Crate wasmtime_environ::wasm::wasmparser [−][src]
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A simple event-driven library for parsing WebAssembly binary files (or streams).
The parser library reports events as they happend and only stores parsing information for a brief period of time, making it very fast and memory-efficient. The event-driven model, however, has some drawbacks. If you need random access to the entire WebAssembly data-structure, this is not the right library for you. You could however, build such a data-structure using this library.
Alias | |
Chunk | A successful return payload from |
CustomSectionKind | |
DataKind | |
ElementItem | |
ElementKind | |
ExternalKind | External types as defined here. |
ImportSectionEntryType | |
LinkingType | |
MemoryType | |
Name | |
NameType | |
Operator | Instructions as defined here. |
Payload | Values that can be parsed from a wasm module. |
RelocType | |
SectionCode | Section code as defined here. |
Type | Types as defined here. |
TypeDef | |
TypeOrFuncType | Either a value type or a function type. |
ValidPayload | Possible return values from |
SectionReader | |
SectionWithLimitedItems | |
WasmFuncType | Types that qualify as Wasm function types for validation purposes. |
WasmModuleResources | Types that qualify as Wasm valiation database. |
validate | Test whether the given buffer contains a valid WebAssembly module,
analogous to |
Type Definitions
Result | |
SIMDLaneIndex |