
781    }
784impl<E: ?Sized> fmt::Debug for FormattedFields<E> {
785    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
786        f.debug_struct("FormattedFields")
787            .field("fields", &self.fields)
788            .field("formatter", &format_args!("{}", std::any::type_name::<E>()))
789            .field("was_ansi", &self.was_ansi)
790            .finish()
791    }
794impl<E: ?Sized> fmt::Display for FormattedFields<E> {
795    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
796        fmt::Display::fmt(&self.fields, f)
797    }
800impl<E: ?Sized> Deref for FormattedFields<E> {
801    type Target = String;
802    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
803        &self.fields
804    }
807// === impl FmtLayer ===
809macro_rules! with_event_from_span {
810    ($id:ident, $span:ident, $($field:literal = $value:expr),*, |$event:ident| $code:block) => {
811        let meta = $span.metadata();
812        let cs = meta.callsite();
813        let fs = field::FieldSet::new(&[$($field),*], cs);
814        #[allow(unused)]
815        let mut iter = fs.iter();
816        let v = [$(
817            (&, ::core::option::Option::Some(&$value as &dyn field::Value)),
818        )*];
819        let vs = fs.value_set(&v);
820        let $event = Event::new_child_of($id, meta, &vs);
821        $code
822    };
825impl<S, N, E, W> layer::Layer<S> for Layer<S, N, E, W>
827    S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>,
828    N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
829    E: FormatEvent<S, N> + 'static,
830    W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
832    fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &Attributes<'_>, id: &Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
833        let span = ctx.span(id).expect("Span not found, this is a bug");
834        let mut extensions = span.extensions_mut();
836        if extensions.get_mut::<FormattedFields<N>>().is_none() {
837            let mut fields = FormattedFields::<N>::new(String::new());
838            if self
839                .fmt_fields
840                .format_fields(fields.as_writer().with_ansi(self.is_ansi), attrs)
841                .is_ok()
842            {
843                fields.was_ansi = self.is_ansi;
844                extensions.insert(fields);
845            } else {
846                eprintln!(
847                    "[tracing-subscriber] Unable to format the following event, ignoring: {:?}",
848                    attrs
849                );
850            }
851        }
853        if self.fmt_span.fmt_timing
854            && self.fmt_span.trace_close()
855            && extensions.get_mut::<Timings>().is_none()
856        {
857            extensions.insert(Timings::new());
858        }
860        if self.fmt_span.trace_new() {
861            with_event_from_span!(id, span, "message" = "new", |event| {
862                drop(extensions);
863                drop(span);
864                self.on_event(&event, ctx);
865            });
866        }
867    }
869    fn on_record(&self, id: &Id, values: &Record<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
870        let span = ctx.span(id).expect("Span not found, this is a bug");
871        let mut extensions = span.extensions_mut();
872        if let Some(fields) = extensions.get_mut::<FormattedFields<N>>() {
873            let _ = self.fmt_fields.add_fields(fields, values);
874            return;
875        }
877        let mut fields = FormattedFields::<N>::new(String::new());
878        if self
879            .fmt_fields
880            .format_fields(fields.as_writer().with_ansi(self.is_ansi), values)
881            .is_ok()
882        {
883            fields.was_ansi = self.is_ansi;
884            extensions.insert(fields);
885        }
886    }
888    fn on_enter(&self, id: &Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
889        if self.fmt_span.trace_enter() || self.fmt_span.trace_close() && self.fmt_span.fmt_timing {
890            let span = ctx.span(id).expect("Span not found, this is a bug");
891            let mut extensions = span.extensions_mut();
892            if let Some(timings) = extensions.get_mut::<Timings>() {
893                let now = Instant::now();
894                timings.idle += (now - timings.last).as_nanos() as u64;
895                timings.last = now;
896            }
898            if self.fmt_span.trace_enter() {
899                with_event_from_span!(id, span, "message" = "enter", |event| {
900                    drop(extensions);
901                    drop(span);
902                    self.on_event(&event, ctx);
903                });
904            }
905        }
906    }
908    fn on_exit(&self, id: &Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
909        if self.fmt_span.trace_exit() || self.fmt_span.trace_close() && self.fmt_span.fmt_timing {
910            let span = ctx.span(id).expect("Span not found, this is a bug");
911            let mut extensions = span.extensions_mut();
912            if let Some(timings) = extensions.get_mut::<Timings>() {
913                let now = Instant::now();
914                timings.busy += (now - timings.last).as_nanos() as u64;
915                timings.last = now;
916            }
918            if self.fmt_span.trace_exit() {
919                with_event_from_span!(id, span, "message" = "exit", |event| {
920                    drop(extensions);
921                    drop(span);
922                    self.on_event(&event, ctx);
923                });
924            }
925        }
926    }
928    fn on_close(&self, id: Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
929        if self.fmt_span.trace_close() {
930            let span = ctx.span(&id).expect("Span not found, this is a bug");
931            let extensions = span.extensions();
932            if let Some(timing) = extensions.get::<Timings>() {
933                let Timings {
934                    busy,
935                    mut idle,
936                    last,
937                } = *timing;
938                idle += (Instant::now() - last).as_nanos() as u64;
940                let t_idle = field::display(TimingDisplay(idle));
941                let t_busy = field::display(TimingDisplay(busy));
943                with_event_from_span!(
944                    id,
945                    span,
946                    "message" = "close",
947                    "time.busy" = t_busy,
948                    "time.idle" = t_idle,
949                    |event| {
950                        drop(extensions);
951                        drop(span);
952                        self.on_event(&event, ctx);
953                    }
954                );
955            } else {
956                with_event_from_span!(id, span, "message" = "close", |event| {
957                    drop(extensions);
958                    drop(span);
959                    self.on_event(&event, ctx);
960                });
961            }
962        }
963    }
965    fn on_event(&self, event: &Event<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
966        thread_local! {
967            static BUF: RefCell<String> = const { RefCell::new(String::new()) };
968        }
970        BUF.with(|buf| {
971            let borrow = buf.try_borrow_mut();
972            let mut a;
973            let mut b;
974            let mut buf = match borrow {
975                Ok(buf) => {
976                    a = buf;
977                    &mut *a
978                }
979                _ => {
980                    b = String::new();
981                    &mut b
982                }
983            };
985            let ctx = self.make_ctx(ctx, event);
986            if self
987                .fmt_event
988                .format_event(
989                    &ctx,
990                    format::Writer::new(&mut buf).with_ansi(self.is_ansi),
991                    event,
992                )
993                .is_ok()
994            {
995                let mut writer = self.make_writer.make_writer_for(event.metadata());
996                let res = io::Write::write_all(&mut writer, buf.as_bytes());
997                if self.log_internal_errors {
998                    if let Err(e) = res {
999                        eprintln!("[tracing-subscriber] Unable to write an event to the Writer for this Subscriber! Error: {}\n", e);
1000                    }
1001                }
1002            } else if self.log_internal_errors {
1003                let err_msg = format!("Unable to format the following event. Name: {}; Fields: {:?}\n",
1004                    event.metadata().name(), event.fields());
1005                let mut writer = self.make_writer.make_writer_for(event.metadata());
1006                let res = io::Write::write_all(&mut writer, err_msg.as_bytes());
1007                if let Err(e) = res {
1008                    eprintln!("[tracing-subscriber] Unable to write an \"event formatting error\" to the Writer for this Subscriber! Error: {}\n", e);
1009                }
1010            }
1012            buf.clear();
1013        });
1014    }
1016    unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
1017        // This `downcast_raw` impl allows downcasting a `fmt` layer to any of
1018        // its components (event formatter, field formatter, and `MakeWriter`)
1019        // as well as to the layer's type itself. The potential use-cases for
1020        // this *may* be somewhat niche, though...
1021        match () {
1022            _ if id == TypeId::of::<Self>() => Some(self as *const Self as *const ()),
1023            _ if id == TypeId::of::<E>() => Some(&self.fmt_event as *const E as *const ()),
1024            _ if id == TypeId::of::<N>() => Some(&self.fmt_fields as *const N as *const ()),
1025            _ if id == TypeId::of::<W>() => Some(&self.make_writer as *const W as *const ()),
1026            _ => None,
1027        }
1028    }
1031/// Provides the current span context to a formatter.
1032pub struct FmtContext<'a, S, N> {
1033    pub(crate) ctx: Context<'a, S>,
1034    pub(crate) fmt_fields: &'a N,
1035    pub(crate) event: &'a Event<'a>,
1038impl<S, N> fmt::Debug for FmtContext<'_, S, N> {
1039    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1040        f.debug_struct("FmtContext").finish()
1041    }
1044impl<'writer, S, N> FormatFields<'writer> for FmtContext<'_, S, N>
1046    S: Subscriber + for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1047    N: FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
1049    fn format_fields<R: RecordFields>(
1050        &self,
1051        writer: format::Writer<'writer>,
1052        fields: R,
1053    ) -> fmt::Result {
1054        self.fmt_fields.format_fields(writer, fields)
1055    }
1058impl<S, N> FmtContext<'_, S, N>
1060    S: Subscriber + for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1061    N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
1063    /// Visits every span in the current context with a closure.
1064    ///
1065    /// The provided closure will be called first with the current span,
1066    /// and then with that span's parent, and then that span's parent,
1067    /// and so on until a root span is reached.
1068    pub fn visit_spans<E, F>(&self, mut f: F) -> Result<(), E>
1069    where
1070        F: FnMut(&SpanRef<'_, S>) -> Result<(), E>,
1071    {
1072        // visit all the current spans
1073        if let Some(scope) = self.event_scope() {
1074            for span in scope.from_root() {
1075                f(&span)?;
1076            }
1077        }
1078        Ok(())
1079    }
1081    /// Returns metadata for the span with the given `id`, if it exists.
1082    ///
1083    /// If this returns `None`, then no span exists for that ID (either it has
1084    /// closed or the ID is invalid).
1085    #[inline]
1086    pub fn metadata(&self, id: &Id) -> Option<&'static Metadata<'static>>
1087    where
1088        S: for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1089    {
1090        self.ctx.metadata(id)
1091    }
1093    /// Returns [stored data] for the span with the given `id`, if it exists.
1094    ///
1095    /// If this returns `None`, then no span exists for that ID (either it has
1096    /// closed or the ID is invalid).
1097    ///
1098    /// [stored data]: crate::registry::SpanRef
1099    #[inline]
1100    pub fn span(&self, id: &Id) -> Option<SpanRef<'_, S>>
1101    where
1102        S: for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1103    {
1104        self.ctx.span(id)
1105    }
1107    /// Returns `true` if an active span exists for the given `Id`.
1108    #[inline]
1109    pub fn exists(&self, id: &Id) -> bool
1110    where
1111        S: for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1112    {
1113        self.ctx.exists(id)
1114    }
1116    /// Returns [stored data] for the span that the wrapped subscriber considers
1117    /// to be the current.
1118    ///
1119    /// If this returns `None`, then we are not currently within a span.
1120    ///
1121    /// [stored data]: crate::registry::SpanRef
1122    #[inline]
1123    pub fn lookup_current(&self) -> Option<SpanRef<'_, S>>
1124    where
1125        S: for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1126    {
1127        self.ctx.lookup_current()
1128    }
1130    /// Returns the current span for this formatter.
1131    pub fn current_span(&self) -> Current {
1132        self.ctx.current_span()
1133    }
1135    /// Returns [stored data] for the parent span of the event currently being
1136    /// formatted.
1137    ///
1138    /// If the event has a contextual parent, this will return the current span. If
1139    /// the event has an explicit parent span, this will return that span. If
1140    /// the event does not have a parent span, this will return `None`.
1141    ///
1142    /// [stored data]: SpanRef
1143    pub fn parent_span(&self) -> Option<SpanRef<'_, S>> {
1144        self.ctx.event_span(self.event)
1145    }
1147    /// Returns an iterator over the [stored data] for all the spans in the
1148    /// current context, starting with the specified span and ending with the
1149    /// root of the trace tree and ending with the current span.
1150    ///
1151    /// This is equivalent to the [`Context::span_scope`] method.
1152    ///
1153    /// <div class="information">
1154    ///     <div class="tooltip ignore" style="">ⓘ<span class="tooltiptext">Note</span></div>
1155    /// </div>
1156    /// <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block">
1157    /// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
1158    /// <strong>Note</strong>: Compared to <a href="#method.scope"><code>scope</code></a> this
1159    /// returns the spans in reverse order (from leaf to root). Use
1160    /// <a href="../registry/struct.Scope.html#method.from_root"><code>Scope::from_root</code></a>
1161    /// in case root-to-leaf ordering is desired.
1162    /// </pre></div>
1163    ///
1164    /// <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block">
1165    /// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
1166    /// <strong>Note</strong>: This requires the wrapped subscriber to implement the
1167    /// <a href="../registry/trait.LookupSpan.html"><code>LookupSpan</code></a> trait.
1168    /// See the documentation on <a href="./struct.Context.html"><code>Context</code>'s
1169    /// declaration</a> for details.
1170    /// </pre></div>
1171    ///
1172    /// [stored data]: crate::registry::SpanRef
1173    pub fn span_scope(&self, id: &Id) -> Option<registry::Scope<'_, S>>
1174    where
1175        S: for<'lookup> LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1176    {
1177        self.ctx.span_scope(id)
1178    }
1180    /// Returns an iterator over the [stored data] for all the spans in the
1181    /// event's span context, starting with its parent span and ending with the
1182    /// root of the trace tree.
1183    ///
1184    /// This is equivalent to calling the [`Context::event_scope`] method and
1185    /// passing the event currently being formatted.
1186    ///
1187    /// <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block">
1188    /// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
1189    /// <strong>Note</strong>: Compared to <a href="#method.scope"><code>scope</code></a> this
1190    /// returns the spans in reverse order (from leaf to root). Use
1191    /// <a href="../registry/struct.Scope.html#method.from_root"><code>Scope::from_root</code></a>
1192    /// in case root-to-leaf ordering is desired.
1193    /// </pre></div>
1194    ///
1195    /// <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block">
1196    /// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
1197    /// <strong>Note</strong>: This requires the wrapped subscriber to implement the
1198    /// <a href="../registry/trait.LookupSpan.html"><code>LookupSpan</code></a> trait.
1199    /// See the documentation on <a href="./struct.Context.html"><code>Context</code>'s
1200    /// declaration</a> for details.
1201    /// </pre></div>
1202    ///
1203    /// [stored data]: crate::registry::SpanRef
1204    pub fn event_scope(&self) -> Option<registry::Scope<'_, S>>
1205    where
1206        S: for<'lookup> registry::LookupSpan<'lookup>,
1207    {
1208        self.ctx.event_scope(self.event)
1209    }
1211    /// Returns the [field formatter] configured by the subscriber invoking
1212    /// `format_event`.
1213    ///
1214    /// The event formatter may use the returned field formatter to format the
1215    /// fields of any events it records.
1216    ///
1217    /// [field formatter]: FormatFields
1218    pub fn field_format(&self) -> &N {
1219        self.fmt_fields
1220    }
1223struct Timings {
1224    idle: u64,
1225    busy: u64,
1226    last: Instant,
1229impl Timings {
1230    fn new() -> Self {
1231        Self {
1232            idle: 0,
1233            busy: 0,
1234            last: Instant::now(),
1235        }
1236    }
1240mod test {
1241    use super::*;
1242    use crate::fmt::{
1243        self,
1244        format::{self, test::MockTime, Format},
1245        layer::Layer as _,
1246        test::{MockMakeWriter, MockWriter},
1247        time,
1248    };
1249    use crate::Registry;
1250    use format::FmtSpan;
1251    use regex::Regex;
1252    use tracing::subscriber::with_default;
1253    use tracing_core::dispatcher::Dispatch;
1255    #[test]
1256    fn impls() {
1257        let f = Format::default().with_timer(time::Uptime::default());
1258        let fmt = fmt::Layer::default().event_format(f);
1259        let subscriber = fmt.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
1260        let _dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
1262        let f = format::Format::default();
1263        let fmt = fmt::Layer::default().event_format(f);
1264        let subscriber = fmt.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
1265        let _dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
1267        let f = format::Format::default().compact();
1268        let fmt = fmt::Layer::default().event_format(f);
1269        let subscriber = fmt.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
1270        let _dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
1271    }
1273    #[test]
1274    fn fmt_layer_downcasts() {
1275        let f = format::Format::default();
1276        let fmt = fmt::Layer::default().event_format(f);
1277        let subscriber = fmt.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
1279        let dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
1280        assert!(dispatch.downcast_ref::<fmt::Layer<Registry>>().is_some());
1281    }
1283    #[test]
1284    fn fmt_layer_downcasts_to_parts() {
1285        let f = format::Format::default();
1286        let fmt = fmt::Layer::default().event_format(f);
1287        let subscriber = fmt.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
1288        let dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
1289        assert!(dispatch.downcast_ref::<format::DefaultFields>().is_some());
1290        assert!(dispatch.downcast_ref::<format::Format>().is_some())
1291    }
1293    #[test]
1294    fn is_lookup_span() {
1295        fn assert_lookup_span<T: for<'a> crate::registry::LookupSpan<'a>>(_: T) {}
1296        let fmt = fmt::Layer::default();
1297        let subscriber = fmt.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
1298        assert_lookup_span(subscriber)
1299    }
1301    fn sanitize_timings(s: String) -> String {
1302        let re = Regex::new("time\\.(idle|busy)=([0-9.]+)[mµn]s").unwrap();
1303        re.replace_all(s.as_str(), "timing").to_string()
1304    }
1306    #[test]
1307    fn format_error_print_to_stderr() {
1308        struct AlwaysError;
1310        impl std::fmt::Debug for AlwaysError {
1311            fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
1312                Err(std::fmt::Error)
1313            }
1314        }
1316        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1317        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1318            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1319            .with_level(false)
1320            .with_ansi(false)
1321            .with_timer(MockTime)
1322            .finish();
1324        with_default(subscriber, || {
1325            tracing::info!(?AlwaysError);
1326        });
1327        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1329        // Only assert the start because the line number and callsite may change.
1330        let expected = concat!(
1331            "Unable to format the following event. Name: event ",
1332            file!(),
1333            ":"
1334        );
1335        assert!(
1336            actual.as_str().starts_with(expected),
1337            "\nactual = {}\nshould start with expected = {}\n",
1338            actual,
1339            expected
1340        );
1341    }
1343    #[test]
1344    fn format_error_ignore_if_log_internal_errors_is_false() {
1345        struct AlwaysError;
1347        impl std::fmt::Debug for AlwaysError {
1348            fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
1349                Err(std::fmt::Error)
1350            }
1351        }
1353        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1354        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1355            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1356            .with_level(false)
1357            .with_ansi(false)
1358            .with_timer(MockTime)
1359            .log_internal_errors(false)
1360            .finish();
1362        with_default(subscriber, || {
1363            tracing::info!(?AlwaysError);
1364        });
1365        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1366        assert_eq!("", actual.as_str());
1367    }
1369    #[test]
1370    fn synthesize_span_none() {
1371        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1372        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1373            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1374            .with_level(false)
1375            .with_ansi(false)
1376            .with_timer(MockTime)
1377            // check that FmtSpan::NONE is the default
1378            .finish();
1380        with_default(subscriber, || {
1381            let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", x = 42);
1382            let _e = span1.enter();
1383        });
1384        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1385        assert_eq!("", actual.as_str());
1386    }
1388    #[test]
1389    fn synthesize_span_active() {
1390        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1391        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1392            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1393            .with_level(false)
1394            .with_ansi(false)
1395            .with_timer(MockTime)
1396            .with_span_events(FmtSpan::ACTIVE)
1397            .finish();
1399        with_default(subscriber, || {
1400            let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", x = 42);
1401            let _e = span1.enter();
1402        });
1403        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1404        assert_eq!(
1405            "fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: enter\n\
1406             fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: exit\n",
1407            actual.as_str()
1408        );
1409    }
1411    #[test]
1412    fn synthesize_span_close() {
1413        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1414        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1415            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1416            .with_level(false)
1417            .with_ansi(false)
1418            .with_timer(MockTime)
1419            .with_span_events(FmtSpan::CLOSE)
1420            .finish();
1422        with_default(subscriber, || {
1423            let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", x = 42);
1424            let _e = span1.enter();
1425        });
1426        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1427        assert_eq!(
1428            "fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: close timing timing\n",
1429            actual.as_str()
1430        );
1431    }
1433    #[test]
1434    fn synthesize_span_close_no_timing() {
1435        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1436        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1437            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1438            .with_level(false)
1439            .with_ansi(false)
1440            .with_timer(MockTime)
1441            .without_time()
1442            .with_span_events(FmtSpan::CLOSE)
1443            .finish();
1445        with_default(subscriber, || {
1446            let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", x = 42);
1447            let _e = span1.enter();
1448        });
1449        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1450        assert_eq!(
1451            "span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: close\n",
1452            actual.as_str()
1453        );
1454    }
1456    #[test]
1457    fn synthesize_span_full() {
1458        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1459        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1460            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1461            .with_level(false)
1462            .with_ansi(false)
1463            .with_timer(MockTime)
1464            .with_span_events(FmtSpan::FULL)
1465            .finish();
1467        with_default(subscriber, || {
1468            let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", x = 42);
1469            let _e = span1.enter();
1470        });
1471        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1472        assert_eq!(
1473            "fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: new\n\
1474             fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: enter\n\
1475             fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: exit\n\
1476             fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: close timing timing\n",
1477            actual.as_str()
1478        );
1479    }
1481    #[test]
1482    fn make_writer_based_on_meta() {
1483        struct MakeByTarget {
1484            make_writer1: MockMakeWriter,
1485            make_writer2: MockMakeWriter,
1486        }
1488        impl<'a> MakeWriter<'a> for MakeByTarget {
1489            type Writer = MockWriter;
1491            fn make_writer(&'a self) -> Self::Writer {
1492                self.make_writer1.make_writer()
1493            }
1495            fn make_writer_for(&'a self, meta: &Metadata<'_>) -> Self::Writer {
1496                if == "writer2" {
1497                    return self.make_writer2.make_writer();
1498                }
1499                self.make_writer()
1500            }
1501        }
1503        let make_writer1 = MockMakeWriter::default();
1504        let make_writer2 = MockMakeWriter::default();
1506        let make_writer = MakeByTarget {
1507            make_writer1: make_writer1.clone(),
1508            make_writer2: make_writer2.clone(),
1509        };
1511        let subscriber = crate::fmt::Subscriber::builder()
1512            .with_writer(make_writer)
1513            .with_level(false)
1514            .with_target(false)
1515            .with_ansi(false)
1516            .with_timer(MockTime)
1517            .with_span_events(FmtSpan::CLOSE)
1518            .finish();
1520        with_default(subscriber, || {
1521            let span1 = tracing::info_span!("writer1_span", x = 42);
1522            let _e = span1.enter();
1523            tracing::info!(target: "writer2", "hello writer2!");
1524            let span2 = tracing::info_span!(target: "writer2", "writer2_span");
1525            let _e = span2.enter();
1526            tracing::warn!(target: "writer1", "hello writer1!");
1527        });
1529        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer1.get_string());
1530        assert_eq!(
1531            "fake time writer1_span{x=42}:writer2_span: hello writer1!\n\
1532             fake time writer1_span{x=42}: close timing timing\n",
1533            actual.as_str()
1534        );
1535        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer2.get_string());
1536        assert_eq!(
1537            "fake time writer1_span{x=42}: hello writer2!\n\
1538             fake time writer1_span{x=42}:writer2_span: close timing timing\n",
1539            actual.as_str()
1540        );
1541    }
1543    // Because we need to modify an environment variable for these test cases,
1544    // we do them all in a single test.
1545    #[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
1546    #[test]
1547    fn layer_no_color() {
1548        const NO_COLOR: &str = "NO_COLOR";
1550        // Restores the previous value of the `NO_COLOR` env variable when
1551        // dropped.
1552        //
1553        // This is done in a `Drop` implementation, rather than just resetting
1554        // the value at the end of the test, so that the previous value is
1555        // restored even if the test panics.
1556        struct RestoreEnvVar(Result<String, env::VarError>);
1557        impl Drop for RestoreEnvVar {
1558            fn drop(&mut self) {
1559                match self.0 {
1560                    Ok(ref var) => env::set_var(NO_COLOR, var),
1561                    Err(_) => env::remove_var(NO_COLOR),
1562                }
1563            }
1564        }
1566        let _saved_no_color = RestoreEnvVar(env::var(NO_COLOR));
1568        let cases: Vec<(Option<&str>, bool)> = vec![
1569            (Some("0"), false),   // any non-empty value disables ansi
1570            (Some("off"), false), // any non-empty value disables ansi
1571            (Some("1"), false),
1572            (Some(""), true), // empty value does not disable ansi
1573            (None, true),
1574        ];
1576        for (var, ansi) in cases {
1577            if let Some(value) = var {
1578                env::set_var(NO_COLOR, value);
1579            } else {
1580                env::remove_var(NO_COLOR);
1581            }
1583            let layer: Layer<()> = fmt::Layer::default();
1584            assert_eq!(
1585                layer.is_ansi, ansi,
1586                "NO_COLOR={:?}; Layer::default().is_ansi should be {}",
1587                var, ansi
1588            );
1590            // with_ansi should override any `NO_COLOR` value
1591            let layer: Layer<()> = fmt::Layer::default().with_ansi(true);
1592            assert!(
1593                layer.is_ansi,
1594                "NO_COLOR={:?}; Layer::default().with_ansi(true).is_ansi should be true",
1595                var
1596            );
1598            // set_ansi should override any `NO_COLOR` value
1599            let mut layer: Layer<()> = fmt::Layer::default();
1600            layer.set_ansi(true);
1601            assert!(
1602                layer.is_ansi,
1603                "NO_COLOR={:?}; layer.set_ansi(true); layer.is_ansi should be true",
1604                var
1605            );
1606        }
1608        // dropping `_saved_no_color` will restore the previous value of
1609        // `NO_COLOR`.
1610    }
1612    // Validates that span event configuration can be modified with a reload handle
1613    #[test]
1614    fn modify_span_events() {
1615        let make_writer = MockMakeWriter::default();
1617        let inner_layer = fmt::Layer::default()
1618            .with_writer(make_writer.clone())
1619            .with_level(false)
1620            .with_ansi(false)
1621            .with_timer(MockTime)
1622            .with_span_events(FmtSpan::ACTIVE);
1624        let (reloadable_layer, reload_handle) =
1625            crate::reload::Layer::new(inner_layer);
1626        let reload = reloadable_layer.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
1628        with_default(reload, || {
1629            {
1630                let span1 = tracing::info_span!("span1", x = 42);
1631                let _e = span1.enter();
1632            }
1634            let _ = reload_handle.modify(|s| s.set_span_events(FmtSpan::NONE));
1636            // this span should not be logged at all!
1637            {
1638                let span2 = tracing::info_span!("span2", x = 100);
1639                let _e = span2.enter();
1640            }
1642            {
1643                let span3 = tracing::info_span!("span3", x = 42);
1644                let _e = span3.enter();
1646                // The span config was modified after span3 was already entered.
1647                // We should only see an exit
1648                let _ = reload_handle.modify(|s| s.set_span_events(FmtSpan::ACTIVE));
1649            }
1650        });
1651        let actual = sanitize_timings(make_writer.get_string());
1652        assert_eq!(
1653            "fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: enter\n\
1654             fake time span1{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: exit\n\
1655             fake time span3{x=42}: tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt_layer::test: exit\n",
1656            actual.as_str()
1657        );
1658    }