use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::fmt::Result as FmtResult;
use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
use nom::bytes::complete::take_while;
use nom::bytes::complete::take_while1;
use nom::character::complete::digit1;
use nom::combinator::cut;
use nom::combinator::eof;
use nom::combinator::fail;
use nom::combinator::opt;
use nom::error::ErrorKind;
use nom::error::VerboseError;
use nom::error::VerboseErrorKind;
use nom::multi::many0;
use nom::multi::many1;
use nom::Finish;
use nom::IResult;
use twenty_first::bfe;
use twenty_first::prelude::BFieldElement;
use crate::instruction::AnInstruction;
use crate::instruction::AssertionContext;
use crate::instruction::Instruction;
use crate::instruction::LabelledInstruction;
use crate::instruction::TypeHint;
use crate::instruction::ALL_INSTRUCTION_NAMES;
use crate::op_stack::NumberOfWords;
use crate::op_stack::OpStackElement;
const KEYWORDS: [&str; 3] = [
"error_message", ];
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ParseError<'a> {
pub input: &'a str,
pub errors: VerboseError<&'a str>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum InstructionToken<'a> {
Instruction(AnInstruction<String>, &'a str),
Label(String, &'a str),
Breakpoint(&'a str),
TypeHint(TypeHint, &'a str),
AssertionContext(AssertionContext, &'a str),
impl Display for ParseError<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {
let mut errors = self.errors.clone();
if matches!(
Some((_, VerboseErrorKind::Nom(ErrorKind::Fail | ErrorKind::Eof)))
) {
write!(f, "{}", nom::error::convert_error(self.input, errors))
impl Error for ParseError<'_> {}
impl<'a> InstructionToken<'a> {
pub fn token_str(&self) -> &'a str {
match self {
Self::Instruction(_, token_str) => token_str,
Self::Label(_, token_str) => token_str,
Self::Breakpoint(token_str) => token_str,
Self::TypeHint(_, token_str) => token_str,
Self::AssertionContext(_, token_str) => token_str,
pub fn to_labelled_instruction(&self) -> LabelledInstruction {
match self {
Self::Instruction(instr, _) => LabelledInstruction::Instruction(instr.to_owned()),
Self::Label(label, _) => LabelledInstruction::Label(label.to_owned()),
Self::Breakpoint(_) => LabelledInstruction::Breakpoint,
Self::TypeHint(type_hint, _) => LabelledInstruction::TypeHint(type_hint.to_owned()),
Self::AssertionContext(ctx, _) => LabelledInstruction::AssertionContext(ctx.to_owned()),
pub fn to_labelled_instructions(instructions: &[InstructionToken]) -> Vec<LabelledInstruction> {
.map(|instruction| instruction.to_labelled_instruction())
pub(crate) fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Vec<InstructionToken>, ParseError> {
let (_, instructions) = tokenize(input)
.map_err(|errors| ParseError { input, errors })?;
ensure_no_missing_or_duplicate_labels(input, &instructions)?;
ensure_assertion_context_is_matched_with_assertion(input, &instructions)?;
fn ensure_no_missing_or_duplicate_labels<'a>(
input: &'a str,
instructions: &[InstructionToken<'a>],
) -> Result<(), ParseError<'a>> {
let mut seen_labels = HashMap::<_, InstructionToken>::default();
let mut duplicate_labels = HashSet::default();
for instruction in instructions {
if let InstructionToken::Label(label, _) = instruction {
if let Some(first_occurrence) = seen_labels.get(label.as_str()) {
} else {
seen_labels.insert(label.as_str(), instruction.to_owned());
let missing_labels = identify_missing_labels(instructions, seen_labels);
if duplicate_labels.is_empty() && missing_labels.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let errors = errors_for_duplicate_and_missing_labels(duplicate_labels, missing_labels);
Err(ParseError { input, errors })
fn identify_missing_labels<'a>(
instructions: &[InstructionToken<'a>],
seen_labels: HashMap<&str, InstructionToken>,
) -> HashSet<InstructionToken<'a>> {
let mut missing_labels = HashSet::default();
for instruction in instructions {
if let InstructionToken::Instruction(AnInstruction::Call(label), _) = instruction {
if !seen_labels.contains_key(label.as_str()) {
fn errors_for_duplicate_and_missing_labels<'a>(
duplicate_labels: HashSet<InstructionToken<'a>>,
missing_labels: HashSet<InstructionToken<'a>>,
) -> VerboseError<&'a str> {
let duplicate_label_error_context = VerboseErrorKind::Context("duplicate label");
let missing_label_error_context = VerboseErrorKind::Context("missing label");
let duplicate_label_errors =
errors_for_labels_with_context(duplicate_labels, duplicate_label_error_context);
let missing_label_errors =
errors_for_labels_with_context(missing_labels, missing_label_error_context);
let errors = [duplicate_label_errors, missing_label_errors].concat();
VerboseError { errors }
fn errors_for_labels_with_context(
labels: HashSet<InstructionToken>,
context: VerboseErrorKind,
) -> Vec<(&str, VerboseErrorKind)> {
.map(|label| (label.token_str(), context.clone()))
fn ensure_assertion_context_is_matched_with_assertion<'a>(
input: &'a str,
instructions: &[InstructionToken<'a>],
) -> Result<(), ParseError<'a>> {
type IT<'a> = InstructionToken<'a>;
let mut accept_id = false;
let mut incorrectly_placed_contexts = HashSet::new();
for instruction in instructions {
match instruction {
IT::Instruction(AnInstruction::Assert | AnInstruction::AssertVector, _) => {
accept_id = true;
IT::AssertionContext(AssertionContext::ID(_), _) => {
if !accept_id {
accept_id = false;
_ => accept_id = false,
let parser_context = VerboseErrorKind::Context("incorrectly placed assertion context");
let errors = errors_for_labels_with_context(incorrectly_placed_contexts, parser_context);
if errors.is_empty() {
} else {
let errors = VerboseError { errors };
Err(ParseError { input, errors })
type ParseResult<'input, Out> = IResult<&'input str, Out, VerboseError<&'input str>>;
pub fn tokenize(s: &str) -> ParseResult<Vec<InstructionToken>> {
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace0(s)?;
let (s, instructions) = many0(alt((
let (s, _) = nom::error::context("expecting label, instruction or eof", eof)(s)?;
Ok((s, instructions))
fn label(label_s: &str) -> ParseResult<InstructionToken> {
let (s, addr) = label_addr(label_s)?;
let (s, _) = whitespace0(s)?; let (s, _) = token0(":")(s)?; if is_illegal_label(&addr) {
let failure_reason = "label must be neither instruction nor keyword";
return cut(nom::error::context(failure_reason, fail))(label_s);
Ok((s, InstructionToken::Label(addr, label_s)))
fn breakpoint(breakpoint_s: &str) -> ParseResult<InstructionToken> {
let (s, _) = token1("break")(breakpoint_s)?;
Ok((s, InstructionToken::Breakpoint(breakpoint_s)))
fn labelled_instruction(s_instr: &str) -> ParseResult<InstructionToken> {
let (s, instr) = an_instruction(s_instr)?;
Ok((s, InstructionToken::Instruction(instr, s_instr)))
fn an_instruction(s: &str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
let pop = pop_instruction();
let push = push_instruction();
let divine = divine_instruction();
let pick = pick_instruction();
let place = place_instruction();
let dup = dup_instruction();
let swap = swap_instruction();
let opstack_manipulation = alt((pop, push, divine, pick, place, dup, swap));
let halt = instruction("halt", AnInstruction::Halt);
let nop = instruction("nop", AnInstruction::Nop);
let skiz = instruction("skiz", AnInstruction::Skiz);
let call = call_instruction();
let return_ = instruction("return", AnInstruction::Return);
let recurse = instruction("recurse", AnInstruction::Recurse);
let recurse_or_return = instruction("recurse_or_return", AnInstruction::RecurseOrReturn);
let assert = instruction("assert", AnInstruction::Assert);
let control_flow = alt((nop, skiz, call, return_, halt));
let read_mem = read_mem_instruction();
let write_mem = write_mem_instruction();
let memory_access = alt((read_mem, write_mem));
let hash = instruction("hash", AnInstruction::Hash);
let assert_vector = instruction("assert_vector", AnInstruction::AssertVector);
let sponge_init = instruction("sponge_init", AnInstruction::SpongeInit);
let sponge_absorb = instruction("sponge_absorb", AnInstruction::SpongeAbsorb);
let sponge_absorb_mem = instruction("sponge_absorb_mem", AnInstruction::SpongeAbsorbMem);
let sponge_squeeze = instruction("sponge_squeeze", AnInstruction::SpongeSqueeze);
let hashing_related = alt((hash, sponge_init, sponge_squeeze));
let add = instruction("add", AnInstruction::Add);
let addi = addi_instruction();
let mul = instruction("mul", AnInstruction::Mul);
let invert = instruction("invert", AnInstruction::Invert);
let eq = instruction("eq", AnInstruction::Eq);
let split = instruction("split", AnInstruction::Split);
let lt = instruction("lt", AnInstruction::Lt);
let and = instruction("and", AnInstruction::And);
let xor = instruction("xor", AnInstruction::Xor);
let log_2_floor = instruction("log_2_floor", AnInstruction::Log2Floor);
let pow = instruction("pow", AnInstruction::Pow);
let div_mod = instruction("div_mod", AnInstruction::DivMod);
let pop_count = instruction("pop_count", AnInstruction::PopCount);
let xx_add = instruction("xx_add", AnInstruction::XxAdd);
let xx_mul = instruction("xx_mul", AnInstruction::XxMul);
let x_invert = instruction("x_invert", AnInstruction::XInvert);
let xb_mul = instruction("xb_mul", AnInstruction::XbMul);
let base_field_arithmetic_on_stack = alt((mul, invert, eq));
let bitwise_arithmetic_on_stack =
alt((split, lt, and, xor, log_2_floor, pow, div_mod, pop_count));
let extension_field_arithmetic_on_stack = alt((xx_add, xx_mul, x_invert, xb_mul));
let arithmetic_on_stack = alt((
let read_io = read_io_instruction();
let write_io = write_io_instruction();
let read_write = alt((read_io, write_io));
let merkle_step = instruction("merkle_step", AnInstruction::MerkleStep);
let merkle_step_mem = instruction("merkle_step_mem", AnInstruction::MerkleStepMem);
let xx_dot_step = instruction("xx_dot_step", AnInstruction::XxDotStep);
let xb_dot_step = instruction("xb_dot_step", AnInstruction::XbDotStep);
let many_to_one = alt((xx_dot_step, xb_dot_step));
let syntax_ambiguous = alt((
fn is_illegal_label(s: &str) -> bool {
ALL_INSTRUCTION_NAMES.contains(&s) || KEYWORDS.contains(&s)
fn instruction<'a>(
name: &'a str,
instruction: AnInstruction<String>,
) -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &'a str| {
let (s, _) = token1(name)(s)?;
Ok((s, instruction.clone()))
fn pop_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("pop")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = number_of_words(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Pop(arg)))
fn push_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("push")(s)?;
let (s, elem) = field_element(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Push(elem)))
fn addi_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("addi")(s)?;
let (s, elem) = field_element(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::AddI(elem)))
fn divine_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("divine")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = number_of_words(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Divine(arg)))
fn pick_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("pick")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = stack_register(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Pick(arg)))
fn place_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("place")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = stack_register(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Place(arg)))
fn dup_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("dup")(s)?; let (s, stack_register) = stack_register(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Dup(stack_register)))
fn swap_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("swap")(s)?;
let (s, stack_register) = stack_register(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Swap(stack_register)))
fn call_instruction<'a>() -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &'a str| {
let (s, _) = token1("call")(s)?;
let (s, label) = label_addr(s)?;
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace1(s)?;
if is_illegal_label(&label) {
let failure_reason = "label must be neither instruction nor keyword";
return cut(nom::error::context(failure_reason, fail))(s);
Ok((s, AnInstruction::Call(label)))
fn read_mem_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("read_mem")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = number_of_words(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::ReadMem(arg)))
fn write_mem_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("write_mem")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = number_of_words(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::WriteMem(arg)))
fn read_io_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("read_io")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = number_of_words(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::ReadIo(arg)))
fn write_io_instruction() -> impl Fn(&str) -> ParseResult<AnInstruction<String>> {
move |s: &str| {
let (s, _) = token1("write_io")(s)?;
let (s, arg) = number_of_words(s)?;
Ok((s, AnInstruction::WriteIo(arg)))
fn field_element(s_orig: &str) -> ParseResult<BFieldElement> {
let (s, negative) = opt(token0("-"))(s_orig)?;
let (s, n) = digit1(s)?;
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace1(s)?;
let Ok(mut n): Result<i128, _> = n.parse() else {
return nom::error::context("out-of-bounds constant", fail)(s);
let quotient = i128::from(BFieldElement::P);
if n >= quotient {
return nom::error::context("out-of-bounds constant", fail)(s_orig);
if negative.is_some() {
n *= -1;
n += quotient;
Ok((s, BFieldElement::new(n as u64)))
fn stack_register(s: &str) -> ParseResult<OpStackElement> {
let (s, n) = digit1(s)?;
let stack_register = match n {
"0" => OpStackElement::ST0,
"1" => OpStackElement::ST1,
"2" => OpStackElement::ST2,
"3" => OpStackElement::ST3,
"4" => OpStackElement::ST4,
"5" => OpStackElement::ST5,
"6" => OpStackElement::ST6,
"7" => OpStackElement::ST7,
"8" => OpStackElement::ST8,
"9" => OpStackElement::ST9,
"10" => OpStackElement::ST10,
"11" => OpStackElement::ST11,
"12" => OpStackElement::ST12,
"13" => OpStackElement::ST13,
"14" => OpStackElement::ST14,
"15" => OpStackElement::ST15,
_ => {
let failure_reason = "using an out-of-bounds stack register (0-15 exist)";
return nom::error::context(failure_reason, fail)(s);
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace1(s)?;
Ok((s, stack_register))
fn number_of_words(s: &str) -> ParseResult<NumberOfWords> {
let (s, n) = digit1(s)?;
let arg = match n {
"1" => NumberOfWords::N1,
"2" => NumberOfWords::N2,
"3" => NumberOfWords::N3,
"4" => NumberOfWords::N4,
"5" => NumberOfWords::N5,
_ => return nom::error::context("using an out-of-bounds argument (1-5 allowed)", fail)(s),
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace1(s)?; Ok((s, arg))
fn label_addr(s_orig: &str) -> ParseResult<String> {
let (s, addr_part_0) = take_while1(is_label_start_char)(s_orig)?;
if addr_part_0.is_empty() {
let failure_reason = "label must start with an alphabetic character or underscore";
return nom::error::context(failure_reason, fail)(s_orig);
let (s, addr_part_1) = take_while(is_label_char)(s)?;
Ok((s, format!("{addr_part_0}{addr_part_1}")))
fn is_label_start_char(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_alphabetic() || c == '_'
fn is_label_char(c: char) -> bool {
is_label_start_char(c) || c.is_numeric() || c == '-'
fn comment_or_whitespace0(s: &str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
let (s, _) = many0(alt((comment1, whitespace1)))(s)?;
Ok((s, ""))
fn comment_or_whitespace1<'a>(s: &'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, &'a str> {
let cws1 = |s: &'a str| -> ParseResult<&str> {
let (s, _) = many1(alt((comment1, whitespace1)))(s)?;
Ok((s, ""))
alt((eof, cws1))(s)
fn comment1(s: &str) -> ParseResult<()> {
let (s, _) = tag("//")(s)?;
let (s, _) = take_while(|c| !is_linebreak(c))(s)?;
Ok((s, ()))
fn whitespace0(s: &str) -> ParseResult<()> {
let (s, _) = take_while(|c: char| c.is_whitespace())(s)?;
Ok((s, ()))
fn whitespace1(s: &str) -> ParseResult<()> {
let (s, _) = take_while1(|c: char| c.is_whitespace())(s)?;
Ok((s, ()))
fn is_linebreak(c: char) -> bool {
c == '\r' || c == '\n'
fn token0<'a>(token: &'a str) -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, ()> {
move |s: &'a str| {
let (s, _) = tag(token)(s)?;
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace0(s)?;
Ok((s, ()))
fn token1<'a>(token: &'a str) -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> ParseResult<'a, ()> {
move |s: &'a str| {
let (s, _) = tag(token)(s)?;
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace1(s)?;
Ok((s, ()))
fn type_hint(s_type_hint: &str) -> ParseResult<InstructionToken> {
let (s, _) = token1("hint")(s_type_hint)?;
let (s, variable_name) = type_hint_variable_name(s)?;
let (s, type_name) = type_hint_type_name(s)?;
let (s, range_start) = type_hint_starting_index(s)?;
let (s, maybe_range_end) = type_hint_ending_index(s)?;
let (s, _) = whitespace0(s)?;
let (s, _) = token0("]")(s)?;
let length = match maybe_range_end {
Some(range_end) if range_end <= range_start => {
let failure_reason = "range end must be greater than range start";
return cut(nom::error::context(failure_reason, fail))(s);
Some(range_end) => range_end - range_start,
None => 1,
let type_hint = TypeHint {
starting_index: range_start,
Ok((s, InstructionToken::TypeHint(type_hint, s_type_hint)))
fn type_hint_variable_name(s: &str) -> ParseResult<String> {
let (s, variable_name_start) = take_while1(is_type_hint_variable_name_start_character)(s)?;
let (s, variable_name_end) = take_while(is_type_hint_variable_name_character)(s)?;
let (s, _) = whitespace0(s)?;
let variable_name = format!("{variable_name_start}{variable_name_end}");
Ok((s, variable_name))
fn type_hint_type_name(s: &str) -> ParseResult<Option<String>> {
let Ok((s, _)) = token0(":")(s) else {
return Ok((s, None));
let (s, type_name_start) = take_while1(is_type_hint_type_name_start_character)(s)?;
let (s, type_name_end) = take_while(is_type_hint_type_name_character)(s)?;
let (s, _) = whitespace0(s)?;
let type_name = format!("{type_name_start}{type_name_end}");
Ok((s, Some(type_name)))
fn type_hint_ending_index(s: &str) -> ParseResult<Option<usize>> {
let Ok((s, _)) = token0("..")(s) else {
return Ok((s, None));
let (s, range_end) = take_while(|c: char| c.is_numeric())(s)?;
let (_, range_end) = parse_str_to_usize(range_end)?;
Ok((s, Some(range_end)))
fn type_hint_starting_index(s: &str) -> ParseResult<usize> {
let (s, _) = token0("=")(s)?;
let (s, _) = token0("stack[")(s)?;
let (s, range_start) = take_while(|c: char| c.is_numeric())(s)?;
let (_, range_start) = parse_str_to_usize(range_start)?;
let (s, _) = whitespace0(s)?;
Ok((s, range_start))
fn is_type_hint_variable_name_start_character(c: char) -> bool {
(c.is_alphabetic() && c.is_lowercase()) || c == '_'
fn is_type_hint_variable_name_character(c: char) -> bool {
is_type_hint_variable_name_start_character(c) || c.is_numeric()
fn is_type_hint_type_name_start_character(c: char) -> bool {
fn is_type_hint_type_name_character(c: char) -> bool {
is_type_hint_type_name_start_character(c) || c.is_numeric() || c == '_'
fn parse_str_to_usize(s: &str) -> ParseResult<usize> {
match s.parse::<usize>() {
Ok(u) => Ok((s, u)),
Err(_) => cut(nom::error::context("integer conversion failure", fail))(s),
fn assertion_context(s_ctx: &str) -> ParseResult<InstructionToken> {
let (s, assertion_context) = assertion_context_id(s_ctx)?;
let assertion_context = InstructionToken::AssertionContext(assertion_context, s_ctx);
Ok((s, assertion_context))
fn assertion_context_id(s_ctx: &str) -> ParseResult<AssertionContext> {
let (s, _) = token1("error_id")(s_ctx)?;
let (s, id) = nom::character::complete::i128(s)?;
let (s, _) = comment_or_whitespace1(s)?;
let assertion_context = AssertionContext::ID(id);
Ok((s, assertion_context))
pub(crate) fn build_label_to_address_map(program: &[LabelledInstruction]) -> HashMap<String, u64> {
let mut label_map = HashMap::new();
let mut instruction_pointer = 0;
for labelled_instruction in program {
if let LabelledInstruction::Instruction(instruction) = labelled_instruction {
instruction_pointer += instruction.size() as u64;
let LabelledInstruction::Label(label) = labelled_instruction else {
let Entry::Vacant(new_label_map_entry) = label_map.entry(label.clone()) else {
panic!("Duplicate label: {label}");
pub(crate) fn turn_labels_into_addresses(
labelled_instructions: &[LabelledInstruction],
label_to_address: &HashMap<String, u64>,
) -> Vec<Instruction> {
fn turn_label_to_address_for_instruction(
labelled_instruction: &LabelledInstruction,
label_map: &HashMap<String, u64>,
) -> Option<Instruction> {
let LabelledInstruction::Instruction(instruction) = labelled_instruction else {
return None;
let instruction_with_absolute_address =
instruction.map_call_address(|label| address_for_label(label, label_map));
fn address_for_label(label: &str, label_map: &HashMap<String, u64>) -> BFieldElement {
let maybe_address = label_map.get(label).map(|&a| bfe!(a));
maybe_address.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Label not found: {label}"))
.filter_map(|inst| turn_label_to_address_for_instruction(inst, label_to_address))
.flat_map(|inst| vec![inst; inst.size()])
pub(crate) mod tests {
use assert2::assert;
use assert2::let_assert;
use itertools::Itertools;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use proptest_arbitrary_interop::arb;
use rand::Rng;
use strum::EnumCount;
use test_strategy::proptest;
use test_strategy::Arbitrary;
use twenty_first::bfe;
use twenty_first::prelude::Digest;
use crate::triton_asm;
use crate::triton_instr;
use crate::triton_program;
use super::*;
struct TestCase<'a> {
input: &'a str,
expected: Vec<Instruction>,
message: &'static str,
struct NegativeTestCase<'a> {
input: &'a str,
expected_error: &'static str,
expected_error_count: usize,
message: &'static str,
impl TestCase<'_> {
fn run(&self) {
let message = self.message;
let parse_result = parse(self.input).map_err(|err| format!("{message}:\n{err}"));
let_assert!(Ok(actual) = parse_result);
let labelled_instructions = to_labelled_instructions(&actual);
let label_to_address = build_label_to_address_map(&labelled_instructions);
let instructions =
turn_labels_into_addresses(&labelled_instructions, &label_to_address);
assert!(self.expected == instructions, "{message}");
impl NegativeTestCase<'_> {
fn run(self) {
let Self {
} = self;
let parse_result = parse(input);
if let Ok(instructions) = parse_result {
eprintln!("parser input: {input}");
eprintln!("parser output: {instructions:?}");
panic!("parser should fail, but didn't: {message}");
let actual_error = parse_result.map_err(|e| e.to_string()).unwrap_err();
let actual_error_count = actual_error.match_indices(expected_error).count();
if expected_error_count != actual_error_count {
eprintln!("Expected error message ({expected_error_count} times):");
eprintln!("Actual error message (found {actual_error_count} times):");
panic!("Additional context: {message}");
fn parse_program_empty() {
TestCase {
input: "",
expected: vec![],
message: "empty string should parse as empty program",
TestCase {
input: " ",
expected: vec![],
message: "spaces should parse as empty program",
TestCase {
input: "\n",
expected: vec![],
message: "linebreaks should parse as empty program (1)",
TestCase {
input: " \n ",
expected: vec![],
message: "linebreaks should parse as empty program (2)",
TestCase {
input: " \n \n",
expected: vec![],
message: "linebreaks should parse as empty program (3)",
TestCase {
input: "// empty program",
expected: vec![],
message: "single comment should parse as empty program",
TestCase {
input: "// empty program\n",
expected: vec![],
message: "single comment with linebreak should parse as empty program",
TestCase {
input: "// multi-line\n// comment",
expected: vec![],
message: "multiple comments should parse as empty program",
TestCase {
input: "// multi-line\n// comment\n ",
expected: vec![],
message: "multiple comments with trailing whitespace should parse as empty program",
fn arbitrary_whitespace_and_comment_sequence_is_empty_program(whitespace: Vec<Whitespace>) {
let whitespace = whitespace.into_iter().join("");
TestCase {
input: &whitespace,
expected: vec![],
message: "arbitrary whitespace should parse as empty program",
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, EnumCount, Arbitrary)]
enum Whitespace {
impl Display for Whitespace {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult {
match self {
Self::Space => write!(f, " "),
Self::Tab => write!(f, "\t"),
Self::CarriageReturn => write!(f, "\r"),
Self::LineFeed => writeln!(f),
Self::CarriageReturnLineFeed => writeln!(f, "\r"),
Self::Comment => writeln!(f, " // comment"),
fn parse_program_whitespace() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "poppop",
expected_error: "n/a",
expected_error_count: 0,
message: "whitespace required between instructions (pop)",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "dup 0dup 0",
expected_error: "n/a",
expected_error_count: 0,
message: "whitespace required between instructions (dup 0)",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "swap 10swap 10",
expected_error: "n/a",
expected_error_count: 0,
message: "whitespace required between instructions (swap 10)",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "push10",
expected_error: "n/a",
expected_error_count: 0,
message: "push requires whitespace before its constant",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "push 10pop",
expected_error: "n/a",
expected_error_count: 0,
message: "push requires whitespace after its constant",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hello: callhello",
expected_error: "n/a",
expected_error_count: 0,
message: "call requires whitespace before its label",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hello: popcall hello",
expected_error: "n/a",
expected_error_count: 0,
message: "required space between pop and call",
fn parse_program_label() {
TestCase {
input: "foo: call foo",
expected: vec![Instruction::Call(bfe!(0)), Instruction::Call(bfe!(0))],
message: "parse labels and calls to labels",
TestCase {
input: "foo:call foo",
expected: vec![Instruction::Call(bfe!(0)), Instruction::Call(bfe!(0))],
message: "whitespace is not required after 'label:'",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "foo: pop 1 foo: pop 1 call foo",
expected_error: "duplicate label",
expected_error_count: 2,
message: "labels cannot occur twice",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "foo: pop 1 call herp call derp",
expected_error: "missing label",
expected_error_count: 2,
message: "non-existent labels cannot be called",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "pop: call pop",
expected_error: "label must be neither instruction nor keyword",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "label names may not overlap with instruction names",
TestCase {
input: "pops: call pops",
expected: vec![Instruction::Call(bfe!(0)), Instruction::Call(bfe!(0))],
message: "labels that share a common prefix with instruction are labels",
TestCase {
input: "_call: call _call",
expected: vec![Instruction::Call(bfe!(0)), Instruction::Call(bfe!(0))],
message: "labels that share a common suffix with instruction are labels",
fn parse_program_nonexistent_instructions() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "pop 0",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "instruction `pop` cannot take argument `0`",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "swap 16",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "there is no swap 16 instruction",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "dup 16",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "there is no dup 16 instruction",
fn parse_program_bracket_syntax() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "foo: [foo]",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "brackets as call syntax sugar are unsupported",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "foo: [bar]",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "brackets as call syntax sugar are unsupported",
fn parse_program_label_must_start_with_alphabetic_character_or_underscore() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "1foo: call 1foo",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "labels cannot start with a digit",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "-foo: call -foo",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "labels cannot start with a dash",
TestCase {
input: "_foo: call _foo",
expected: vec![Instruction::Call(bfe!(0)), Instruction::Call(bfe!(0))],
message: "labels can start with an underscore",
fn parse_type_hint_with_zero_length_range() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hint foo: Type = stack[0..0]",
expected_error: "range end must be greater than range start",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with zero-length range",
fn parse_type_hint_with_range_and_offset_and_missing_closing_bracket() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hint foo: Type = stack[2..5",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with range and offset and missing closing bracket",
fn parse_type_hint_with_range_and_offset_and_missing_opening_bracket() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hint foo: Type = stack2..5]",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with range and offset and missing opening bracket",
fn parse_type_hint_with_range_and_offset_and_missing_equals_sign() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hint foo: Type stack[2..5];",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with range and offset and missing equals sign",
fn parse_type_hint_with_range_and_offset_and_missing_type_name() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hint foo: = stack[2..5]",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with range and offset and missing type name",
fn parse_type_hint_with_range_and_offset_and_missing_variable_name() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hint : Type = stack[2..5]",
expected_error: "label must be neither instruction nor keyword",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with range and offset and missing variable name",
fn parse_type_hint_with_range_and_offset_and_missing_colon() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "hint foo Type = stack[2..5]",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with range and offset and missing colon",
fn parse_type_hint_with_range_and_offset_and_missing_hint() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "foo: Type = stack[2..5];",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "parse type hint with range and offset and missing hint",
fn parse_simple_assertion_contexts() {
TestCase {
input: "assert",
expected: vec![Instruction::Assert],
message: "naked assert",
TestCase {
input: "assert_vector",
expected: vec![Instruction::AssertVector],
message: "naked assert_vector",
TestCase {
input: "assert error_id 42",
expected: vec![Instruction::Assert],
message: "assert, then id",
TestCase {
input: "assert_vector error_id 42",
expected: vec![Instruction::AssertVector],
message: "assert_vector, then id",
TestCase {
input: "assert error_id -42",
expected: vec![Instruction::Assert],
message: "assert, then negative id",
TestCase {
input: "assert_vector error_id -42",
expected: vec![Instruction::AssertVector],
message: "assert_vector, then negative id",
TestCase {
input: "assert error_id 42 nop",
expected: vec![Instruction::Assert, Instruction::Nop],
message: "assert, then id, then nop",
TestCase {
input: "assert_vector error_id 42 nop",
expected: vec![Instruction::AssertVector, Instruction::Nop],
message: "assert_vector, then id, then nop",
fn assertion_context_error_id_can_handle_edge_case_ids() {
let instructions = [
("assert", Instruction::Assert),
("assert_vector", Instruction::AssertVector),
let ids = [i128::MIN, -1, 0, 1, i128::MAX];
for ((instruction_str, instruction), id) in instructions.into_iter().cartesian_product(ids)
TestCase {
input: &format!("{instruction_str} error_id {id}"),
expected: vec![instruction],
message: "assert, then edge case id",
fn assertion_context_error_id_fails_on_too_large_error_ids() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "assert error_id -170141183460469231731687303715884105729",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "error id smaller than i128::MIN",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "assert error_id 170141183460469231731687303715884105728",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "error id larger than i128::MAX",
fn assertion_context_error_id_can_handle_any_valid_id(id: i128) {
TestCase {
input: &format!("assert error_id {id}"),
expected: vec![Instruction::Assert],
message: "assert, then random id",
fn parse_erroneous_assertion_contexts_for_assert() {
NegativeTestCase {
input: "assert error_id",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "missing id after keyword `error_id`",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "assert error id 42",
expected_error: "expecting label, instruction or eof",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "incorrect keyword `error id`",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "error_id 42",
expected_error: "incorrectly placed assertion context",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "standalone assertion context",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "error_id 42 error_id 42",
expected_error: "incorrectly placed assertion context",
expected_error_count: 2,
message: "multiple standalone assertion contexts",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "nop error_id 42",
expected_error: "incorrectly placed assertion context",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "error id without assertion",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "assert error_id 42 error_id 1337",
expected_error: "incorrectly placed assertion context",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "multiple error ids for the same assertion",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "assert_vector error_id 42 error_id 1337",
expected_error: "incorrectly placed assertion context",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "multiple error ids for the same vector assertion",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "error_id 42 assert",
expected_error: "incorrectly placed assertion context",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "error id precedes assertion",
NegativeTestCase {
input: "error_id 42 assert error_id 1337",
expected_error: "incorrectly placed assertion context",
expected_error_count: 1,
message: "first error id precedes assertion",
fn assertion_context_error_id_fails_for_invalid_id(
#[strategy(proptest::strategy::Union::new(["assert", "assert_vector"]))]
instruction: String,
#[filter(#id.parse::<i128>().is_err())] id: String,
) {
if let Some(comment_idx) = id.find("//") {
let (id, _) = id.split_at(comment_idx);
let input = format!("{instruction} error_id {id}");
fn type_hint_to_string_to_type_hint_is_identity(#[strategy(arb())] type_hint: TypeHint) {
let type_hint_string = type_hint.to_string();
let instruction_tokens =
parse(&type_hint_string).map_err(|err| TestCaseError::Fail(format!("{err}").into()))?;
let labelled_instructions = to_labelled_instructions(&instruction_tokens);
prop_assert_eq!(1, labelled_instructions.len());
let first_labelled_instruction = labelled_instructions[0].clone();
let_assert!(LabelledInstruction::TypeHint(parsed_type_hint) = first_labelled_instruction);
prop_assert_eq!(type_hint, parsed_type_hint);
fn assertion_context_to_string_to_assertion_context_is_identity(
#[strategy(arb())] context: AssertionContext,
) {
let assert_with_context = format!("assert {context}");
let instruction_tokens = parse(&assert_with_context)
.map_err(|err| TestCaseError::Fail(format!("{err}").into()))?;
let labelled_instructions = to_labelled_instructions(&instruction_tokens);
prop_assert_eq!(2, labelled_instructions.len());
let_assert!(LabelledInstruction::AssertionContext(parsed) = &labelled_instructions[1]);
prop_assert_eq!(&context, parsed);
fn triton_asm_macro() {
let instructions = triton_asm!(write_io 3 push 17 call huh lt swap 3);
fn triton_asm_macro_with_a_single_return() {
let instructions = triton_asm!(return);
fn triton_asm_macro_with_a_single_assert() {
let instructions = triton_asm!(assert);
fn triton_asm_macro_with_only_assert_and_return() {
let instructions = triton_asm!(assert return);
fn triton_program_macro() {
let program = triton_program!(
call routine_1
call routine_2 halt
call routine_3
push 18 push 7 add
push 25 eq assert
nop nop
fn triton_program_macro_interpolates_various_types() {
let push_arg = rand::rng().random_range(0..BFieldElement::P);
let instruction_push =
let swap_argument = "1";
triton_program!({instruction_push} push {push_arg} swap {swap_argument} eq assert halt);
fn triton_instruction_macro_parses_simple_instructions() {
triton_instr!(pop 3)
#[should_panic(expected = "not_an_instruction")]
fn triton_instruction_macro_fails_when_encountering_unknown_instruction() {
fn triton_instruction_macro_parses_instructions_with_argument() {
triton_instr!(push 7)
triton_instr!(dup 3)
triton_instr!(swap 5)
triton_instr!(call my_label)
fn triton_asm_macro_can_repeat_instructions() {
let instructions = triton_asm![push 42; 3];
let expected_instructions =
vec![LabelledInstruction::Instruction(AnInstruction::Push(bfe!(42))); 3];
assert_eq!(expected_instructions, instructions);
let instructions = triton_asm![read_io 2; 15];
let expected_instructions =
vec![LabelledInstruction::Instruction(AnInstruction::ReadIo(NumberOfWords::N2)); 15];
assert_eq!(expected_instructions, instructions);
let instructions = triton_asm![divine 3; Digest::LEN];
let expected_instructions =
assert_eq!(expected_instructions, instructions);
fn break_gets_turned_into_labelled_instruction() {
let instructions = triton_asm![break];
let expected_instructions = vec![LabelledInstruction::Breakpoint];
assert_eq!(expected_instructions, instructions);
fn break_does_not_propagate_to_full_program() {
let program = triton_program! { break halt break };
assert_eq!(1, program.len_bwords());