1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
//! Dedicated to chasing the [`bat` man](
//! Extra syntax and theme definitions for
//! [`syntect`] including many common ones
//! that are missing from the default set like TOML, TypeScript, and Dockerfile.
//! Curated by the [`bat` Project](
//! ## Example
//! The following
//! ```cmd
//! $ cargo add two-face --features syntect-default-onig
//! ```
//! ```
//! use two_face::re_exports::syntect;
//! const TOML_TEXT: &str = "\
//! [section]
//! key = 123
//! ";
//! fn main() {
//! let syn_set = two_face::syntax::extra_newlines();
//! let theme_set = two_face::theme::extra();
//! let syn_ref = syn_set.find_syntax_by_extension("toml").unwrap();
//! let theme = theme_set.get(two_face::theme::EmbeddedThemeName::Nord);
//! let htmlified = syntect::html::highlighted_html_for_string(
//! &syn_set,
//! syn_ref,
//! theme
//! ).unwrap();
//! // Where `htmlified` displays as vv
//! # assert_eq!(htmlified, "<pre style=\"background-color:#2e3440;\">\n<span style=\"color:#d8dee9;\">[section]\n</span><span style=\"color:#81a1c1;\">key </span><span style=\"color:#d8dee9;\">= </span><span style=\"color:#b48ead;\">123\n</span></pre>\n");
//! }
//! ```
//! where `htmlified` displays as
//! <pre style="background-color:#2e3440;">
//! <span style="color:#d8dee9;">[section]
//! </span><span style="color:#81a1c1;">key </span><span style="color:#d8dee9;">= </span><span style="color:#b48ead;">123
//! </span></pre>
//! ## Feature Flags
//! The feature flags are divided by `syntect`'s underlying regex implementation
//! with [`Oniguruma`]( aka `onig` being the
//! default and [`fancy-regex`]( aka
//! `fancy` as an alternative pure-Rust implementation. `fancy`: however, doesn't
//! support all of the features used by some of the syntax definitions, so some of
//! the defintions are excluded when `fancy` is selected\* to keep the regex
//! compilation infallible. This means that it's important to match whichever regex
//! implementation `syntect` is using
//! _\* This is also why fancy's bundled syntax definitions are smaller than onig's_
//! default: `syntect-onig`
//! | Feature | Desc. |
//! | :---: | :--- |
//! | `syntect-onig` / `syntect-fancy` | Enables the minimal feature set that we require from `syntect` |
//! | `syntect-default-onig` / `syntect-default-fancy` | The mimimal feature sets along with `syntect`'s default feature set (useful when using the `syntect` re-export) |
//! ## Embedded Asset Sizes
//! This crate embeds some reasonably large assets in the final binary in order to
//! work. Luckily the linker is smart enough to discard unused assets, so you
//! generally only pay for what you use
//! For reference here are the sizes associated with their different functions
//! | function | `two-face` (KiB) | `syntect` (KiB) |
//! | ---: | ---: | ---: |
//! | [`acknowledgement::listing()`] | 10 | - |
//! | [`syntax::extra_newlines()`] (onig) | 920 | 360 |
//! | ^^ (fancy) | 865 | 360 |
//! | [`syntax::extra_no_newlines()`] (onig) | 919 | 359 |
//! | ^^ (fancy) | 864 | 359 |
//! | [`theme::extra()`] | 45 | 5 |
//! In short the syntax definitions are the real chonky part, and if you're
//! switching from `syntect` to `two-face`, then you can expect a ~0.5MiB increase
//! in binary size from them (in exchange for _a lot_ of syntax definitions)
//! ## Syntaxes
//! The full listing of all syntaxes included in [`syntax`]
//! - \* Excluded when using the `fancy-regex` implementation
//! - † Included in `syntect`'s bundled defaults
//! | | Syntax Definition |
//! | :---: | :---: |
//! | A | ActionScript†, Ada, Apache Conf, AppleScript†, AsciiDoc, ASP†, ARM Assembly\*, Assembly (x86\_64), AWK |
//! | B | Bash†, Batch File†, BibTeX† |
//! | C | C†, C#†, C++†, Cabal, CFML, Clojure†, CMake, CoffeeScript, Crontab, Crystal, CSS†, CSV† |
//! | D | D†, Dart, Dockerfile, DotENV, Diff† |
//! | E | Elixir, Elm, Email, Erlang† |
//! | F | F#, Fish, Fortran |
//! | G | Git (commit, config, ignore, etc.)†, GLSL, Go†, GraphQL, Graphviz (DOT)†, Groff/troff†, Groovy† |
//! | H | Haskell†, HTML† |
//! | I | INI |
//! | J | Java†, Javadoc†, Java Server Page (JSP)†, JavaScript†, JavaScript (Babel)\*, Jinja2, JQ, JSON†, Julia |
//! | K | Kotlin |
//! | L | LaTeX†, LaTeX Log†, Lean, LESS, Lisp†, Literate Haskell†, LiveScript\*, LLVM, Lua† |
//! | M | Makefile†, Manpage, Markdown†, MATLAB†, Mediawiki, MutliMarkdown† |
//! | N | NAnt Build File†, Nginx, Nim, Ninja, Nix, NSIS |
//! | O | Objective-C†, Objective-C++†, OCaml†, OCamllex†, OCamlyacc†, Org Mode |
//! | P | Pascal†, Perl†, PHP†, PowerShell\*, Protobuf, Puppet, PureScript, Python† |
//! | Q | QML |
//! | R | R†, Racket, Rd†, Rego, Regular Expression†, Requirements.txt, reStructuredText†, Robot Framework, Ruby†, Ruby Haml†, Ruby on Rails†, Ruby Slim, Rust† |
//! | S | Sass\*, Scala†, SCSS, Salt State SLS\*, SML, Solidity, SQL†, Strace, Stylus, Svelte, Swift, SystemVerilog |
//! | T | Tcl†, Terraform, TeX†, Textile†, Todo.txt, TOML, TypeScript, TypescriptReact |
//! | V | Varlink, Verilog, VimL, Vue, Vyper |
//! | W | WGSL |
//! | X | XML† |
//! | Y | YAML† |
//! | Z | Zig |
//! ## Themes
//! _Note: For visual examples of all of the embedded themes look at the docs for
//! [`theme::EmbeddedThemeName`]_
//! The full listing of themes provided by [`theme`]. Many of these themes
//! only make sense situationally, so you'll likely want to only expose a subset
//! - † Included in `syntect`'s bundled defaults
//! | | Theme |
//! | :---: | :---: |
//! | 1 | 1337 (aka leet) |
//! | A | Ansi |
//! | B | Base16, Base16-256, Base16-Eighties (dark)†, Base16-Mocha (dark)†, Base16-Ocean (light/dark)† |
//! | C | Coldark (cold/dark aka light/dark) |
//! | D | DarkNeon, Dracula |
//! | G | GitHub, gruvbox (light/dark) |
//! | I | InspiredGitHub† |
//! | M | Monokai Extended (plain, bright, light, and origin) |
//! | N | Nord |
//! | O | One Half (light/dark) |
//! | S | Solarized (light/dark)†, Sublime Snazzy |
//! | T | TwoDark |
//! | V | Visual Studio Dark+ |
//! | Z | Zenburn |
//! ## Legal
//! The embedded syntax definitions and assets also have their own licenses which
//! are compiled into
//! [this markdown file](
//! along with programmatic in the [`acknowledgement`] module
#[doc = include_str!("../")]
pub struct ReadmeDoctests;
pub mod acknowledgement;
// Unstable extra code that we use for fuzzing
pub mod fuzz;
pub mod syntax;
pub mod theme;
/// Dependency re-exports for user's convenience
/// # `syntect`
/// By default `two-face` uses the minimal feature set from `syntect` required for things to work,
/// but the default features can be toggled on with the `syntect-default-onig` and
/// `syntect-default-fancy` feature flags (depending on which syntect regex implementation you're
/// using). If you need more granular features than the ones provided then you should probably
/// depend directly on `syntect` instead
pub mod re_exports {
pub use syntect;
// Compile error if we're using syntaxes without setting fancy vs onig
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "syntect-onig", feature = "syntect-fancy")))]
r#"You must set either the `syntect-onig` or `syntect-fancy` feature matching the regex
implemetation that you're using for `syntect`. `syntect` and `two-face` both default to onig along
with using it if both are present, so you have to use `default-features = false` if you want to use
`fancy-regex`. E.g.
# `onig` based
syntect = ...
two-face = ...
# `fancy-regex` based
syntect = { version = ..., default-features = false, features = ["default-fancy"]
two-face = { version = ..., default-features = false, features = ["syntect-fancy"] }"#
/// Returns a link to a page listing acknowledgements for all syntax and theme definitions
/// Available without having to bundle all of the acknowledgement info in your binary
/// ```
/// assert_eq!(
/// two_face::acknowledgement_url(),
/// ""
/// );
/// ```
pub fn acknowledgement_url() -> &'static str {
// TODO: add more extensive tests later
mod tests {
// The serialized data is in the right structure
fn sanity() {