cmd.rsuse crate::docs::markdown::renderer::MarkdownRenderer;
use crate::docs::models::SpecCommand;
use crate::error::UsageErr;
impl MarkdownRenderer {
pub fn render_cmd(&self, cmd: &crate::SpecCommand) -> Result<String, UsageErr> {
let mut cmd = SpecCommand::from(cmd);
let mut ctx = self.clone();
ctx.insert("cmd", &cmd);
mod tests {
use crate::docs::markdown::renderer::MarkdownRenderer;
use crate::test::SPEC_KITCHEN_SINK;
use insta::assert_snapshot;
fn test_render_markdown_cmd() {
let ctx = MarkdownRenderer::new(SPEC_KITCHEN_SINK.clone())
assert_snapshot!(ctx.render_cmd(&SPEC_KITCHEN_SINK.cmd).unwrap(), @r"
# `mycli`
- **Usage**: `mycli [FLAGS] <ARGS>… <SUBCOMMAND>`
## Arguments
### `<arg1>`
arg1 description
### `[arg2]`
arg2 description
- `choice1`
- `choice2`
- `choice3`
**Default:** `default value`
### `<arg3>`
arg3 long description
### `<argrest>...`
### `[with-default]`
**Default:** `default value`
## Flags
### `--flag1`
flag1 description
### `--flag2`
flag2 long description
includes a code block:
$ echo hello world
hello world
more code
# run with no arguments to use the interactive selector
$ mise use
# set the current version of node to 20.x in mise.toml of current directory
# will write the fuzzy version (e.g.: 20)
some docs
$ echo hello world
hello world
### `--flag3`
flag3 description
### `--with-default`
**Default:** `default value`
### `--shell <shell>`
- `bash`
- `zsh`
- `fish`
## Subcommands
- [`mycli plugin <SUBCOMMAND>`](/