1use crate::{
29 nibble_ops::NIBBLE_LENGTH,
30 node::{Node, NodeHandle, NodeHandlePlan, NodePlan, OwnedNode, ValuePlan},
31 rstd::{boxed::Box, convert::TryInto, marker::PhantomData, result, sync::Arc, vec, vec::Vec},
32 CError, ChildReference, DBValue, NibbleVec, NodeCodec, Result, TrieDB, TrieDBRawIterator,
33 TrieError, TrieHash, TrieLayout,
35use hash_db::{HashDB, Prefix};
37const OMIT_VALUE_HASH: crate::node::Value<'static> = crate::node::Value::Inline(&[]);
39struct EncoderStackEntry<C: NodeCodec> {
40 prefix: NibbleVec,
42 node: Arc<OwnedNode<DBValue>>,
44 child_index: usize,
47 omit_children: Vec<bool>,
49 omit_value: bool,
51 output_index: usize,
54 _marker: PhantomData<C>,
57impl<C: NodeCodec> EncoderStackEntry<C> {
58 fn advance_child_index(
67 &mut self,
68 child_prefix: &NibbleVec,
69 ) -> result::Result<(), &'static str> {
70 match self.node.node_plan() {
71 NodePlan::Empty | NodePlan::Leaf { .. } =>
72 return Err("empty and leaf nodes have no children"),
73 NodePlan::Extension { .. } =>
74 if self.child_index != 0 {
75 return Err("extension node cannot have multiple children")
76 },
77 NodePlan::Branch { .. } => {
78 if child_prefix.len() <= self.prefix.len() {
79 return Err("child_prefix does not contain prefix")
80 }
81 let child_index = child_prefix.at(self.prefix.len()) as usize;
82 if child_index < self.child_index {
83 return Err("iterator returned children in non-ascending order by prefix")
84 }
85 self.child_index = child_index;
86 },
87 NodePlan::NibbledBranch { partial, .. } => {
88 if child_prefix.len() <= self.prefix.len() + partial.len() {
89 return Err("child_prefix does not contain prefix and node partial")
90 }
91 let child_index = child_prefix.at(self.prefix.len() + partial.len()) as usize;
92 if child_index < self.child_index {
93 return Err("iterator returned children in non-ascending order by prefix")
94 }
95 self.child_index = child_index;
96 },
97 }
98 Ok(())
99 }
101 fn encode_node(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, C::HashOut, C::Error> {
103 let node_data = self.node.data();
104 let node_plan = self.node.node_plan();
105 let mut encoded = match node_plan {
106 NodePlan::Empty => node_data.to_vec(),
107 NodePlan::Leaf { partial, value: _ } =>
108 if self.omit_value {
109 let partial = partial.build(node_data);
110 C::leaf_node(partial.right_iter(), partial.len(), OMIT_VALUE_HASH)
111 } else {
112 node_data.to_vec()
113 },
114 NodePlan::Extension { partial, child: _ } =>
115 if !self.omit_children[0] {
116 node_data.to_vec()
117 } else {
118 let partial = partial.build(node_data);
119 let empty_child = ChildReference::Inline(C::HashOut::default(), 0);
120 C::extension_node(partial.right_iter(), partial.len(), empty_child)
121 },
122 NodePlan::Branch { value, children } => {
123 let value = if self.omit_value {
124 value.is_some().then_some(OMIT_VALUE_HASH)
125 } else {
126 value.as_ref().map(|v| v.build(node_data))
127 };
128 C::branch_node(
129 Self::branch_children(node_data, &children, &self.omit_children)?.iter(),
130 value,
131 )
132 },
133 NodePlan::NibbledBranch { partial, value, children } => {
134 let partial = partial.build(node_data);
135 let value = if self.omit_value {
136 value.is_some().then_some(OMIT_VALUE_HASH)
137 } else {
138 value.as_ref().map(|v| v.build(node_data))
139 };
140 C::branch_node_nibbled(
141 partial.right_iter(),
142 partial.len(),
143 Self::branch_children(node_data, &children, &self.omit_children)?.iter(),
144 value,
145 )
146 },
147 };
149 if self.omit_value {
150 if let Some(header) = C::ESCAPE_HEADER {
151 encoded.insert(0, header);
152 } else {
153 return Err(Box::new(TrieError::InvalidStateRoot(Default::default())))
154 }
155 }
156 Ok(encoded)
157 }
159 fn branch_children(
165 node_data: &[u8],
166 child_handles: &[Option<NodeHandlePlan>; NIBBLE_LENGTH],
167 omit_children: &[bool],
168 ) -> Result<[Option<ChildReference<C::HashOut>>; NIBBLE_LENGTH], C::HashOut, C::Error> {
169 let empty_child = ChildReference::Inline(C::HashOut::default(), 0);
170 let mut children = [None; NIBBLE_LENGTH];
171 for i in 0..NIBBLE_LENGTH {
172 children[i] = if omit_children[i] {
173 Some(empty_child)
174 } else if let Some(child_plan) = &child_handles[i] {
175 let child_ref = child_plan.build(node_data).try_into().map_err(|hash| {
176 Box::new(TrieError::InvalidHash(C::HashOut::default(), hash))
177 })?;
178 Some(child_ref)
179 } else {
180 None
181 };
182 }
183 Ok(children)
184 }
187fn detached_value<L: TrieLayout>(
191 db: &TrieDB<L>,
192 value: &ValuePlan,
193 node_data: &[u8],
194 node_prefix: Prefix,
195) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
196 let fetched;
197 match value {
198 ValuePlan::Node(hash_plan) => {
199 if let Ok(value) =
200 TrieDBRawIterator::fetch_value(db, &node_data[hash_plan.clone()], node_prefix)
201 {
202 fetched = value;
203 } else {
204 return None
205 }
206 },
207 _ => return None,
208 }
209 Some(fetched)
212pub fn encode_compact<L>(db: &TrieDB<L>) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, TrieHash<L>, CError<L>>
221 L: TrieLayout,
223 let mut output = Vec::new();
225 let mut stack: Vec<EncoderStackEntry<L::Codec>> = Vec::new();
229 let mut iter = TrieDBRawIterator::new(db)?;
235 while let Some(item) = iter.next_raw_item(db, true) {
240 match item {
241 Ok((prefix, node_hash, node)) => {
242 if node_hash.is_none() {
245 continue
246 }
248 while let Some(mut last_entry) = stack.pop() {
253 if prefix.starts_with(&last_entry.prefix) {
254 last_entry.advance_child_index(&prefix).expect(
257 "all errors from advance_child_index indicate bugs with \
258 TrieDBRawIterator or this function",
259 );
260 last_entry.omit_children[last_entry.child_index] = true;
261 last_entry.child_index += 1;
262 stack.push(last_entry);
263 break
264 } else {
265 output[last_entry.output_index] = last_entry.encode_node()?;
266 }
267 }
269 let (children_len, detached_value) = match node.node_plan() {
270 NodePlan::Empty => (0, None),
271 NodePlan::Leaf { value, .. } =>
272 (0, detached_value(db, value, node.data(), prefix.as_prefix())),
273 NodePlan::Extension { .. } => (1, None),
274 NodePlan::NibbledBranch { value: Some(value), .. } |
275 NodePlan::Branch { value: Some(value), .. } =>
276 (NIBBLE_LENGTH, detached_value(db, value, node.data(), prefix.as_prefix())),
277 NodePlan::NibbledBranch { value: None, .. } |
278 NodePlan::Branch { value: None, .. } => (NIBBLE_LENGTH, None),
279 };
281 stack.push(EncoderStackEntry {
282 prefix: prefix.clone(),
283 node: node.clone(),
284 child_index: 0,
285 omit_children: vec![false; children_len],
286 omit_value: detached_value.is_some(),
287 output_index: output.len(),
288 _marker: PhantomData::default(),
289 });
290 output.push(Vec::new());
293 if let Some(value) = detached_value {
294 output.push(value);
295 }
296 },
297 Err(err) => match *err {
298 TrieError::IncompleteDatabase(_) => {},
302 _ => return Err(err),
303 },
304 }
305 }
307 while let Some(mut entry) = stack.pop() {
308 output[entry.output_index] = entry.encode_node()?;
309 }
311 Ok(output)
314struct DecoderStackEntry<'a, C: NodeCodec> {
315 node: Node<'a>,
316 child_index: usize,
319 children: Vec<Option<ChildReference<C::HashOut>>>,
321 attached_value: Option<&'a [u8]>,
323 _marker: PhantomData<C>,
326impl<'a, C: NodeCodec> DecoderStackEntry<'a, C> {
327 fn advance_child_index(&mut self) -> Result<bool, C::HashOut, C::Error> {
336 match self.node {
337 Node::Extension(_, child) if self.child_index == 0 => {
338 match child {
339 NodeHandle::Inline(data) if data.is_empty() => return Ok(false),
340 _ => {
341 let child_ref = child.try_into().map_err(|hash| {
342 Box::new(TrieError::InvalidHash(C::HashOut::default(), hash))
343 })?;
344 self.children[self.child_index] = Some(child_ref);
345 },
346 }
347 self.child_index += 1;
348 },
349 Node::Branch(children, _) | Node::NibbledBranch(_, children, _) => {
350 while self.child_index < NIBBLE_LENGTH {
351 match children[self.child_index] {
352 Some(NodeHandle::Inline(data)) if data.is_empty() => return Ok(false),
353 Some(child) => {
354 let child_ref = child.try_into().map_err(|hash| {
355 Box::new(TrieError::InvalidHash(C::HashOut::default(), hash))
356 })?;
357 self.children[self.child_index] = Some(child_ref);
358 },
359 None => {},
360 }
361 self.child_index += 1;
362 }
363 },
364 _ => {},
365 }
366 Ok(true)
367 }
369 fn push_to_prefix(&self, prefix: &mut NibbleVec) {
372 match self.node {
373 Node::Empty => {},
374 Node::Leaf(partial, _) | Node::Extension(partial, _) => {
375 prefix.append_partial(partial.right());
376 },
377 Node::Branch(_, _) => {
378 prefix.push(self.child_index as u8);
379 },
380 Node::NibbledBranch(partial, _, _) => {
381 prefix.append_partial(partial.right());
382 prefix.push(self.child_index as u8);
383 },
384 }
385 }
387 fn pop_from_prefix(&self, prefix: &mut NibbleVec) {
390 match self.node {
391 Node::Empty => {},
392 Node::Leaf(partial, _) | Node::Extension(partial, _) => {
393 prefix.drop_lasts(partial.len());
394 },
395 Node::Branch(_, _) => {
396 prefix.pop();
397 },
398 Node::NibbledBranch(partial, _, _) => {
399 prefix.pop();
400 prefix.drop_lasts(partial.len());
401 },
402 }
403 }
405 fn encode_node(self, attached_hash: Option<&[u8]>) -> Vec<u8> {
410 let attached_hash = attached_hash.map(|h| crate::node::Value::Node(h));
411 match self.node {
412 Node::Empty => C::empty_node().to_vec(),
413 Node::Leaf(partial, value) =>
414 C::leaf_node(partial.right_iter(), partial.len(), attached_hash.unwrap_or(value)),
415 Node::Extension(partial, _) => C::extension_node(
416 partial.right_iter(),
417 partial.len(),
418 self.children[0].expect("required by method precondition; qed"),
419 ),
420 Node::Branch(_, value) => C::branch_node(
421 self.children.into_iter(),
422 if attached_hash.is_some() { attached_hash } else { value },
423 ),
424 Node::NibbledBranch(partial, _, value) => C::branch_node_nibbled(
425 partial.right_iter(),
426 partial.len(),
427 self.children.iter(),
428 if attached_hash.is_some() { attached_hash } else { value },
429 ),
430 }
431 }
434pub fn decode_compact<L, DB>(
447 db: &mut DB,
448 encoded: &[Vec<u8>],
449) -> Result<(TrieHash<L>, usize), TrieHash<L>, CError<L>>
451 L: TrieLayout,
452 DB: HashDB<L::Hash, DBValue>,
454 decode_compact_from_iter::<L, DB, _>(db, encoded.iter().map(Vec::as_slice))
457pub fn decode_compact_from_iter<'a, L, DB, I>(
459 db: &mut DB,
460 encoded: I,
461) -> Result<(TrieHash<L>, usize), TrieHash<L>, CError<L>>
463 L: TrieLayout,
464 DB: HashDB<L::Hash, DBValue>,
465 I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a [u8]>,
467 let mut stack: Vec<DecoderStackEntry<L::Codec>> = Vec::new();
471 let mut prefix = NibbleVec::new();
474 let mut iter = encoded.into_iter().enumerate();
475 while let Some((i, encoded_node)) = iter.next() {
476 let mut attached_node = 0;
477 if let Some(header) = L::Codec::ESCAPE_HEADER {
478 if encoded_node.starts_with(&[header]) {
479 attached_node = 1;
480 }
481 }
482 let node = L::Codec::decode(&encoded_node[attached_node..])
483 .map_err(|err| Box::new(TrieError::DecoderError(<TrieHash<L>>::default(), err)))?;
485 let children_len = match node {
486 Node::Empty | Node::Leaf(..) => 0,
487 Node::Extension(..) => 1,
488 Node::Branch(..) | Node::NibbledBranch(..) => NIBBLE_LENGTH,
489 };
490 let mut last_entry = DecoderStackEntry {
491 node,
492 child_index: 0,
493 children: vec![None; children_len],
494 attached_value: None,
495 _marker: PhantomData::default(),
496 };
498 if attached_node > 0 {
499 if let Some((_, fetched_value)) = iter.next() {
501 last_entry.attached_value = Some(fetched_value);
502 } else {
503 return Err(Box::new(TrieError::IncompleteDatabase(<TrieHash<L>>::default())))
504 }
505 }
507 loop {
508 if !last_entry.advance_child_index()? {
509 last_entry.push_to_prefix(&mut prefix);
510 stack.push(last_entry);
511 break
512 }
514 let hash = last_entry
517 .attached_value
518 .as_ref()
519 .map(|value| db.insert(prefix.as_prefix(), value));
520 let node_data = last_entry.encode_node(hash.as_ref().map(|h| h.as_ref()));
521 let node_hash = db.insert(prefix.as_prefix(), node_data.as_ref());
523 if let Some(entry) = stack.pop() {
524 last_entry = entry;
525 last_entry.pop_from_prefix(&mut prefix);
526 last_entry.children[last_entry.child_index] = Some(ChildReference::Hash(node_hash));
527 last_entry.child_index += 1;
528 } else {
529 return Ok((node_hash, i + 1))
530 }
531 }
532 }
534 Err(Box::new(TrieError::IncompleteDatabase(<TrieHash<L>>::default())))