
1use std::fmt;
3use super::*;
4use lz4_flex::block::uncompressed_size;
5use wasmer_wasix_types::wasi;
7/// Type of printing mode to use
9pub enum JournalPrintingMode {
10    Text,
11    Json,
13impl Default for JournalPrintingMode {
14    fn default() -> Self {
15        Self::Text
16    }
19/// The printing journal writes all the journal entries to the console
20/// as either text or json.
21#[derive(Debug, Default)]
22pub struct PrintingJournal {
23    mode: JournalPrintingMode,
26impl PrintingJournal {
27    pub fn new(mode: JournalPrintingMode) -> Self {
28        Self { mode }
29    }
32impl ReadableJournal for PrintingJournal {
33    fn read(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Option<LogReadResult<'_>>> {
34        Ok(None)
35    }
37    fn as_restarted(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Box<DynReadableJournal>> {
38        Ok(Box::<PrintingJournal>::default())
39    }
42impl WritableJournal for PrintingJournal {
43    fn write<'a>(&'a self, entry: JournalEntry<'a>) -> anyhow::Result<LogWriteResult> {
44        match self.mode {
45            JournalPrintingMode::Text => println!("{entry}"),
46            JournalPrintingMode::Json => {
47                println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&entry)?)
48            }
49        }
50        Ok(LogWriteResult {
51            record_start: 0,
52            record_end: entry.estimate_size() as u64,
53        })
54    }
56    fn flush(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
57        Ok(())
58    }
61impl Journal for PrintingJournal {
62    fn split(self) -> (Box<DynWritableJournal>, Box<DynReadableJournal>) {
63        (
64            Box::<PrintingJournal>::default(),
65            Box::<PrintingJournal>::default(),
66        )
67    }
70impl<'a> fmt::Display for JournalEntry<'a> {
71    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
72        match self {
73            JournalEntry::InitModuleV1 { wasm_hash } => {
74                write!(f, "init-module (hash={wasm_hash:x?})")
75            }
76            JournalEntry::ClearEtherealV1 => {
77                write!(f, "clear-ethereal")
78            }
79            JournalEntry::UpdateMemoryRegionV1 {
80                region,
81                compressed_data,
82            } => write!(
83                f,
84                "memory-update (start={}, end={}, data.len={}, compressed.len={})",
85                region.start,
86                region.end,
87                uncompressed_size(compressed_data.as_ref())
88                    .map(|a| a.0)
89                    .unwrap_or_else(|_| compressed_data.as_ref().len()),
90                compressed_data.len()
91            ),
92            JournalEntry::ProcessExitV1 { exit_code } => {
93                write!(f, "process-exit (code={exit_code:?})")
94            }
95            JournalEntry::SetThreadV1 {
96                id,
97                call_stack,
98                memory_stack,
99                store_data,
100                ..
101            } => write!(
102                f,
103                "thread-update (id={}, call-stack.len={}, mem-stack.len={}, store-size={}",
104                id,
105                call_stack.len(),
106                memory_stack.len(),
107                store_data.len(),
108            ),
109            JournalEntry::CloseThreadV1 { id, exit_code } => {
110                write!(f, "thread-close (id={id}, code={exit_code:?})")
111            }
112            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorSeekV1 { fd, offset, whence } => {
113                write!(f, "fd-seek (fd={fd}, offset={offset}, whence={whence:?})")
114            },
115            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorWriteV1 {
116                fd, offset, data, ..
117            } => write!(f, "fd-write (fd={fd}, offset={offset}, data.len={})", data.len()),
118            JournalEntry::SetClockTimeV1 { clock_id, time } => {
119                write!(f, "set-clock-time (id={clock_id:?}, time={time})")
120            }
121            JournalEntry::CloseFileDescriptorV1 { fd } => write!(f, "fd-close (fd={fd})"),
122            JournalEntry::OpenFileDescriptorV1 {
123                fd, path, o_flags, ..
124            }
125            | JournalEntry::OpenFileDescriptorV2 {
126                fd, path, o_flags, ..
127            }=> {
128                if o_flags.contains(wasi::Oflags::CREATE) {
129                    if o_flags.contains(wasi::Oflags::TRUNC) {
130                        write!(f, "fd-create-new (fd={fd}, path={path})")
131                    } else if o_flags.contains(wasi::Oflags::EXCL) {
132                        write!(f, "fd-create-excl (fd={fd}, path={path})")
133                    } else {
134                        write!(f, "fd-create (fd={fd}, path={path})")
135                    }
136                } else if o_flags.contains(wasi::Oflags::TRUNC) {
137                    write!(f, "fd-open-new (fd={fd}, path={path})")
138                } else {
139                    write!(f, "fd-open (fd={fd}, path={path})")
140                }
141            }
142            JournalEntry::RenumberFileDescriptorV1 { old_fd, new_fd } => {
143                write!(f, "fd-renumber (old={old_fd}, new={new_fd})")
144            }
145            JournalEntry::DuplicateFileDescriptorV1 {
146                original_fd,
147                copied_fd,
148            } => write!(f, "fd-duplicate (original={original_fd}, copied={copied_fd})"),
149            JournalEntry::DuplicateFileDescriptorV2 {
150                original_fd,
151                copied_fd,
152                cloexec
153            } => write!(f, "fd-duplicate (original={original_fd}, copied={copied_fd}, cloexec={cloexec})"),
154            JournalEntry::CreateDirectoryV1 { fd, path } => {
155                write!(f, "path-create-dir (fd={fd}, path={path})")
156            }
157            JournalEntry::RemoveDirectoryV1 { fd, path } => {
158                write!(f, "path-remove-dir (fd={fd}, path={path})")
159            }
160            JournalEntry::PathSetTimesV1 {
161                path,
162                st_atim,
163                st_mtim,
164                ..
165            } => write!(f, "path-set-times (path={path}, atime={st_atim}, mtime={st_mtim}))"),
166            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorSetTimesV1 {
167                fd,
168                st_atim,
169                st_mtim,
170                ..
171            } => write!(f, "fd-set-times (fd={fd}, atime={st_atim}, mtime={st_mtim})"),
172            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorSetFdFlagsV1 { fd, flags } => {
173                write!(f, "fd-set-fd-flags (fd={fd}, flags={flags:?})")
174            }
175            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorSetFlagsV1 { fd, flags } => {
176                write!(f, "fd-set-flags (fd={fd}, flags={flags:?})")
177            }
178            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorSetRightsV1 {
179                fd,
180                fs_rights_base,
181                fs_rights_inheriting,
182            } => write!(f, "fd-set-rights (fd={fd}, base={fs_rights_base:?}, inherited={fs_rights_inheriting:?})"),
183            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorSetSizeV1 { fd, st_size } => {
184                write!(f, "fd-set-size (fd={fd}, size={st_size})")
185            }
186            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorAdviseV1 {
187                fd, offset, len, ..
188            } => write!(f, "fd-advise (fd={fd}, offset={offset}, len={len})"),
189            JournalEntry::FileDescriptorAllocateV1 { fd, offset, len } => {
190                write!(f, "fd-allocate (fd={fd}, offset={offset}, len={len})")
191            }
192            JournalEntry::CreateHardLinkV1 {
193                old_path, new_path, ..
194            } => write!(f, "path-link (from={old_path}, to={new_path})"),
195            JournalEntry::CreateSymbolicLinkV1 {
196                old_path, new_path, ..
197            } => write!(f, "path-symlink (from={old_path}, to={new_path})"),
198            JournalEntry::UnlinkFileV1 { path, .. } => write!(f, "path-unlink (path={path})"),
199            JournalEntry::PathRenameV1 {
200                old_path, new_path, ..
201            } => write!(f, "path-rename (old-path={old_path}, new-path={new_path})"),
202            JournalEntry::ChangeDirectoryV1 { path } => write!(f, "chdir (path={path})"),
203            JournalEntry::EpollCreateV1 { fd } => write!(f, "epoll-create (fd={fd})"),
204            JournalEntry::EpollCtlV1 { epfd, op, fd, .. } => {
205                write!(f, "epoll-ctl (epfd={epfd}, op={op:?}, fd={fd})")
206            }
207            JournalEntry::TtySetV1 { tty, line_feeds } => write!(f, "tty-set (echo={}, buffering={}, feeds={})", tty.echo, tty.line_buffered, line_feeds),
208            JournalEntry::CreatePipeV1 { read_fd, write_fd } => {
209                write!(f, "fd-pipe (read_fd={read_fd}, write_fd={write_fd})")
210            }
211            JournalEntry::CreateEventV1 {
212                initial_val, fd, ..
213            } => write!(f, "fd-event (fd={fd}, initial={initial_val})"),
214            JournalEntry::PortAddAddrV1 { cidr } => {
215                write!(f, "port-addr-add (ip={}, prefix={})", cidr.ip, cidr.prefix)
216            }
217            JournalEntry::PortDelAddrV1 { addr } => write!(f, "port-addr-del (addr={addr})"),
218            JournalEntry::PortAddrClearV1 => write!(f, "port-addr-clear"),
219            JournalEntry::PortBridgeV1 { network, .. } => {
220                write!(f, "port-bridge (network={network})")
221            }
222            JournalEntry::PortUnbridgeV1 => write!(f, "port-unbridge"),
223            JournalEntry::PortDhcpAcquireV1 => write!(f, "port-dhcp-acquire"),
224            JournalEntry::PortGatewaySetV1 { ip } => write!(f, "port-gateway-set (ip={ip})"),
225            JournalEntry::PortRouteAddV1 {
226                cidr, via_router, ..
227            } => write!(
228                f,
229                "port-route-add (ip={}, prefix={}, via_router={})",
230                cidr.ip, cidr.prefix, via_router
231            ),
232            JournalEntry::PortRouteClearV1 => write!(f, "port-route-clear"),
233            JournalEntry::PortRouteDelV1 { ip } => write!(f, "port-route-del (ip={ip})"),
234            JournalEntry::SocketOpenV1 { af, ty, pt, fd } => {
235                write!(f, "sock-open (fd={fd}, af={af:?}, ty={ty:?}, pt={pt:?})")
236            }
237            JournalEntry::SocketPairV1 { fd1, fd2 } => {
238                write!(f, "sock-pair (fd1={fd1}, fd2={fd2})")
239            }
240            JournalEntry::SocketListenV1 { fd, backlog } => {
241                write!(f, "sock-listen (fd={fd}, backlog={backlog})")
242            }
243            JournalEntry::SocketBindV1 { fd, addr } => {
244                write!(f, "sock-bind (fd={fd}, addr={addr})")
245            }
246            JournalEntry::SocketConnectedV1 {
247                fd,
248                local_addr,
249                peer_addr,
250            } => {
251                write!(f, "sock-connect (fd={fd}, addr={local_addr}, peer={peer_addr})")
252            }
253            JournalEntry::SocketAcceptedV1 {
254                listen_fd,
255                fd,
256                local_addr,
257                peer_addr,
258                ..
259            } => write!(f, "sock-accept (listen-fd={listen_fd}, sock_fd={fd}, addr={local_addr}, peer={peer_addr})"),
260            JournalEntry::SocketJoinIpv4MulticastV1 {
261                fd,
262                multiaddr,
263                iface,
264            } => write!(f, "sock-join-mcast-ipv4 (fd={fd}, addr={multiaddr}, iface={iface})"),
265            JournalEntry::SocketJoinIpv6MulticastV1 {
266                fd,
267                multi_addr: multiaddr,
268                iface,
269            } => write!(f, "sock-join-mcast-ipv6 (fd={fd}, addr={multiaddr}, iface={iface})"),
270            JournalEntry::SocketLeaveIpv4MulticastV1 {
271                fd,
272                multi_addr: multiaddr,
273                iface,
274            } => write!(f, "sock-leave-mcast-ipv4 (fd={fd}, addr={multiaddr}, iface={iface})"),
275            JournalEntry::SocketLeaveIpv6MulticastV1 {
276                fd,
277                multi_addr: multiaddr,
278                iface,
279            } => write!(f, "sock-leave-mcast-ipv6 (fd={fd}, addr={multiaddr}, iface={iface})"),
280            JournalEntry::SocketSendFileV1 {
281                socket_fd,
282                file_fd,
283                offset,
284                count,
285            } => write!(f, "sock-send-file (sock-fd={socket_fd}, file-fd={file_fd}, offset={offset}, count={count})"),
286            JournalEntry::SocketSendToV1 { fd, data, addr, .. } => {
287                write!(f, "sock-send-to (fd={}, data.len={}, addr={})", fd, data.len(), addr)
288            }
289            JournalEntry::SocketSendV1 { fd, data, .. } => {
290                write!(f, "sock-send (fd={}, data.len={}", fd, data.len())
291            }
292            JournalEntry::SocketSetOptFlagV1 { fd, opt, flag } => {
293                write!(f, "sock-set-opt (fd={fd}, opt={opt:?}, flag={flag})")
294            }
295            JournalEntry::SocketSetOptSizeV1 { fd, opt, size } => {
296                write!(f, "sock-set-opt (fd={fd}, opt={opt:?}, size={size})")
297            }
298            JournalEntry::SocketSetOptTimeV1 { fd, ty, time } => {
299                write!(f, "sock-set-opt (fd={fd}, opt={ty:?}, time={time:?})")
300            }
301            JournalEntry::SocketShutdownV1 { fd, how } => {
302                write!(f, "sock-shutdown (fd={fd}, how={how:?})")
303            }
304            JournalEntry::SnapshotV1 { when, trigger } => {
305                write!(f, "snapshot (when={when:?}, trigger={trigger:?})")
306            }
307        }
308    }