
1use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
3use anyhow::Result;
4use wasm_encoder::Encode;
5use wasmparser::{BinaryReader, ComponentNameSectionReader};
7use crate::utils::name_map;
9/// Helper for rewriting a component's component-name section with a new component name.
10pub struct ComponentNames<'a> {
11    component_name: Option<String>,
12    names: Vec<wasmparser::ComponentName<'a>>,
15impl<'a> Debug for ComponentNames<'a> {
16    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
17        f.debug_struct("ComponentNames")
18            .field("component_name", &self.component_name)
19            .finish_non_exhaustive()
20    }
23impl<'a> ComponentNames<'a> {
24    /// Create an empty component-name section.
25    pub fn empty() -> Self {
26        ComponentNames {
27            component_name: None,
28            names: Vec::new(),
29        }
30    }
31    /// Read a component-name section from a WebAssembly binary. Records the component name, as
32    /// well as all other component name fields for later serialization.
33    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &'a [u8], offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentNames<'a>> {
34        let reader = BinaryReader::new(bytes, offset);
35        let section = ComponentNameSectionReader::new(reader);
36        let mut s = Self::empty();
37        for name in section.into_iter() {
38            let name = name?;
39            match name {
40                wasmparser::ComponentName::Component { name, .. } => {
41                    s.component_name = Some(name.to_owned())
42                }
43                _ => s.names.push(name),
44            }
45        }
46        Ok(s)
47    }
48    /// Set component name according to [`AddMetadata`]
49    pub(crate) fn from_name(name: &Option<String>) -> Self {
50        let mut s = Self::empty();
51        s.component_name = name.clone();
52        s
53    }
55    /// Merge with another section
56    pub(crate) fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self) {
57        if other.component_name.is_some() {
58            self.component_name = other.component_name.clone();
59        }
60        self.names.extend_from_slice(&other.names);
61    }
63    /// Set component name
64    pub fn set_name(&mut self, name: &str) {
65        self.component_name = Some(name.to_owned())
66    }
67    /// Get component name
68    pub fn get_name(&self) -> Option<&String> {
69        self.component_name.as_ref()
70    }
71    /// Serialize into [`wasm_encoder::ComponentNameSection`]
72    pub(crate) fn section(&self) -> Result<wasm_encoder::ComponentNameSection> {
73        let mut section = wasm_encoder::ComponentNameSection::new();
74        if let Some(component_name) = &self.component_name {
75            section.component(&component_name);
76        }
77        for n in self.names.iter() {
78            match n {
79                wasmparser::ComponentName::Component { .. } => unreachable!(),
80                wasmparser::ComponentName::CoreFuncs(m) => section.core_funcs(&name_map(&m)?),
81                wasmparser::ComponentName::CoreGlobals(m) => section.core_globals(&name_map(&m)?),
82                wasmparser::ComponentName::CoreMemories(m) => section.core_memories(&name_map(&m)?),
83                wasmparser::ComponentName::CoreTables(m) => section.core_tables(&name_map(&m)?),
84                wasmparser::ComponentName::CoreModules(m) => section.core_modules(&name_map(&m)?),
85                wasmparser::ComponentName::CoreInstances(m) => {
86                    section.core_instances(&name_map(&m)?)
87                }
88                wasmparser::ComponentName::CoreTypes(m) => section.core_types(&name_map(&m)?),
89                wasmparser::ComponentName::Types(m) => section.types(&name_map(&m)?),
90                wasmparser::ComponentName::Instances(m) => section.instances(&name_map(&m)?),
91                wasmparser::ComponentName::Components(m) => section.components(&name_map(&m)?),
92                wasmparser::ComponentName::Funcs(m) => section.funcs(&name_map(&m)?),
93                wasmparser::ComponentName::Values(m) => section.values(&name_map(&m)?),
94                wasmparser::ComponentName::Unknown { .. } => {} // wasm-encoder doesn't support it
95            }
96        }
97        Ok(section)
98    }
100    /// Serialize into the raw bytes of a wasm custom section.
101    pub fn raw_custom_section(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
102        let mut ret = Vec::new();
103        self.section()?.encode(&mut ret);
104        Ok(ret)
105    }