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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
#[cfg(feature = "text")]
use std::sync::Arc;
#[cfg(feature = "text")]
use crate::FontResolver;
use crate::{ImageHrefResolver, ImageRendering, ShapeRendering, Size, TextRendering};
/// Processing options.
pub struct Options<'a> {
/// Directory that will be used during relative paths resolving.
/// Expected to be the same as the directory that contains the SVG file,
/// but can be set to any.
/// Default: `None`
pub resources_dir: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
/// Target DPI.
/// Impacts units conversion.
/// Default: 96.0
pub dpi: f32,
/// A default font family.
/// Will be used when no `font-family` attribute is set in the SVG.
/// Default: Times New Roman
pub font_family: String,
/// A default font size.
/// Will be used when no `font-size` attribute is set in the SVG.
/// Default: 12
pub font_size: f32,
/// A list of languages.
/// Will be used to resolve a `systemLanguage` conditional attribute.
/// Format: en, en-US.
/// Default: `[en]`
pub languages: Vec<String>,
/// Specifies the default shape rendering method.
/// Will be used when an SVG element's `shape-rendering` property is set to `auto`.
/// Default: GeometricPrecision
pub shape_rendering: ShapeRendering,
/// Specifies the default text rendering method.
/// Will be used when an SVG element's `text-rendering` property is set to `auto`.
/// Default: OptimizeLegibility
pub text_rendering: TextRendering,
/// Specifies the default image rendering method.
/// Will be used when an SVG element's `image-rendering` property is set to `auto`.
/// Default: OptimizeQuality
pub image_rendering: ImageRendering,
/// Default viewport size to assume if there is no `viewBox` attribute and
/// the `width` or `height` attributes are relative.
/// Default: `(100, 100)`
pub default_size: Size,
/// Specifies the way `xlink:href` in `<image>` elements should be handled.
/// Default: see type's documentation for details
pub image_href_resolver: ImageHrefResolver<'a>,
/// Specifies how fonts should be resolved and loaded.
#[cfg(feature = "text")]
pub font_resolver: FontResolver<'a>,
/// A database of fonts usable by text.
/// This is a base database. If a custom `font_resolver` is specified,
/// additional fonts can be loaded during parsing. Those will be added to a
/// copy of this database. The full database containing all fonts referenced
/// in a `Tree` becomes available as [`Tree::fontdb`](crate::Tree::fontdb)
/// after parsing. If no fonts were loaded dynamically, that database will
/// be the same as this one.
#[cfg(feature = "text")]
pub fontdb: Arc<fontdb::Database>,
/// A CSS stylesheet that should be injected into the SVG. Can be used to overwrite
/// certain attributes.
pub style_sheet: Option<String>,
impl Default for Options<'_> {
fn default() -> Options<'static> {
Options {
resources_dir: None,
dpi: 96.0,
// Default font is user-agent dependent so we can use whichever we like.
font_family: "Times New Roman".to_owned(),
font_size: 12.0,
languages: vec!["en".to_string()],
shape_rendering: ShapeRendering::default(),
text_rendering: TextRendering::default(),
image_rendering: ImageRendering::default(),
default_size: Size::from_wh(100.0, 100.0).unwrap(),
image_href_resolver: ImageHrefResolver::default(),
#[cfg(feature = "text")]
font_resolver: FontResolver::default(),
#[cfg(feature = "text")]
fontdb: Arc::new(fontdb::Database::new()),
style_sheet: None,
impl Options<'_> {
/// Converts a relative path into absolute relative to the SVG file itself.
/// If `Options::resources_dir` is not set, returns itself.
pub fn get_abs_path(&self, rel_path: &std::path::Path) -> std::path::PathBuf {
match self.resources_dir {
Some(ref dir) => dir.join(rel_path),
None => rel_path.into(),
/// Mutably acquires the database.
/// This clones the database if it is currently shared.
#[cfg(feature = "text")]
pub fn fontdb_mut(&mut self) -> &mut fontdb::Database {
Arc::make_mut(&mut self.fontdb)