
1use crate::{BinaryReader, BinaryReaderError, NameMap, Result, Subsection, Subsections};
2use core::ops::Range;
4/// Type used to iterate and parse the contents of the `component-name` custom
5/// section in compnents, similar to the `name` section of core modules.
6pub type ComponentNameSectionReader<'a> = Subsections<'a, ComponentName<'a>>;
8/// Represents a name read from the names custom section.
11pub enum ComponentName<'a> {
12    Component {
13        name: &'a str,
14        name_range: Range<usize>,
15    },
16    CoreFuncs(NameMap<'a>),
17    CoreGlobals(NameMap<'a>),
18    CoreMemories(NameMap<'a>),
19    CoreTables(NameMap<'a>),
20    CoreModules(NameMap<'a>),
21    CoreInstances(NameMap<'a>),
22    CoreTypes(NameMap<'a>),
23    Types(NameMap<'a>),
24    Instances(NameMap<'a>),
25    Components(NameMap<'a>),
26    Funcs(NameMap<'a>),
27    Values(NameMap<'a>),
29    /// An unknown [name subsection](https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/appendix/custom.html#subsections).
30    Unknown {
31        /// The identifier for this subsection.
32        ty: u8,
33        /// The contents of this subsection.
34        data: &'a [u8],
35        /// The range of bytes, relative to the start of the original data
36        /// stream, that the contents of this subsection reside in.
37        range: Range<usize>,
38    },
41impl<'a> Subsection<'a> for ComponentName<'a> {
42    fn from_reader(id: u8, mut reader: BinaryReader<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
43        let data = reader.remaining_buffer();
44        let offset = reader.original_position();
45        Ok(match id {
46            0 => {
47                let name = reader.read_string()?;
48                if !reader.eof() {
49                    return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
50                        "trailing data at the end of a name",
51                        reader.original_position(),
52                    ));
53                }
54                ComponentName::Component {
55                    name,
56                    name_range: offset..reader.original_position(),
57                }
58            }
59            1 => {
60                let ctor: fn(NameMap<'a>) -> ComponentName<'a> = match reader.read_u8()? {
61                    0x00 => match reader.read_u8()? {
62                        0x00 => ComponentName::CoreFuncs,
63                        0x01 => ComponentName::CoreTables,
64                        0x02 => ComponentName::CoreMemories,
65                        0x03 => ComponentName::CoreGlobals,
66                        0x10 => ComponentName::CoreTypes,
67                        0x11 => ComponentName::CoreModules,
68                        0x12 => ComponentName::CoreInstances,
69                        _ => {
70                            return Ok(ComponentName::Unknown {
71                                ty: 1,
72                                data,
73                                range: offset..offset + data.len(),
74                            });
75                        }
76                    },
77                    0x01 => ComponentName::Funcs,
78                    0x02 => ComponentName::Values,
79                    0x03 => ComponentName::Types,
80                    0x04 => ComponentName::Components,
81                    0x05 => ComponentName::Instances,
82                    _ => {
83                        return Ok(ComponentName::Unknown {
84                            ty: 1,
85                            data,
86                            range: offset..offset + data.len(),
87                        });
88                    }
89                };
90                ctor(NameMap::new(reader.shrink())?)
91            }
92            ty => ComponentName::Unknown {
93                ty,
94                data,
95                range: offset..offset + data.len(),
96            },
97        })
98    }