1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
//! `unic-locale` is an API for parsing, manipulating, and serializing Unicode Locale
//! Identifiers.
//! The crate provides algorithms for parsing a string into a well-formed locale identifier
//! as defined by [`UTS #35: Unicode LDML 3.1 Unicode Locale Identifier`].
//! # Locale vs. LanguageIdentifier
//! `LanguageIdentifier` is a subset of a `Locale` that only provides the basic
//! subtags such as `language`, `script`, `region` and `variants`.
//! `Locale` extends that with a set of extensions such as `transform`, `unicode` and `private`.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use unic_locale::Locale;
//! let mut loc: Locale = "en-Latn-US-u-hc-h12-t-h0-hybrid".parse()
//! .expect("Failed to parse.");
//! assert_eq!(loc.id.language.as_str(), "en");
//! assert_eq!(loc.id.script, Some("Latn".parse().unwrap()));
//! assert_eq!(loc.id.region, Some("US".parse().unwrap()));
//! assert_eq!(loc.id.variants().len(), 0);
//! assert_eq!(loc.extensions.unicode.keyword("hc")
//! .expect("Getting keyword failed.")
//! .collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["h12"]);
//! assert_eq!(loc.extensions.transform.tfield("h0")
//! .expect("Getting tfield failed.")
//! .collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["hybrid"]);
//! loc.id.script = None;
//! loc.id.region = Some("GB".parse().expect("Region parsing failed."));
//! assert_eq!(loc.to_string(), "en-GB-t-h0-hybrid-u-hc-h12");
//! ```
//! For more details, see [`Locale`].
//! # Optional features
//! ## `locale!` and `locale!` macros
//! If `feature = "macros"` is selected, the crate provides a procedural macro
//! which allows to construct build-time well-formed locale identifiers with zero-cost at runtime.
//! ``` ignore
//! use unic_locale::{locale, locales};
//! let es_ar = locale!("es-AR");
//! let en_us = locale!("en-US");
//! assert_eq!(es_ar, "es-AR");
//! assert_eq!(en_us, "en-US");
//! let locales = locales!("es-AR", "en-US", "de");
//! assert_eq!(locales.get(0), "es-AR");
//! assert_eq!(locales.get(1), "en-US");
//! assert_eq!(locales.get(2), "de");
//! ```
//! The macros produce instances of `Locale` the same way as parsing from `&str` does,
//! but since the parsing is performed at build time, it doesn't need a `Result`.
//! Unlike `langid!` `locale!` can't be used for const variables.
//! The macros are optional to reduce the dependency chain and compilation time of `unic-locale`.
//! ## Likely Subtags
//! If `feature = "likelysubtags"` is selected, the `Locale` gains two more methods:
//! * add_likely_subtags
//! * remove_likely_subtags
//! Both of them operate in place updating the existing `Locale` by either extending
//! subtags to most likely values, or removing the subtags that are not needed.
//! Both methods return a `bool` that indicates if the identifier has been modified.
//! ``` ignore
//! use unic_locale::Locale;
//! let mut loc: Locale = "fr-FR".parse()
//! .expect("Parsing failed.");
//! assert_eq!(loc.add_likely_subtags(), true);
//! assert_eq!(loc, "fr-Latn-FR");
//! assert_eq!(loc.remove_likely_subtags(), true);
//! assert_eq!(loc, "fr");
//! ```
//! The feature is optional because it increases the binary size of the library by including
//! a data table for CLDR likelySubtags.
//! [`UTS #35: Unicode LDML 3.1 Unicode Locale Identifier`]: https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35.html#Unicode_locale_identifier
//! [`Locale`]: ./struct.Locale.html
pub use unic_locale_impl::*;
#[cfg(feature = "unic-locale-macros")]
pub use unic_locale_macros::locale;
#[cfg(feature = "unic-locale-macros")]
macro_rules! locales {
( $($locale:expr),* ) => {
( $($locale:expr,)* ) => {