var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["tuple_utils"] = {"doc":"A simple set of utility traits for working with tuples","items":[[8,"Append","tuple_utils","Helper trait to allow Appending of tuples",null,null],[16,"Output","","",0,null],[10,"append","","Append T onto the end of the tuple returning\na new tuple with the existing elements and T",0,null],[8,"Prepend","","Helper trait to allow Perpending of tuples",null,null],[16,"Output","","",1,null],[10,"prepend","","Append T onto the start of the tuple returning\na new tuple with all the elements from shifted\nover one row and T in the first slot",1,null],[8,"Merge","","Helper trait that allow for merging of tuples",null,null],[16,"Output","","",2,null],[10,"merge","","merge LHS with RHS returning a new tuple\nthat contains the elements of both tuples\nordering is preserved such that LHS elements\ncome before RHS elements.",2,null]],"paths":[[8,"Append"],[8,"Prepend"],[8,"Merge"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);