1use crate::{block_on_dummy_executor, file::File};
2use std::any::Any;
3use std::path::PathBuf;
4use wasi_common::{
5 dir::{ReaddirCursor, ReaddirEntity, WasiDir},
6 file::{FdFlags, Filestat, OFlags},
7 Error, ErrorExt,
10pub struct Dir(wasi_cap_std_sync::dir::Dir);
12impl Dir {
13 pub fn from_cap_std(dir: cap_std::fs::Dir) -> Self {
14 Dir(wasi_cap_std_sync::dir::Dir::from_cap_std(dir))
15 }
19impl WasiDir for Dir {
20 fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
21 self
22 }
23 async fn open_file(
24 &self,
25 symlink_follow: bool,
26 path: &str,
27 oflags: OFlags,
28 read: bool,
29 write: bool,
30 fdflags: FdFlags,
31 ) -> Result<wasi_common::dir::OpenResult, Error> {
32 let f = block_on_dummy_executor(move || async move {
33 self.0
34 .open_file_(symlink_follow, path, oflags, read, write, fdflags)
35 })?;
36 match f {
37 wasi_cap_std_sync::dir::OpenResult::File(f) => Ok(wasi_common::dir::OpenResult::File(
38 Box::new(File::from_inner(f)),
39 )),
40 wasi_cap_std_sync::dir::OpenResult::Dir(d) => {
41 Ok(wasi_common::dir::OpenResult::Dir(Box::new(Dir(d))))
42 }
43 }
44 }
46 async fn create_dir(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
47 block_on_dummy_executor(|| self.0.create_dir(path))
48 }
49 async fn readdir(
50 &self,
51 cursor: ReaddirCursor,
52 ) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<ReaddirEntity, Error>> + Send>, Error> {
53 struct I(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<ReaddirEntity, Error>> + Send>);
54 impl Iterator for I {
55 type Item = Result<ReaddirEntity, Error>;
56 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
57 tokio::task::block_in_place(move || self.0.next())
58 }
59 }
61 let inner = block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.readdir(cursor))?;
62 Ok(Box::new(I(inner)))
63 }
65 async fn symlink(&self, src_path: &str, dest_path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
66 block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.symlink(src_path, dest_path))
67 }
68 async fn remove_dir(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
69 block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.remove_dir(path))
70 }
72 async fn unlink_file(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
73 block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.unlink_file(path))
74 }
75 async fn read_link(&self, path: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
76 block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.read_link(path))
77 }
78 async fn get_filestat(&self) -> Result<Filestat, Error> {
79 block_on_dummy_executor(|| self.0.get_filestat())
80 }
81 async fn get_path_filestat(
82 &self,
83 path: &str,
84 follow_symlinks: bool,
85 ) -> Result<Filestat, Error> {
86 block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.get_path_filestat(path, follow_symlinks))
87 }
88 async fn rename(
89 &self,
90 src_path: &str,
91 dest_dir: &dyn WasiDir,
92 dest_path: &str,
93 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
94 let dest_dir = dest_dir
95 .as_any()
96 .downcast_ref::<Self>()
97 .ok_or(Error::badf().context("failed downcast to tokio Dir"))?;
98 block_on_dummy_executor(
99 move || async move { self.0.rename_(src_path, &dest_dir.0, dest_path) },
100 )
101 }
102 async fn hard_link(
103 &self,
104 src_path: &str,
105 target_dir: &dyn WasiDir,
106 target_path: &str,
107 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
108 let target_dir = target_dir
109 .as_any()
110 .downcast_ref::<Self>()
111 .ok_or(Error::badf().context("failed downcast to tokio Dir"))?;
112 block_on_dummy_executor(move || async move {
113 self.0.hard_link_(src_path, &target_dir.0, target_path)
114 })
115 }
116 async fn set_times(
117 &self,
118 path: &str,
119 atime: Option<wasi_common::SystemTimeSpec>,
120 mtime: Option<wasi_common::SystemTimeSpec>,
121 follow_symlinks: bool,
122 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
123 block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.set_times(path, atime, mtime, follow_symlinks))
124 }
128mod test {
129 use super::Dir;
130 use cap_std::ambient_authority;
131 use wasi_common::file::{FdFlags, OFlags};
133 #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
134 async fn scratch_dir() {
135 let tempdir = tempfile::Builder::new()
136 .prefix("cap-std-sync")
137 .tempdir()
138 .expect("create temporary dir");
139 let preopen_dir = cap_std::fs::Dir::open_ambient_dir(tempdir.path(), ambient_authority())
140 .expect("open ambient temporary dir");
141 let preopen_dir = Dir::from_cap_std(preopen_dir);
142 wasi_common::WasiDir::open_file(
143 &preopen_dir,
144 false,
145 ".",
146 OFlags::empty(),
147 false,
148 false,
149 FdFlags::empty(),
150 )
151 .await
152 .expect("open the same directory via WasiDir abstraction");
153 }
155 #[cfg(not(windows))]
157 #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
158 async fn readdir() {
159 use std::collections::HashMap;
160 use wasi_common::dir::{ReaddirCursor, ReaddirEntity, WasiDir};
161 use wasi_common::file::{FdFlags, FileType, OFlags};
163 async fn readdir_into_map(dir: &dyn WasiDir) -> HashMap<String, ReaddirEntity> {
164 let mut out = HashMap::new();
165 for readdir_result in dir
166 .readdir(ReaddirCursor::from(0))
167 .await
168 .expect("readdir succeeds")
169 {
170 let entity = readdir_result.expect("readdir entry is valid");
171 out.insert(entity.name.clone(), entity);
172 }
173 out
174 }
176 let tempdir = tempfile::Builder::new()
177 .prefix("cap-std-sync")
178 .tempdir()
179 .expect("create temporary dir");
180 let preopen_dir = cap_std::fs::Dir::open_ambient_dir(tempdir.path(), ambient_authority())
181 .expect("open ambient temporary dir");
182 let preopen_dir = Dir::from_cap_std(preopen_dir);
184 let entities = readdir_into_map(&preopen_dir).await;
185 assert_eq!(
186 entities.len(),
187 2,
188 "should just be . and .. in empty dir: {:?}",
189 entities
190 );
191 assert!(entities.get(".").is_some());
192 assert!(entities.get("..").is_some());
194 preopen_dir
195 .open_file(
196 false,
197 "file1",
198 OFlags::CREATE,
199 true,
200 false,
201 FdFlags::empty(),
202 )
203 .await
204 .expect("create file1");
206 let entities = readdir_into_map(&preopen_dir).await;
207 assert_eq!(entities.len(), 3, "should be ., .., file1 {:?}", entities);
208 assert_eq!(
209 entities.get(".").expect(". entry").filetype,
210 FileType::Directory
211 );
212 assert_eq!(
213 entities.get("..").expect(".. entry").filetype,
214 FileType::Directory
215 );
216 assert_eq!(
217 entities.get("file1").expect("file1 entry").filetype,
218 FileType::RegularFile
219 );
220 }