
1// This file contains code from external sources.
2// Attributions: https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/blob/main/docs/ATTRIBUTIONS.md
4//! Memory management for linear memories.
6//! `Memory` is to WebAssembly linear memories what `Table` is to WebAssembly tables.
8use crate::mmap::MmapType;
9use crate::threadconditions::ThreadConditions;
10pub use crate::threadconditions::{NotifyLocation, WaiterError};
11use crate::trap::Trap;
12use crate::{mmap::Mmap, store::MaybeInstanceOwned, vmcontext::VMMemoryDefinition};
13use more_asserts::assert_ge;
14use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
15use std::convert::TryInto;
16use std::ptr::NonNull;
17use std::rc::Rc;
18use std::slice;
19use std::sync::RwLock;
20use std::time::Duration;
21use wasmer_types::{Bytes, MemoryError, MemoryStyle, MemoryType, Pages, WASM_PAGE_SIZE};
23// The memory mapped area
25struct WasmMmap {
26    // Our OS allocation of mmap'd memory.
27    alloc: Mmap,
28    // The current logical size in wasm pages of this linear memory.
29    size: Pages,
30    /// The owned memory definition used by the generated code
31    vm_memory_definition: MaybeInstanceOwned<VMMemoryDefinition>,
34impl WasmMmap {
35    fn get_vm_memory_definition(&self) -> NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition> {
36        self.vm_memory_definition.as_ptr()
37    }
39    fn size(&self) -> Pages {
40        unsafe {
41            let md_ptr = self.get_vm_memory_definition();
42            let md = md_ptr.as_ref();
43            Bytes::from(md.current_length).try_into().unwrap()
44        }
45    }
47    fn grow(&mut self, delta: Pages, conf: VMMemoryConfig) -> Result<Pages, MemoryError> {
48        // Optimization of memory.grow 0 calls.
49        if delta.0 == 0 {
50            return Ok(self.size);
51        }
53        let new_pages = self
54            .size
55            .checked_add(delta)
56            .ok_or(MemoryError::CouldNotGrow {
57                current: self.size,
58                attempted_delta: delta,
59            })?;
60        let prev_pages = self.size;
62        if let Some(maximum) = conf.maximum {
63            if new_pages > maximum {
64                return Err(MemoryError::CouldNotGrow {
65                    current: self.size,
66                    attempted_delta: delta,
67                });
68            }
69        }
71        // Wasm linear memories are never allowed to grow beyond what is
72        // indexable. If the memory has no maximum, enforce the greatest
73        // limit here.
74        if new_pages >= Pages::max_value() {
75            // Linear memory size would exceed the index range.
76            return Err(MemoryError::CouldNotGrow {
77                current: self.size,
78                attempted_delta: delta,
79            });
80        }
82        let delta_bytes = delta.bytes().0;
83        let prev_bytes = prev_pages.bytes().0;
84        let new_bytes = new_pages.bytes().0;
86        if new_bytes > self.alloc.len() - conf.offset_guard_size {
87            // If the new size is within the declared maximum, but needs more memory than we
88            // have on hand, it's a dynamic heap and it can move.
89            let guard_bytes = conf.offset_guard_size;
90            let request_bytes =
91                new_bytes
92                    .checked_add(guard_bytes)
93                    .ok_or_else(|| MemoryError::CouldNotGrow {
94                        current: new_pages,
95                        attempted_delta: Bytes(guard_bytes).try_into().unwrap(),
96                    })?;
98            let mut new_mmap =
99                Mmap::accessible_reserved(new_bytes, request_bytes, None, MmapType::Private)
100                    .map_err(MemoryError::Region)?;
102            let copy_len = self.alloc.len() - conf.offset_guard_size;
103            new_mmap.as_mut_slice()[..copy_len].copy_from_slice(&self.alloc.as_slice()[..copy_len]);
105            self.alloc = new_mmap;
106        } else if delta_bytes > 0 {
107            // Make the newly allocated pages accessible.
108            self.alloc
109                .make_accessible(prev_bytes, delta_bytes)
110                .map_err(MemoryError::Region)?;
111        }
113        self.size = new_pages;
115        // update memory definition
116        unsafe {
117            let mut md_ptr = self.vm_memory_definition.as_ptr();
118            let md = md_ptr.as_mut();
119            md.current_length = new_pages.bytes().0;
120            md.base = self.alloc.as_mut_ptr() as _;
121        }
123        Ok(prev_pages)
124    }
126    /// Grows the memory to at least a minimum size. If the memory is already big enough
127    /// for the min size then this function does nothing
128    fn grow_at_least(&mut self, min_size: u64, conf: VMMemoryConfig) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
129        let cur_size = self.size.bytes().0 as u64;
130        if cur_size < min_size {
131            let growth = min_size - cur_size;
132            let growth_pages = ((growth - 1) / WASM_PAGE_SIZE as u64) + 1;
133            self.grow(Pages(growth_pages as u32), conf)?;
134        }
136        Ok(())
137    }
139    /// Resets the memory down to a zero size
140    fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
141        self.size.0 = 0;
142        Ok(())
143    }
145    /// Copies the memory
146    /// (in this case it performs a copy-on-write to save memory)
147    pub fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
148        let mem_length = self.size.bytes().0;
149        let mut alloc = self
150            .alloc
151            .copy(Some(mem_length))
152            .map_err(MemoryError::Generic)?;
153        let base_ptr = alloc.as_mut_ptr();
154        Ok(Self {
155            vm_memory_definition: MaybeInstanceOwned::Host(Box::new(UnsafeCell::new(
156                VMMemoryDefinition {
157                    base: base_ptr,
158                    current_length: mem_length,
159                },
160            ))),
161            alloc,
162            size: self.size,
163        })
164    }
167/// A linear memory instance.
168#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
169struct VMMemoryConfig {
170    // The optional maximum size in wasm pages of this linear memory.
171    maximum: Option<Pages>,
172    /// The WebAssembly linear memory description.
173    memory: MemoryType,
174    /// Our chosen implementation style.
175    style: MemoryStyle,
176    // Size in bytes of extra guard pages after the end to optimize loads and stores with
177    // constant offsets.
178    offset_guard_size: usize,
181impl VMMemoryConfig {
182    fn ty(&self, minimum: Pages) -> MemoryType {
183        let mut out = self.memory;
184        out.minimum = minimum;
186        out
187    }
189    fn style(&self) -> MemoryStyle {
190        self.style
191    }
194/// A linear memory instance.
196pub struct VMOwnedMemory {
197    // The underlying allocation.
198    mmap: WasmMmap,
199    // Configuration of this memory
200    config: VMMemoryConfig,
203unsafe impl Send for VMOwnedMemory {}
204unsafe impl Sync for VMOwnedMemory {}
206impl VMOwnedMemory {
207    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages.
208    ///
209    /// This creates a `Memory` with owned metadata: this can be used to create a memory
210    /// that will be imported into Wasm modules.
211    pub fn new(memory: &MemoryType, style: &MemoryStyle) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
212        unsafe { Self::new_internal(memory, style, None, None, MmapType::Private) }
213    }
215    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages
216    /// that is backed by a memory file. When set to private the file will be remaing in memory and
217    /// never flush to disk, when set to shared the memory will be flushed to disk.
218    ///
219    /// This creates a `Memory` with owned metadata: this can be used to create a memory
220    /// that will be imported into Wasm modules.
221    pub fn new_with_file(
222        memory: &MemoryType,
223        style: &MemoryStyle,
224        backing_file: std::path::PathBuf,
225        memory_type: MmapType,
226    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
227        unsafe { Self::new_internal(memory, style, None, Some(backing_file), memory_type) }
228    }
230    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages.
231    ///
232    /// This creates a `Memory` with metadata owned by a VM, pointed to by
233    /// `vm_memory_location`: this can be used to create a local memory.
234    ///
235    /// # Safety
236    /// - `vm_memory_location` must point to a valid location in VM memory.
237    pub unsafe fn from_definition(
238        memory: &MemoryType,
239        style: &MemoryStyle,
240        vm_memory_location: NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition>,
241    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
242        Self::new_internal(
243            memory,
244            style,
245            Some(vm_memory_location),
246            None,
247            MmapType::Private,
248        )
249    }
251    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages
252    /// that is backed by a file. When set to private the file will be remaing in memory and
253    /// never flush to disk, when set to shared the memory will be flushed to disk.
254    ///
255    /// This creates a `Memory` with metadata owned by a VM, pointed to by
256    /// `vm_memory_location`: this can be used to create a local memory.
257    ///
258    /// # Safety
259    /// - `vm_memory_location` must point to a valid location in VM memory.
260    pub unsafe fn from_definition_with_file(
261        memory: &MemoryType,
262        style: &MemoryStyle,
263        vm_memory_location: NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition>,
264        backing_file: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
265        memory_type: MmapType,
266    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
267        Self::new_internal(
268            memory,
269            style,
270            Some(vm_memory_location),
271            backing_file,
272            memory_type,
273        )
274    }
276    /// Build a `Memory` with either self-owned or VM owned metadata.
277    unsafe fn new_internal(
278        memory: &MemoryType,
279        style: &MemoryStyle,
280        vm_memory_location: Option<NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition>>,
281        backing_file: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
282        memory_type: MmapType,
283    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
284        if memory.minimum > Pages::max_value() {
285            return Err(MemoryError::MinimumMemoryTooLarge {
286                min_requested: memory.minimum,
287                max_allowed: Pages::max_value(),
288            });
289        }
290        // `maximum` cannot be set to more than `65536` pages.
291        if let Some(max) = memory.maximum {
292            if max > Pages::max_value() {
293                return Err(MemoryError::MaximumMemoryTooLarge {
294                    max_requested: max,
295                    max_allowed: Pages::max_value(),
296                });
297            }
298            if max < memory.minimum {
299                return Err(MemoryError::InvalidMemory {
300                    reason: format!(
301                        "the maximum ({} pages) is less than the minimum ({} pages)",
302                        max.0, memory.minimum.0
303                    ),
304                });
305            }
306        }
308        let offset_guard_bytes = style.offset_guard_size() as usize;
310        let minimum_pages = match style {
311            MemoryStyle::Dynamic { .. } => memory.minimum,
312            MemoryStyle::Static { bound, .. } => {
313                assert_ge!(*bound, memory.minimum);
314                *bound
315            }
316        };
317        let minimum_bytes = minimum_pages.bytes().0;
318        let request_bytes = minimum_bytes.checked_add(offset_guard_bytes).unwrap();
319        let mapped_pages = memory.minimum;
320        let mapped_bytes = mapped_pages.bytes();
322        let mut alloc =
323            Mmap::accessible_reserved(mapped_bytes.0, request_bytes, backing_file, memory_type)
324                .map_err(MemoryError::Region)?;
326        let base_ptr = alloc.as_mut_ptr();
327        let mem_length = memory
328            .minimum
329            .bytes()
330            .0
331            .max(alloc.as_slice_accessible().len());
332        let mmap = WasmMmap {
333            vm_memory_definition: if let Some(mem_loc) = vm_memory_location {
334                {
335                    let mut ptr = mem_loc;
336                    let md = ptr.as_mut();
337                    md.base = base_ptr;
338                    md.current_length = mem_length;
339                }
340                MaybeInstanceOwned::Instance(mem_loc)
341            } else {
342                MaybeInstanceOwned::Host(Box::new(UnsafeCell::new(VMMemoryDefinition {
343                    base: base_ptr,
344                    current_length: mem_length,
345                })))
346            },
347            alloc,
348            size: Bytes::from(mem_length).try_into().unwrap(),
349        };
351        Ok(Self {
352            mmap,
353            config: VMMemoryConfig {
354                maximum: memory.maximum,
355                offset_guard_size: offset_guard_bytes,
356                memory: *memory,
357                style: *style,
358            },
359        })
360    }
362    /// Converts this owned memory into shared memory
363    pub fn to_shared(self) -> VMSharedMemory {
364        VMSharedMemory {
365            mmap: Rc::new(RwLock::new(self.mmap)),
366            config: self.config,
367            conditions: ThreadConditions::new(),
368        }
369    }
371    /// Copies this memory to a new memory
372    pub fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
373        Ok(Self {
374            mmap: self.mmap.copy()?,
375            config: self.config.clone(),
376        })
377    }
380impl LinearMemory for VMOwnedMemory {
381    /// Returns the type for this memory.
382    fn ty(&self) -> MemoryType {
383        let minimum = self.mmap.size();
384        self.config.ty(minimum)
385    }
387    /// Returns the size of hte memory in pages
388    fn size(&self) -> Pages {
389        self.mmap.size()
390    }
392    /// Returns the memory style for this memory.
393    fn style(&self) -> MemoryStyle {
394        self.config.style()
395    }
397    /// Grow memory by the specified amount of wasm pages.
398    ///
399    /// Returns `None` if memory can't be grown by the specified amount
400    /// of wasm pages.
401    fn grow(&mut self, delta: Pages) -> Result<Pages, MemoryError> {
402        self.mmap.grow(delta, self.config.clone())
403    }
405    /// Grows the memory to at least a minimum size. If the memory is already big enough
406    /// for the min size then this function does nothing
407    fn grow_at_least(&mut self, min_size: u64) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
408        self.mmap.grow_at_least(min_size, self.config.clone())
409    }
411    /// Resets the memory down to a zero size
412    fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
413        self.mmap.reset()?;
414        Ok(())
415    }
417    /// Return a `VMMemoryDefinition` for exposing the memory to compiled wasm code.
418    fn vmmemory(&self) -> NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition> {
419        self.mmap.vm_memory_definition.as_ptr()
420    }
422    /// Owned memory can not be cloned (this will always return None)
423    fn try_clone(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError> {
424        Err(MemoryError::MemoryNotShared)
425    }
427    /// Copies this memory to a new memory
428    fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError> {
429        let forked = Self::copy(self)?;
430        Ok(Box::new(forked))
431    }
434/// A shared linear memory instance.
435#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
436pub struct VMSharedMemory {
437    // The underlying allocation.
438    mmap: Rc<RwLock<WasmMmap>>,
439    // Configuration of this memory
440    config: VMMemoryConfig,
441    // waiters list for this memory
442    conditions: ThreadConditions,
445unsafe impl Send for VMSharedMemory {}
446unsafe impl Sync for VMSharedMemory {}
448impl VMSharedMemory {
449    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages.
450    ///
451    /// This creates a `Memory` with owned metadata: this can be used to create a memory
452    /// that will be imported into Wasm modules.
453    pub fn new(memory: &MemoryType, style: &MemoryStyle) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
454        Ok(VMOwnedMemory::new(memory, style)?.to_shared())
455    }
457    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages
458    /// that is backed by a file. When set to private the file will be remaing in memory and
459    /// never flush to disk, when set to shared the memory will be flushed to disk.
460    ///
461    /// This creates a `Memory` with owned metadata: this can be used to create a memory
462    /// that will be imported into Wasm modules.
463    pub fn new_with_file(
464        memory: &MemoryType,
465        style: &MemoryStyle,
466        backing_file: std::path::PathBuf,
467        memory_type: MmapType,
468    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
469        Ok(VMOwnedMemory::new_with_file(memory, style, backing_file, memory_type)?.to_shared())
470    }
472    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages.
473    ///
474    /// This creates a `Memory` with metadata owned by a VM, pointed to by
475    /// `vm_memory_location`: this can be used to create a local memory.
476    ///
477    /// # Safety
478    /// - `vm_memory_location` must point to a valid location in VM memory.
479    pub unsafe fn from_definition(
480        memory: &MemoryType,
481        style: &MemoryStyle,
482        vm_memory_location: NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition>,
483    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
484        Ok(VMOwnedMemory::from_definition(memory, style, vm_memory_location)?.to_shared())
485    }
487    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages
488    /// that is backed by a file. When set to private the file will be remaing in memory and
489    /// never flush to disk, when set to shared the memory will be flushed to disk.
490    ///
491    /// This creates a `Memory` with metadata owned by a VM, pointed to by
492    /// `vm_memory_location`: this can be used to create a local memory.
493    ///
494    /// # Safety
495    /// - `vm_memory_location` must point to a valid location in VM memory.
496    pub unsafe fn from_definition_with_file(
497        memory: &MemoryType,
498        style: &MemoryStyle,
499        vm_memory_location: NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition>,
500        backing_file: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
501        memory_type: MmapType,
502    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
503        Ok(VMOwnedMemory::from_definition_with_file(
504            memory,
505            style,
506            vm_memory_location,
507            backing_file,
508            memory_type,
509        )?
510        .to_shared())
511    }
513    /// Copies this memory to a new memory
514    pub fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
515        let mut guard = self.mmap.write().unwrap();
516        Ok(Self {
517            mmap: Rc::new(RwLock::new(guard.copy()?)),
518            config: self.config.clone(),
519            conditions: ThreadConditions::new(),
520        })
521    }
524impl LinearMemory for VMSharedMemory {
525    /// Returns the type for this memory.
526    fn ty(&self) -> MemoryType {
527        let minimum = {
528            let guard = self.mmap.read().unwrap();
529            guard.size()
530        };
531        self.config.ty(minimum)
532    }
534    /// Returns the size of hte memory in pages
535    fn size(&self) -> Pages {
536        let guard = self.mmap.read().unwrap();
537        guard.size()
538    }
540    /// Returns the memory style for this memory.
541    fn style(&self) -> MemoryStyle {
542        self.config.style()
543    }
545    /// Grow memory by the specified amount of wasm pages.
546    ///
547    /// Returns `None` if memory can't be grown by the specified amount
548    /// of wasm pages.
549    fn grow(&mut self, delta: Pages) -> Result<Pages, MemoryError> {
550        let mut guard = self.mmap.write().unwrap();
551        guard.grow(delta, self.config.clone())
552    }
554    /// Grows the memory to at least a minimum size. If the memory is already big enough
555    /// for the min size then this function does nothing
556    fn grow_at_least(&mut self, min_size: u64) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
557        let mut guard = self.mmap.write().unwrap();
558        guard.grow_at_least(min_size, self.config.clone())
559    }
561    /// Resets the memory down to a zero size
562    fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
563        let mut guard = self.mmap.write().unwrap();
564        guard.reset()?;
565        Ok(())
566    }
568    /// Return a `VMMemoryDefinition` for exposing the memory to compiled wasm code.
569    fn vmmemory(&self) -> NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition> {
570        let guard = self.mmap.read().unwrap();
571        guard.vm_memory_definition.as_ptr()
572    }
574    /// Shared memory can always be cloned
575    fn try_clone(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError> {
576        Ok(Box::new(self.clone()))
577    }
579    /// Copies this memory to a new memory
580    fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError> {
581        let forked = Self::copy(self)?;
582        Ok(Box::new(forked))
583    }
585    // Add current thread to waiter list
586    fn do_wait(
587        &mut self,
588        dst: NotifyLocation,
589        timeout: Option<Duration>,
590    ) -> Result<u32, WaiterError> {
591        self.conditions.do_wait(dst, timeout)
592    }
594    /// Notify waiters from the wait list. Return the number of waiters notified
595    fn do_notify(&mut self, dst: NotifyLocation, count: u32) -> u32 {
596        self.conditions.do_notify(dst, count)
597    }
599    fn thread_conditions(&self) -> Option<&ThreadConditions> {
600        Some(&self.conditions)
601    }
604impl From<VMOwnedMemory> for VMMemory {
605    fn from(mem: VMOwnedMemory) -> Self {
606        Self(Box::new(mem))
607    }
610impl From<VMSharedMemory> for VMMemory {
611    fn from(mem: VMSharedMemory) -> Self {
612        Self(Box::new(mem))
613    }
616/// Represents linear memory that can be either owned or shared
618pub struct VMMemory(pub Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>);
620impl From<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>> for VMMemory {
621    fn from(mem: Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>) -> Self {
622        Self(mem)
623    }
626impl LinearMemory for VMMemory {
627    /// Returns the type for this memory.
628    fn ty(&self) -> MemoryType {
629        self.0.ty()
630    }
632    /// Returns the size of hte memory in pages
633    fn size(&self) -> Pages {
634        self.0.size()
635    }
637    /// Grow memory by the specified amount of wasm pages.
638    ///
639    /// Returns `None` if memory can't be grown by the specified amount
640    /// of wasm pages.
641    fn grow(&mut self, delta: Pages) -> Result<Pages, MemoryError> {
642        self.0.grow(delta)
643    }
645    /// Grows the memory to at least a minimum size. If the memory is already big enough
646    /// for the min size then this function does nothing
647    fn grow_at_least(&mut self, min_size: u64) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
648        self.0.grow_at_least(min_size)
649    }
651    /// Resets the memory down to a zero size
652    fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
653        self.0.reset()?;
654        Ok(())
655    }
657    /// Returns the memory style for this memory.
658    fn style(&self) -> MemoryStyle {
659        self.0.style()
660    }
662    /// Return a `VMMemoryDefinition` for exposing the memory to compiled wasm code.
663    fn vmmemory(&self) -> NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition> {
664        self.0.vmmemory()
665    }
667    /// Attempts to clone this memory (if its clonable)
668    fn try_clone(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError> {
669        self.0.try_clone()
670    }
672    /// Initialize memory with data
673    unsafe fn initialize_with_data(&self, start: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Trap> {
674        self.0.initialize_with_data(start, data)
675    }
677    /// Copies this memory to a new memory
678    fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError> {
679        self.0.copy()
680    }
682    // Add current thread to waiter list
683    fn do_wait(
684        &mut self,
685        dst: NotifyLocation,
686        timeout: Option<Duration>,
687    ) -> Result<u32, WaiterError> {
688        self.0.do_wait(dst, timeout)
689    }
691    /// Notify waiters from the wait list. Return the number of waiters notified
692    fn do_notify(&mut self, dst: NotifyLocation, count: u32) -> u32 {
693        self.0.do_notify(dst, count)
694    }
696    fn thread_conditions(&self) -> Option<&ThreadConditions> {
697        self.0.thread_conditions()
698    }
701impl VMMemory {
702    /// Creates a new linear memory instance of the correct type with specified
703    /// minimum and maximum number of wasm pages.
704    ///
705    /// This creates a `Memory` with owned metadata: this can be used to create a memory
706    /// that will be imported into Wasm modules.
707    pub fn new(memory: &MemoryType, style: &MemoryStyle) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
708        Ok(if memory.shared {
709            Self(Box::new(VMSharedMemory::new(memory, style)?))
710        } else {
711            Self(Box::new(VMOwnedMemory::new(memory, style)?))
712        })
713    }
715    /// Returns the number of pages in the allocated memory block
716    pub fn get_runtime_size(&self) -> u32 {
717        self.0.size().0
718    }
720    /// Create a new linear memory instance with specified minimum and maximum number of wasm pages.
721    ///
722    /// This creates a `Memory` with metadata owned by a VM, pointed to by
723    /// `vm_memory_location`: this can be used to create a local memory.
724    ///
725    /// # Safety
726    /// - `vm_memory_location` must point to a valid location in VM memory.
727    pub unsafe fn from_definition(
728        memory: &MemoryType,
729        style: &MemoryStyle,
730        vm_memory_location: NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition>,
731    ) -> Result<Self, MemoryError> {
732        Ok(if memory.shared {
733            Self(Box::new(VMSharedMemory::from_definition(
734                memory,
735                style,
736                vm_memory_location,
737            )?))
738        } else {
739            Self(Box::new(VMOwnedMemory::from_definition(
740                memory,
741                style,
742                vm_memory_location,
743            )?))
744        })
745    }
747    /// Creates VMMemory from a custom implementation - the following into implementations
748    /// are natively supported
749    /// - VMOwnedMemory -> VMMemory
750    /// - Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static> -> VMMemory
751    pub fn from_custom<IntoVMMemory>(memory: IntoVMMemory) -> Self
752    where
753        IntoVMMemory: Into<Self>,
754    {
755        memory.into()
756    }
758    /// Copies this memory to a new memory
759    pub fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError> {
760        LinearMemory::copy(self)
761    }
765/// Default implementation to initialize memory with data
766pub unsafe fn initialize_memory_with_data(
767    memory: &VMMemoryDefinition,
768    start: usize,
769    data: &[u8],
770) -> Result<(), Trap> {
771    let mem_slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(memory.base, memory.current_length);
772    let end = start + data.len();
773    let to_init = &mut mem_slice[start..end];
774    to_init.copy_from_slice(data);
776    Ok(())
779/// Represents memory that is used by the WebAsssembly module
780pub trait LinearMemory
782    Self: std::fmt::Debug + Send,
784    /// Returns the type for this memory.
785    fn ty(&self) -> MemoryType;
787    /// Returns the size of hte memory in pages
788    fn size(&self) -> Pages;
790    /// Returns the memory style for this memory.
791    fn style(&self) -> MemoryStyle;
793    /// Grow memory by the specified amount of wasm pages.
794    ///
795    /// Returns `None` if memory can't be grown by the specified amount
796    /// of wasm pages.
797    fn grow(&mut self, delta: Pages) -> Result<Pages, MemoryError>;
799    /// Grows the memory to at least a minimum size. If the memory is already big enough
800    /// for the min size then this function does nothing
801    fn grow_at_least(&mut self, _min_size: u64) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
802        Err(MemoryError::UnsupportedOperation {
803            message: "grow_at_least() is not supported".to_string(),
804        })
805    }
807    /// Resets the memory back to zero length
808    fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), MemoryError> {
809        Err(MemoryError::UnsupportedOperation {
810            message: "reset() is not supported".to_string(),
811        })
812    }
814    /// Return a `VMMemoryDefinition` for exposing the memory to compiled wasm code.
815    fn vmmemory(&self) -> NonNull<VMMemoryDefinition>;
817    /// Attempts to clone this memory (if its clonable)
818    fn try_clone(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError>;
820    #[doc(hidden)]
821    /// # Safety
822    /// This function is unsafe because WebAssembly specification requires that data is always set at initialization time.
823    /// It should be the implementors responsibility to make sure this respects the spec
824    unsafe fn initialize_with_data(&self, start: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Trap> {
825        let memory = self.vmmemory().as_ref();
827        initialize_memory_with_data(memory, start, data)
828    }
830    /// Copies this memory to a new memory
831    fn copy(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn LinearMemory + 'static>, MemoryError>;
833    /// Add current thread to the waiter hash, and wait until notified or timout.
834    /// Return 0 if the waiter has been notified, 2 if the timeout occured, or None if en error happened
835    fn do_wait(
836        &mut self,
837        _dst: NotifyLocation,
838        _timeout: Option<Duration>,
839    ) -> Result<u32, WaiterError> {
840        Err(WaiterError::Unimplemented)
841    }
843    /// Notify waiters from the wait list. Return the number of waiters notified
844    fn do_notify(&mut self, _dst: NotifyLocation, _count: u32) -> u32 {
845        0
846    }
848    /// Access the internal atomics handler.
849    ///
850    /// Will be [`None`] if the memory does not support atomics.
851    fn thread_conditions(&self) -> Option<&ThreadConditions> {
852        None
853    }