
1use pin_utils::unsafe_pinned;
2use std::pin::Pin;
3use std::task::{Context, Poll};
4use std::time::Duration;
6use futures::prelude::*;
8use crate::timer::delay;
9use crate::{Delay, Instant, TimerHandle};
11/// A stream representing notifications at fixed interval
13/// Intervals are created through the `Interval::new` or
14/// `Interval::new_at` methods indicating when a first notification
15/// should be triggered and when it will be repeated.
17/// Note that intervals are not intended for high resolution timers, but rather
18/// they will likely fire some granularity after the exact instant that they're
19/// otherwise indicated to fire at.
21pub struct Interval {
22    delay: Delay,
23    interval: Duration,
26impl Interval {
27    unsafe_pinned!(delay: Delay);
29    /// Creates a new interval which will fire at `dur` time into the future,
30    /// and will repeat every `dur` interval after
31    ///
32    /// The returned object will be bound to the default timer for this thread.
33    /// The default timer will be spun up in a helper thread on first use.
34    pub fn new(dur: Duration) -> Interval {
35        Interval::new_at(Instant::now() + dur, dur)
36    }
38    /// Creates a new interval which will fire at the time specified by `at`,
39    /// and then will repeat every `dur` interval after
40    ///
41    /// The returned object will be bound to the default timer for this thread.
42    /// The default timer will be spun up in a helper thread on first use.
43    pub fn new_at(at: Instant, dur: Duration) -> Interval {
44        Interval {
45            delay: Delay::new_at(at),
46            interval: dur,
47        }
48    }
50    /// Creates a new interval which will fire at the time specified by `at`,
51    /// and then will repeat every `dur` interval after
52    ///
53    /// The returned object will be bound to the timer specified by `handle`.
54    pub fn new_handle(at: Instant, dur: Duration, handle: TimerHandle) -> Interval {
55        Interval {
56            delay: Delay::new_handle(at, handle),
57            interval: dur,
58        }
59    }
62impl Stream for Interval {
63    type Item = ();
65    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
66        if Pin::new(&mut *self).delay().poll(cx).is_pending() {
67            return Poll::Pending;
68        }
69        let next = next_interval(delay::fires_at(&self.delay), Instant::now(), self.interval);
70        self.delay.reset_at(next);
71        Poll::Ready(Some(()))
72    }
75/// Converts Duration object to raw nanoseconds if possible
77/// This is useful to divide intervals.
79/// While technically for large duration it's impossible to represent any
80/// duration as nanoseconds, the largest duration we can represent is about
81/// 427_000 years. Large enough for any interval we would use or calculate in
82/// tokio.
83fn duration_to_nanos(dur: Duration) -> Option<u64> {
84    dur.as_secs()
85        .checked_mul(1_000_000_000)
86        .and_then(|v| v.checked_add(dur.subsec_nanos() as u64))
89fn next_interval(prev: Instant, now: Instant, interval: Duration) -> Instant {
90    let new = prev + interval;
91    if new > now {
92        return new;
93    } else {
94        let spent_ns =
95            duration_to_nanos(now.duration_since(prev)).expect("interval should be expired");
96        let interval_ns =
97            duration_to_nanos(interval).expect("interval is less that 427 thousand years");
98        let mult = spent_ns / interval_ns + 1;
99        assert!(
100            mult < (1 << 32),
101            "can't skip more than 4 billion intervals of {:?} \
102             (trying to skip {})",
103            interval,
104            mult
105        );
106        return prev + interval * (mult as u32);
107    }
111mod test {
112    use super::next_interval;
113    use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
115    struct Timeline(Instant);
117    impl Timeline {
118        fn new() -> Timeline {
119            Timeline(Instant::now())
120        }
121        fn at(&self, millis: u64) -> Instant {
122            self.0 + Duration::from_millis(millis)
123        }
124        fn at_ns(&self, sec: u64, nanos: u32) -> Instant {
125            self.0 + Duration::new(sec, nanos)
126        }
127    }
129    fn dur(millis: u64) -> Duration {
130        Duration::from_millis(millis)
131    }
133    // The math around Instant/Duration isn't 100% precise due to rounding
134    // errors, see #249 for more info
135    fn almost_eq(a: Instant, b: Instant) -> bool {
136        if a == b {
137            true
138        } else if a > b {
139            a - b < Duration::from_millis(1)
140        } else {
141            b - a < Duration::from_millis(1)
142        }
143    }
145    #[test]
146    fn norm_next() {
147        let tm = Timeline::new();
148        assert!(almost_eq(
149            next_interval(tm.at(1), tm.at(2), dur(10)),
150            tm.at(11)
151        ));
152        assert!(almost_eq(
153            next_interval(tm.at(7777), tm.at(7788), dur(100)),
154            tm.at(7877)
155        ));
156        assert!(almost_eq(
157            next_interval(tm.at(1), tm.at(1000), dur(2100)),
158            tm.at(2101)
159        ));
160    }
162    #[test]
163    fn fast_forward() {
164        let tm = Timeline::new();
165        assert!(almost_eq(
166            next_interval(tm.at(1), tm.at(1000), dur(10)),
167            tm.at(1001)
168        ));
169        assert!(almost_eq(
170            next_interval(tm.at(7777), tm.at(8888), dur(100)),
171            tm.at(8977)
172        ));
173        assert!(almost_eq(
174            next_interval(tm.at(1), tm.at(10000), dur(2100)),
175            tm.at(10501)
176        ));
177    }
179    /// TODO: this test actually should be successful, but since we can't
180    ///       multiply Duration on anything larger than u32 easily we decided
181    ///       to allow it to fail for now
182    #[test]
183    #[should_panic(expected = "can't skip more than 4 billion intervals")]
184    fn large_skip() {
185        let tm = Timeline::new();
186        assert_eq!(
187            next_interval(tm.at_ns(0, 1), tm.at_ns(25, 0), Duration::new(0, 2)),
188            tm.at_ns(25, 1)
189        );
190    }