Type Definition trust_dns_resolver::ResolverFuture

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pub type ResolverFuture = TokioAsyncResolver;
👎Deprecated: use [trust_dns_resolver::AsyncResolver] instead
Available on crate feature tokio-runtime only.
Expand description

This is an alias for AsyncResolver, which replaced the type previously called ResolverFuture.


For users of ResolverFuture, the return type for ResolverFuture::new has changed since version 0.9 of trust-dns-resolver. It now returns a tuple of an AsyncResolver and a background future, which must be spawned on a reactor before any lookup futures will run.

See the AsyncResolver documentation for more information on how to use the background future.



impl TokioAsyncResolver


pub fn tokio(config: ResolverConfig, options: ResolverOpts) -> Self

Construct a new Tokio based AsyncResolver with the provided configuration.

  • config - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
  • options - basic lookup options for the resolver

A tuple containing the new AsyncResolver and a future that drives the background task that runs resolutions for the AsyncResolver. See the documentation for AsyncResolver for more information on how to use the background future.


pub fn tokio_from_system_conf() -> Result<Self, ResolveError>

Available on crate feature system-config and (Unix or Windows) only.

Constructs a new Tokio based Resolver with the system configuration.

This will use /etc/resolv.conf on Unix OSes and the registry on Windows.