trunkls 0.1.0

A language server for Trunk's custom HTML attributes
trunkls-0.1.0 is not a library.

Trunkls is an LSP server that provides hover, and completions for clients.

The provided hover and completions are based off of trunk's assets section with some slight modifications to make them more readable in editors.


After cloning the repository, you can run cargo install --path trunkls to compile and install the binary.


Running vsce package inside trunkls/vscode will build the extension. From there you can select the extension file and install it through VsCode.

Depending on your setup you may have to run npm install in the trunkls/vscode directory.


The exact steps will differ depending on your config, but using lspconfig it can be setup as so.

local configs = require("lspconfig.configs")
configs.trunkls = {
	default_config = {
		cmd = { "trunkls" },
		root_dir = vim.uv.cwd(),
		filetypes = { 'html' }


Trunkls accepts a log file via -o for debugging purposes.

The logs will be filtered via the environment variable RUST_LOG=....