Module trust_dns_proto::rr::rdata

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All record data structures and related serialization methods


  • pub use self::a::A;
  • pub use self::aaaa::AAAA;
  • pub use self::caa::CAA;
  • pub use self::csync::CSYNC;
  • pub use self::hinfo::HINFO;
  • pub use self::https::HTTPS;
  • pub use self::mx::MX;
  • pub use self::name::ANAME;
  • pub use self::name::CNAME;
  • pub use self::name::NS;
  • pub use self::name::PTR;
  • pub use self::naptr::NAPTR;
  • pub use self::null::NULL;
  • pub use self::openpgpkey::OPENPGPKEY;
  • pub use self::opt::OPT;
  • pub use self::soa::SOA;
  • pub use self::srv::SRV;
  • pub use self::sshfp::SSHFP;
  • pub use self::svcb::SVCB;
  • pub use self::tlsa::TLSA;
  • pub use self::txt::TXT;


  • IPv4 address record data
  • IPv6 address record data
  • allows a DNS domain name holder to specify one or more Certification Authorities (CAs) authorized to issue certificates for that domain.
  • CSYNC record for synchronizing data from a child zone to the parent
  • HINFO record for storing host information
  • HTTPS type and related implementations
  • mail exchange, email, record
  • Record type for all cname like records.
  • Dynamic Delegation Discovery System
  • null record type, generally not used except as an internal tool for representing null data
  • OPENPGPKEY records for OpenPGP public keys
  • option record for passing protocol options between the client and server
  • start of authority record defining ownership and defaults for the zone
  • service records for identify port mapping for specific services on a host
  • SSHFP records for SSH public key fingerprints
  • TLSA records for storing TLS certificate validation information
  • text records for storing arbitrary data