
1//! Internal-only runtime module used for the `wasm_bindgen_test` crate.
3//! No API contained in this module will respect semver, these should all be
4//! considered private APIs.
6// # Architecture of `wasm_bindgen_test`
8// This module can seem a bit funky, but it's intended to be the runtime support
9// of the `#[wasm_bindgen_test]` macro and be amenable to executing Wasm test
10// suites. The general idea is that for a Wasm test binary there will be a set
11// of functions tagged `#[wasm_bindgen_test]`. It's the job of the runtime
12// support to execute all of these functions, collecting and collating the
13// results.
15// This runtime support works in tandem with the `wasm-bindgen-test-runner`
16// binary as part of the `wasm-bindgen-cli` package.
18// ## High Level Overview
20// Here's a rough and (semi) high level overview of what happens when this crate
21// runs.
23// * First, the user runs `cargo test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown`
25// * Cargo then compiles all the test suites (aka `tests/*.rs`) as Wasm binaries
26//   (the `bin` crate type). These binaries all have entry points that are
27//   `main` functions, but it's actually not used. The binaries are also
28//   compiled with `--test`, which means they're linked to the standard `test`
29//   crate, but this crate doesn't work on Wasm and so we bypass it entirely.
31// * Instead of using `#[test]`, which doesn't work, users wrote tests with
32//   `#[wasm_bindgen_test]`. This macro expands to a bunch of `#[no_mangle]`
33//   functions with known names (currently named `__wbg_test_*`).
35// * Next up, Cargo was configured via its test runner support to execute the
36//   `wasm-bindgen-test-runner` binary. Instead of what Cargo normally does,
37//   executing `target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/deps/foo-xxxxx.wasm` (which
38//   will fail as we can't actually execute was binaries), Cargo will execute
39//   `wasm-bindgen-test-runner target/.../foo-xxxxx.wasm`.
41// * The `wasm-bindgen-test-runner` binary takes over. It runs `wasm-bindgen`
42//   over the binary, generating JS bindings and such. It also figures out if
43//   we're running in node.js or a browser.
45// * The `wasm-bindgen-test-runner` binary generates a JS entry point. This
46//   entry point creates a `Context` below. The runner binary also parses the
47//   Wasm file and finds all functions that are named `__wbg_test_*`. The
48//   generate file gathers up all these functions into an array and then passes
49//   them to `Context` below. Note that these functions are passed as *JS
50//   values*.
52// * Somehow, the runner then executes the JS file. This may be with node.js, it
53//   may serve up files in a server and wait for the user, or it serves up files
54//   in a server and starts headless testing.
56// * Testing starts, it loads all the modules using either ES imports or Node
57//   `require` statements. Everything is loaded in JS now.
59// * A `Context` is created. The `Context` is forwarded the CLI arguments of the
60//   original `wasm-bindgen-test-runner` in an environment specific fashion.
61//   This is used for test filters today.
63// * The `Context::run` function is called. Again, the generated JS has gathered
64//   all Wasm tests to be executed into a list, and it's passed in here.
66// * Next, `Context::run` returns a `Promise` representing the eventual
67//   execution of all the tests. The Rust `Future` that's returned will work
68//   with the tests to ensure that everything's executed by the time the
69//   `Promise` resolves.
71// * When a test executes, it's executing an entry point generated by
72//   `#[wasm_bindgen_test]`. The test informs the `Context` of its name and
73//   other metadata, and then `Context::execute_*` function creates a future
74//   representing the execution of the test. This feeds back into the future
75//   returned by `Context::run` to finish the test suite.
77// * Finally, after all tests are run, the `Context`'s future resolves, prints
78//   out all the result, and finishes in JS.
80// ## Other various notes
82// Phew, that was a lot! Some other various bits and pieces you may want to be
83// aware of are throughout the code. These include things like how printing
84// results is different in node vs a browser, or how we even detect if we're in
85// node or a browser.
87// Overall this is all somewhat in flux as it's pretty new, and feedback is
88// always of course welcome!
90use alloc::borrow::ToOwned;
91use alloc::boxed::Box;
92use alloc::format;
93use alloc::rc::Rc;
94use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
95use alloc::vec::Vec;
96use core::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
97use core::fmt::{self, Display};
98use core::future::Future;
99use core::pin::Pin;
100use core::task::{self, Poll};
101use js_sys::{Array, Function, Promise};
102pub use wasm_bindgen;
103use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
104use wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise;
106// Maximum number of tests to execute concurrently. Eventually this should be a
107// configuration option specified at runtime or at compile time rather than
108// baked in here.
110// Currently the default is 1 because the DOM has a lot of shared state, and
111// conccurrently doing things by default would likely end up in a bad situation.
112const CONCURRENCY: usize = 1;
114pub mod browser;
115pub mod detect;
116pub mod node;
117mod scoped_tls;
118pub mod worker;
120/// Runtime test harness support instantiated in JS.
122/// The node.js entry script instantiates a `Context` here which is used to
123/// drive test execution.
124#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = WasmBindgenTestContext)]
125pub struct Context {
126    state: Rc<State>,
129struct State {
130    /// Include ignored tests.
131    include_ignored: Cell<bool>,
133    /// Counter of the number of tests that have succeeded.
134    succeeded_count: Cell<usize>,
136    /// Number of tests that have been filtered.
137    filtered_count: Cell<usize>,
139    /// Number of tests that have been ignored.
140    ignored_count: Cell<usize>,
142    /// A list of all tests which have failed.
143    ///
144    /// Each test listed here is paired with a `JsValue` that represents the
145    /// exception thrown which caused the test to fail.
146    failures: RefCell<Vec<(Test, Failure)>>,
148    /// Remaining tests to execute, when empty we're just waiting on the
149    /// `Running` tests to finish.
150    remaining: RefCell<Vec<Test>>,
152    /// List of currently executing tests. These tests all involve some level
153    /// of asynchronous work, so they're sitting on the running list.
154    running: RefCell<Vec<Test>>,
156    /// How to actually format output, either node.js or browser-specific
157    /// implementation.
158    formatter: Box<dyn Formatter>,
160    /// Timing the total duration.
161    timer: Option<Timer>,
164/// Failure reasons.
165enum Failure {
166    /// Normal failing test.
167    Error(JsValue),
168    /// A test that `should_panic` but didn't.
169    ShouldPanic,
170    /// A test that `should_panic` with a specific message,
171    /// but panicked with a different message.
172    ShouldPanicExpected,
175/// Representation of one test that needs to be executed.
177/// Tests are all represented as futures, and tests perform no work until their
178/// future is polled.
179struct Test {
180    name: String,
181    future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), JsValue>>>>,
182    output: Rc<RefCell<Output>>,
183    should_panic: Option<Option<&'static str>>,
186/// Captured output of each test.
188struct Output {
189    debug: String,
190    log: String,
191    info: String,
192    warn: String,
193    error: String,
194    panic: String,
195    should_panic: bool,
198enum TestResult {
199    Ok,
200    Err(JsValue),
201    Ignored(Option<String>),
204impl From<Result<(), JsValue>> for TestResult {
205    fn from(value: Result<(), JsValue>) -> Self {
206        match value {
207            Ok(()) => Self::Ok,
208            Err(err) => Self::Err(err),
209        }
210    }
213impl Display for TestResult {
214    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
215        match self {
216            TestResult::Ok => write!(f, "ok"),
217            TestResult::Err(_) => write!(f, "FAIL"),
218            TestResult::Ignored(None) => write!(f, "ignored"),
219            TestResult::Ignored(Some(reason)) => write!(f, "ignored, {}", reason),
220        }
221    }
224trait Formatter {
225    /// Writes a line of output, typically status information.
226    fn writeln(&self, line: &str);
228    /// Log the result of a test, either passing or failing.
229    fn log_test(&self, name: &str, result: &TestResult);
231    /// Convert a thrown value into a string, using platform-specific apis
232    /// perhaps to turn the error into a string.
233    fn stringify_error(&self, val: &JsValue) -> String;
237extern "C" {
238    #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console, js_name = log)]
239    #[doc(hidden)]
240    pub fn js_console_log(s: &str);
242    #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console, js_name = error)]
243    #[doc(hidden)]
244    pub fn js_console_error(s: &str);
246    // General-purpose conversion into a `String`.
247    #[wasm_bindgen(js_name = String)]
248    fn stringify(val: &JsValue) -> String;
250    type Global;
252    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)]
253    fn performance(this: &Global) -> JsValue;
255    /// Type for the [`Performance` object](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance).
256    type Performance;
258    /// Binding to [`Performance.now()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance/now).
259    #[wasm_bindgen(method)]
260    fn now(this: &Performance) -> f64;
263/// Internal implementation detail of the `console_log!` macro.
264pub fn console_log(args: &fmt::Arguments) {
265    js_console_log(&args.to_string());
268/// Internal implementation detail of the `console_error!` macro.
269pub fn console_error(args: &fmt::Arguments) {
270    js_console_error(&args.to_string());
273#[wasm_bindgen(js_class = WasmBindgenTestContext)]
274impl Context {
275    /// Creates a new context ready to run tests.
276    ///
277    /// A `Context` is the main structure through which test execution is
278    /// coordinated, and this will collect output and results for all executed
279    /// tests.
280    #[wasm_bindgen(constructor)]
281    pub fn new() -> Context {
282        fn panic_handling(mut message: String) {
283            let should_panic = CURRENT_OUTPUT.with(|output| {
284                let mut output = output.borrow_mut();
285                output.panic.push_str(&message);
286                output.should_panic
287            });
289            // See https://github.com/rustwasm/console_error_panic_hook/blob/4dc30a5448ed3ffcfb961b1ad54d000cca881b84/src/lib.rs#L83-L123.
290            if !should_panic {
291                #[wasm_bindgen]
292                extern "C" {
293                    type Error;
295                    #[wasm_bindgen(constructor)]
296                    fn new() -> Error;
298                    #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)]
299                    fn stack(error: &Error) -> String;
300                }
302                message.push_str("\n\nStack:\n\n");
303                let e = Error::new();
304                let stack = e.stack();
305                message.push_str(&stack);
307                message.push_str("\n\n");
309                js_console_error(&message);
310            }
311        }
312        #[cfg(feature = "std")]
313        static SET_HOOK: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new();
314        #[cfg(feature = "std")]
315        SET_HOOK.call_once(|| {
316            std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|panic_info| {
317                panic_handling(panic_info.to_string());
318            }));
319        });
320        #[cfg(all(
321            not(feature = "std"),
322            target_arch = "wasm32",
323            any(target_os = "unknown", target_os = "none")
324        ))]
325        #[panic_handler]
326        fn panic_handler(panic_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
327            panic_handling(panic_info.to_string());
328            core::arch::wasm32::unreachable();
329        }
331        let formatter = match detect::detect() {
332            detect::Runtime::Browser => Box::new(browser::Browser::new()) as Box<dyn Formatter>,
333            detect::Runtime::Node => Box::new(node::Node::new()) as Box<dyn Formatter>,
334            detect::Runtime::Worker => Box::new(worker::Worker::new()) as Box<dyn Formatter>,
335        };
337        let timer = Timer::new();
339        Context {
340            state: Rc::new(State {
341                include_ignored: Default::default(),
342                failures: Default::default(),
343                succeeded_count: Default::default(),
344                filtered_count: Default::default(),
345                ignored_count: Default::default(),
346                remaining: Default::default(),
347                running: Default::default(),
348                formatter,
349                timer,
350            }),
351        }
352    }
354    /// Handle `--include-ignored` flag.
355    pub fn include_ignored(&mut self, include_ignored: bool) {
356        self.state.include_ignored.set(include_ignored);
357    }
359    /// Handle filter argument.
360    pub fn filtered_count(&mut self, filtered: usize) {
361        self.state.filtered_count.set(filtered);
362    }
364    /// Executes a list of tests, returning a promise representing their
365    /// eventual completion.
366    ///
367    /// This is the main entry point for executing tests. All the tests passed
368    /// in are the JS `Function` object that was plucked off the
369    /// `WebAssembly.Instance` exports list.
370    ///
371    /// The promise returned resolves to either `true` if all tests passed or
372    /// `false` if at least one test failed.
373    pub fn run(&self, tests: Vec<JsValue>) -> Promise {
374        let noun = if tests.len() == 1 { "test" } else { "tests" };
375        self.state
376            .formatter
377            .writeln(&format!("running {} {}", tests.len(), noun));
379        // Execute all our test functions through their Wasm shims (unclear how
380        // to pass native function pointers around here). Each test will
381        // execute one of the `execute_*` tests below which will push a
382        // future onto our `remaining` list, which we'll process later.
383        let cx_arg = (self as *const Context as u32).into();
384        for test in tests {
385            match Function::from(test).call1(&JsValue::null(), &cx_arg) {
386                Ok(_) => {}
387                Err(e) => {
388                    panic!(
389                        "exception thrown while creating a test: {}",
390                        self.state.formatter.stringify_error(&e)
391                    );
392                }
393            }
394        }
396        // Now that we've collected all our tests we wrap everything up in a
397        // future to actually do all the processing, and pass it out to JS as a
398        // `Promise`.
399        let state = self.state.clone();
400        future_to_promise(async {
401            let passed = ExecuteTests(state).await;
402            Ok(JsValue::from(passed))
403        })
404    }
407crate::scoped_thread_local!(static CURRENT_OUTPUT: RefCell<Output>);
409/// Handler for `console.log` invocations.
411/// If a test is currently running it takes the `args` array and stringifies
412/// it and appends it to the current output of the test. Otherwise it passes
413/// the arguments to the original `console.log` function, psased as
414/// `original`.
416// TODO: how worth is it to actually capture the output here? Due to the nature
417// of futures/js we can't guarantee that all output is captured because JS code
418// could just be executing in the void and we wouldn't know which test to
419// attach it to. The main `test` crate in the rust repo also has issues about
420// how not all output is captured, causing some inconsistencies sometimes.
422pub fn __wbgtest_console_log(args: &Array) {
423    record(args, |output| &mut output.log)
426/// Handler for `console.debug` invocations. See above.
428pub fn __wbgtest_console_debug(args: &Array) {
429    record(args, |output| &mut output.debug)
432/// Handler for `console.info` invocations. See above.
434pub fn __wbgtest_console_info(args: &Array) {
435    record(args, |output| &mut output.info)
438/// Handler for `console.warn` invocations. See above.
440pub fn __wbgtest_console_warn(args: &Array) {
441    record(args, |output| &mut output.warn)
444/// Handler for `console.error` invocations. See above.
446pub fn __wbgtest_console_error(args: &Array) {
447    record(args, |output| &mut output.error)
450fn record(args: &Array, dst: impl FnOnce(&mut Output) -> &mut String) {
451    if !CURRENT_OUTPUT.is_set() {
452        return;
453    }
455    CURRENT_OUTPUT.with(|output| {
456        let mut out = output.borrow_mut();
457        let dst = dst(&mut out);
458        args.for_each(&mut |val, idx, _array| {
459            if idx != 0 {
460                dst.push(' ');
461            }
462            dst.push_str(&stringify(&val));
463        });
464        dst.push('\n');
465    });
468/// Similar to [`std::process::Termination`], but for wasm-bindgen tests.
469pub trait Termination {
470    /// Convert this into a JS result.
471    fn into_js_result(self) -> Result<(), JsValue>;
474impl Termination for () {
475    fn into_js_result(self) -> Result<(), JsValue> {
476        Ok(())
477    }
480impl<E: core::fmt::Debug> Termination for Result<(), E> {
481    fn into_js_result(self) -> Result<(), JsValue> {
482        self.map_err(|e| JsError::new(&format!("{:?}", e)).into())
483    }
486impl Context {
487    /// Entry point for a synchronous test in wasm. The `#[wasm_bindgen_test]`
488    /// macro generates invocations of this method.
489    pub fn execute_sync<T: Termination>(
490        &self,
491        name: &str,
492        f: impl 'static + FnOnce() -> T,
493        should_panic: Option<Option<&'static str>>,
494        ignore: Option<Option<&'static str>>,
495    ) {
496        self.execute(name, async { f().into_js_result() }, should_panic, ignore);
497    }
499    /// Entry point for an asynchronous in wasm. The
500    /// `#[wasm_bindgen_test(async)]` macro generates invocations of this
501    /// method.
502    pub fn execute_async<F>(
503        &self,
504        name: &str,
505        f: impl FnOnce() -> F + 'static,
506        should_panic: Option<Option<&'static str>>,
507        ignore: Option<Option<&'static str>>,
508    ) where
509        F: Future + 'static,
510        F::Output: Termination,
511    {
512        self.execute(
513            name,
514            async { f().await.into_js_result() },
515            should_panic,
516            ignore,
517        )
518    }
520    fn execute(
521        &self,
522        name: &str,
523        test: impl Future<Output = Result<(), JsValue>> + 'static,
524        should_panic: Option<Option<&'static str>>,
525        ignore: Option<Option<&'static str>>,
526    ) {
527        // Remove the crate name to mimic libtest more closely.
528        // This also removes our `__wbgt_` prefix and the `ignored` and `should_panic` modifiers.
529        let name = name.split_once("::").unwrap().1;
531        if let Some(ignore) = ignore {
532            if !self.state.include_ignored.get() {
533                self.state
534                    .formatter
535                    .log_test(name, &TestResult::Ignored(ignore.map(str::to_owned)));
536                let ignored = self.state.ignored_count.get();
537                self.state.ignored_count.set(ignored + 1);
538                return;
539            }
540        }
542        // Looks like we've got a test that needs to be executed! Push it onto
543        // the list of remaining tests.
544        let output = Output {
545            should_panic: should_panic.is_some(),
546            ..Default::default()
547        };
548        let output = Rc::new(RefCell::new(output));
549        let future = TestFuture {
550            output: output.clone(),
551            test,
552        };
553        self.state.remaining.borrow_mut().push(Test {
554            name: name.to_string(),
555            future: Pin::from(Box::new(future)),
556            output,
557            should_panic,
558        });
559    }
562struct ExecuteTests(Rc<State>);
564impl Future for ExecuteTests {
565    type Output = bool;
567    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context) -> Poll<bool> {
568        let mut running = self.0.running.borrow_mut();
569        let mut remaining = self.0.remaining.borrow_mut();
571        // First up, try to make progress on all active tests. Remove any
572        // finished tests.
573        for i in (0..running.len()).rev() {
574            let result = match running[i].future.as_mut().poll(cx) {
575                Poll::Ready(result) => result,
576                Poll::Pending => continue,
577            };
578            let test = running.remove(i);
579            self.0.log_test_result(test, result.into());
580        }
582        // Next up, try to schedule as many tests as we can. Once we get a test
583        // we `poll` it once to ensure we'll receive notifications. We only
584        // want to schedule up to a maximum amount of work though, so this may
585        // not schedule all tests.
586        while running.len() < CONCURRENCY {
587            let mut test = match remaining.pop() {
588                Some(test) => test,
589                None => break,
590            };
591            let result = match test.future.as_mut().poll(cx) {
592                Poll::Ready(result) => result,
593                Poll::Pending => {
594                    running.push(test);
595                    continue;
596                }
597            };
598            self.0.log_test_result(test, result.into());
599        }
601        // Tests are still executing, we're registered to get a notification,
602        // keep going.
603        if running.len() != 0 {
604            return Poll::Pending;
605        }
607        // If there are no tests running then we must have finished everything,
608        // so we shouldn't have any more remaining tests either.
609        assert_eq!(remaining.len(), 0);
611        self.0.print_results();
612        let all_passed = self.0.failures.borrow().len() == 0;
613        Poll::Ready(all_passed)
614    }
617impl State {
618    fn log_test_result(&self, test: Test, result: TestResult) {
619        // Save off the test for later processing when we print the final
620        // results.
621        if let Some(should_panic) = test.should_panic {
622            if let TestResult::Err(_e) = result {
623                if let Some(expected) = should_panic {
624                    if !test.output.borrow().panic.contains(expected) {
625                        self.formatter
626                            .log_test(&test.name, &TestResult::Err(JsValue::NULL));
627                        self.failures
628                            .borrow_mut()
629                            .push((test, Failure::ShouldPanicExpected));
630                        return;
631                    }
632                }
634                self.formatter.log_test(&test.name, &TestResult::Ok);
635                self.succeeded_count.set(self.succeeded_count.get() + 1);
636            } else {
637                self.formatter
638                    .log_test(&test.name, &TestResult::Err(JsValue::NULL));
639                self.failures
640                    .borrow_mut()
641                    .push((test, Failure::ShouldPanic));
642            }
643        } else {
644            self.formatter.log_test(&test.name, &result);
646            match result {
647                TestResult::Ok => self.succeeded_count.set(self.succeeded_count.get() + 1),
648                TestResult::Err(e) => self.failures.borrow_mut().push((test, Failure::Error(e))),
649                _ => (),
650            }
651        }
652    }
654    fn print_results(&self) {
655        let failures = self.failures.borrow();
656        if failures.len() > 0 {
657            self.formatter.writeln("\nfailures:\n");
658            for (test, failure) in failures.iter() {
659                self.print_failure(test, failure);
660            }
661            self.formatter.writeln("failures:\n");
662            for (test, _) in failures.iter() {
663                self.formatter.writeln(&format!("    {}", test.name));
664            }
665        }
666        let finished_in = if let Some(timer) = &self.timer {
667            format!("; finished in {:.2?}s", timer.elapsed())
668        } else {
669            String::new()
670        };
671        self.formatter.writeln("");
672        self.formatter.writeln(&format!(
673            "test result: {}. \
674             {} passed; \
675             {} failed; \
676             {} ignored; \
677             {} filtered out\
678             {}\n",
679            if failures.len() == 0 { "ok" } else { "FAILED" },
680            self.succeeded_count.get(),
681            failures.len(),
682            self.ignored_count.get(),
683            self.filtered_count.get(),
684            finished_in,
685        ));
686    }
688    fn accumulate_console_output(&self, logs: &mut String, which: &str, output: &str) {
689        if output.is_empty() {
690            return;
691        }
692        logs.push_str(which);
693        logs.push_str(" output:\n");
694        logs.push_str(&tab(output));
695        logs.push('\n');
696    }
698    fn print_failure(&self, test: &Test, failure: &Failure) {
699        let mut logs = String::new();
700        let output = test.output.borrow();
702        match failure {
703            Failure::ShouldPanic => {
704                logs.push_str(&format!(
705                    "note: {} did not panic as expected\n\n",
706                    test.name
707                ));
708            }
709            Failure::ShouldPanicExpected => {
710                logs.push_str("note: panic did not contain expected string\n");
711                logs.push_str(&format!("      panic message: `\"{}\"`,\n", output.panic));
712                logs.push_str(&format!(
713                    " expected substring: `\"{}\"`\n\n",
714                    test.should_panic.unwrap().unwrap()
715                ));
716            }
717            _ => (),
718        }
720        self.accumulate_console_output(&mut logs, "debug", &output.debug);
721        self.accumulate_console_output(&mut logs, "log", &output.log);
722        self.accumulate_console_output(&mut logs, "info", &output.info);
723        self.accumulate_console_output(&mut logs, "warn", &output.warn);
724        self.accumulate_console_output(&mut logs, "error", &output.error);
726        if let Failure::Error(error) = failure {
727            logs.push_str("JS exception that was thrown:\n");
728            let error_string = self.formatter.stringify_error(error);
729            logs.push_str(&tab(&error_string));
730        }
732        let msg = format!("---- {} output ----\n{}", test.name, tab(&logs));
733        self.formatter.writeln(&msg);
734    }
737/// A wrapper future around each test
739/// This future is what's actually executed for each test and is what's stored
740/// inside of a `Test`. This wrapper future performs two critical functions:
742/// * First, every time when polled, it configures the `CURRENT_OUTPUT` tls
743///   variable to capture output for the current test. That way at least when
744///   we've got Rust code running we'll be able to capture output.
746/// * Next, this "catches panics". Right now all Wasm code is configured as
747///   panic=abort, but it's more like an exception in JS. It's pretty sketchy
748///   to actually continue executing Rust code after an "abort", but we don't
749///   have much of a choice for now.
751///   Panics are caught here by using a shim function that is annotated with
752///   `catch` so we can capture JS exceptions (which Rust panics become). This
753///   way if any Rust code along the execution of a test panics we'll hopefully
754///   capture it.
756/// Note that both of the above aspects of this future are really just best
757/// effort. This is all a bit of a hack right now when it comes down to it and
758/// it definitely won't work in some situations. Hopefully as those situations
759/// arise though we can handle them!
761/// The good news is that everything should work flawlessly in the case where
762/// tests have no output and execute successfully. And everyone always writes
763/// perfect code on the first try, right? *sobs*
764struct TestFuture<F> {
765    output: Rc<RefCell<Output>>,
766    test: F,
770extern "C" {
771    #[wasm_bindgen(catch)]
772    fn __wbg_test_invoke(f: &mut dyn FnMut()) -> Result<(), JsValue>;
775impl<F: Future<Output = Result<(), JsValue>>> Future for TestFuture<F> {
776    type Output = F::Output;
778    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
779        let output = self.output.clone();
780        // Use `new_unchecked` here to project our own pin, and we never
781        // move `test` so this should be safe
782        let test = unsafe { Pin::map_unchecked_mut(self, |me| &mut me.test) };
783        let mut future_output = None;
784        let result = CURRENT_OUTPUT.set(&output, || {
785            let mut test = Some(test);
786            __wbg_test_invoke(&mut || {
787                let test = test.take().unwrap_throw();
788                future_output = Some(test.poll(cx))
789            })
790        });
791        match (result, future_output) {
792            (_, Some(Poll::Ready(result))) => Poll::Ready(result),
793            (_, Some(Poll::Pending)) => Poll::Pending,
794            (Err(e), _) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
795            (Ok(_), None) => wasm_bindgen::throw_str("invalid poll state"),
796        }
797    }
800fn tab(s: &str) -> String {
801    let mut result = String::new();
802    for line in s.lines() {
803        result.push_str("    ");
804        result.push_str(line);
805        result.push('\n');
806    }
807    result
810struct Timer {
811    performance: Performance,
812    started: f64,
815impl Timer {
816    fn new() -> Option<Self> {
817        let global: Global = js_sys::global().unchecked_into();
818        let performance = global.performance();
819        (!performance.is_undefined()).then(|| {
820            let performance: Performance = performance.unchecked_into();
821            let started = performance.now();
822            Self {
823                performance,
824                started,
825            }
826        })
827    }
829    fn elapsed(&self) -> f64 {
830        (self.performance.now() - self.started) / 1000.
831    }