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use crate::vmcontext::VMGlobalDefinition;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use thiserror::Error;
use wasmer_types::{GlobalType, Mutability, Type, Value, WasmValueType};
/// A Global instance
pub struct Global {
ty: GlobalType,
// TODO: this box is unnecessary
vm_global_definition: Box<UnsafeCell<VMGlobalDefinition>>,
// used to synchronize gets/sets
lock: Mutex<()>,
/// # Safety
/// This is safe to send between threads because there is no-thread specific logic.
/// TODO: look into other reasons that make something not `Send`
unsafe impl Send for Global {}
/// # Safety
/// This is safe to share between threads because it uses a `Mutex` internally.
unsafe impl Sync for Global {}
/// Error type describing things that can go wrong when operating on Wasm Globals.
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum GlobalError {
/// The error returned when attempting to set an immutable global.
#[error("Attempted to set an immutable global")]
/// The error returned when attempting to operate on a global as a specific type
/// that differs from the global's own type.
#[error("Attempted to operate on a global of type {expected} as a global of type {found}")]
IncorrectType {
/// The type that the global is.
expected: Type,
/// The type that we were asked to use it as.
found: Type,
impl Global {
/// Create a new, zero bit-pattern initialized global from a [`GlobalType`].
pub fn new(global_type: GlobalType) -> Self {
Self {
ty: global_type,
vm_global_definition: Box::new(UnsafeCell::new(VMGlobalDefinition::new())),
lock: Mutex::new(()),
/// Get the type of the global.
pub fn ty(&self) -> &GlobalType {
/// Get a pointer to the underlying definition used by the generated code.
pub fn vmglobal(&self) -> NonNull<VMGlobalDefinition> {
let ptr = self.vm_global_definition.as_ref() as *const UnsafeCell<VMGlobalDefinition>
as *const VMGlobalDefinition as *mut VMGlobalDefinition;
unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr) }
/// Get a value from the global.
// TODO(reftypes): the `&dyn Any` here for `Store` is a work-around for the fact
// that `Store` is defined in `API` when we need it earlier. Ideally this should
// be removed.
pub fn get<T: WasmValueType>(&self, store: &dyn std::any::Any) -> Value<T> {
let _global_guard = self.lock.lock().unwrap();
unsafe {
let definition = &*self.vm_global_definition.get();
match self.ty().ty {
Type::I32 => Value::I32(definition.to_i32()),
Type::I64 => Value::I64(definition.to_i64()),
Type::F32 => Value::F32(definition.to_f32()),
Type::F64 => Value::F64(definition.to_f64()),
Type::V128 => Value::V128(definition.to_u128()),
Type::ExternRef => Value::ExternRef(definition.to_externref().into()),
Type::FuncRef => {
let p = definition.to_u128() as i128;
if p as usize == 0 {
} else {
let v = T::read_value_from(store, &p);
/// Set a value for the global.
/// # Safety
/// The caller should check that the `val` comes from the same store as this global.
pub unsafe fn set<T: WasmValueType>(&self, val: Value<T>) -> Result<(), GlobalError> {
let _global_guard = self.lock.lock().unwrap();
if self.ty().mutability != Mutability::Var {
return Err(GlobalError::ImmutableGlobalCannotBeSet);
if val.ty() != self.ty().ty {
return Err(GlobalError::IncorrectType {
expected: self.ty.ty,
found: val.ty(),
/// Set a value from the global (unchecked)
/// # Safety
/// The caller should check that the `val` comes from the same store as this global.
/// The caller should also ensure that this global is synchronized. Otherwise, use
/// `set` instead.
pub unsafe fn set_unchecked<T: WasmValueType>(&self, val: Value<T>) -> Result<(), GlobalError> {
// ideally we'd use atomics for the global value rather than needing to lock it
let definition = &mut *self.vm_global_definition.get();
match val {
Value::I32(i) => *definition.as_i32_mut() = i,
Value::I64(i) => *definition.as_i64_mut() = i,
Value::F32(f) => *definition.as_f32_mut() = f,
Value::F64(f) => *definition.as_f64_mut() = f,
Value::V128(x) => *definition.as_bytes_mut() = x.to_ne_bytes(),
Value::ExternRef(r) => {
let extern_ref = definition.as_externref_mut();
*extern_ref = r.into()
Value::FuncRef(None) => *definition.as_u128_mut() = 0,
Value::FuncRef(Some(r)) => {
r.write_value_to(definition.as_u128_mut() as *mut u128 as *mut i128)