use crate::lib::std::sync::Arc;
use wasmer_types::entity::PrimaryMap;
use wasmer_types::{Features, MemoryIndex, ModuleInfo, TableIndex};
use wasmer_vm::{MemoryStyle, TableStyle};
/// The required info for compiling a module.
/// This differs from [`ModuleInfo`] because it have extra info only
/// possible after translation (such as the features used for compiling,
/// or the `MemoryStyle` and `TableStyle`).
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, rkyv::Serialize, rkyv::Deserialize, rkyv::Archive)]
pub struct CompileModuleInfo {
/// The features used for compiling the module
pub features: Features,
/// The module information
pub module: Arc<ModuleInfo>,
/// The memory styles used for compiling.
/// The compiler will emit the most optimal code based
/// on the memory style (static or dynamic) chosen.
pub memory_styles: PrimaryMap<MemoryIndex, MemoryStyle>,
/// The table plans used for compiling.
pub table_styles: PrimaryMap<TableIndex, TableStyle>,