
1// Currently the `VMComponentContext` allocation by field looks like this:
3// struct VMComponentContext {
4//      magic: u32,
5//      builtins: &'static VMComponentBuiltins,
6//      limits: *const VMStoreContext,
7//      flags: [VMGlobalDefinition; component.num_runtime_component_instances],
8//      trampoline_func_refs: [VMFuncRef; component.num_trampolines],
9//      lowerings: [VMLowering; component.num_lowerings],
10//      memories: [*mut VMMemoryDefinition; component.num_runtime_memories],
11//      reallocs: [*mut VMFuncRef; component.num_runtime_reallocs],
12//      post_returns: [*mut VMFuncRef; component.num_runtime_post_returns],
13//      resource_destructors: [*mut VMFuncRef; component.num_resources],
14// }
16use crate::component::*;
17use crate::PtrSize;
19/// Equivalent of `VMCONTEXT_MAGIC` except for components.
21/// This is stored at the start of all `VMComponentContext` structures and
22/// double-checked on `VMComponentContext::from_opaque`.
23pub const VMCOMPONENT_MAGIC: u32 = u32::from_le_bytes(*b"comp");
25/// Flag for the `VMComponentContext::flags` field which corresponds to the
26/// canonical ABI flag `may_leave`
27pub const FLAG_MAY_LEAVE: i32 = 1 << 0;
29/// Flag for the `VMComponentContext::flags` field which corresponds to the
30/// canonical ABI flag `may_enter`
31pub const FLAG_MAY_ENTER: i32 = 1 << 1;
33/// Flag for the `VMComponentContext::flags` field which is set whenever a
34/// function is called to indicate that `post_return` must be called next.
35pub const FLAG_NEEDS_POST_RETURN: i32 = 1 << 2;
37/// Runtime offsets within a `VMComponentContext` for a specific component.
38#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
39pub struct VMComponentOffsets<P> {
40    /// The host pointer size
41    pub ptr: P,
43    /// The number of lowered functions this component will be creating.
44    pub num_lowerings: u32,
45    /// The number of memories which are recorded in this component for options.
46    pub num_runtime_memories: u32,
47    /// The number of reallocs which are recorded in this component for options.
48    pub num_runtime_reallocs: u32,
49    /// The number of callbacks which are recorded in this component for options.
50    pub num_runtime_callbacks: u32,
51    /// The number of post-returns which are recorded in this component for options.
52    pub num_runtime_post_returns: u32,
53    /// Number of component instances internally in the component (always at
54    /// least 1).
55    pub num_runtime_component_instances: u32,
56    /// Number of cranelift-compiled trampolines required for this component.
57    pub num_trampolines: u32,
58    /// Number of resources within a component which need destructors stored.
59    pub num_resources: u32,
61    // precalculated offsets of various member fields
62    magic: u32,
63    builtins: u32,
64    vm_store_context: u32,
65    flags: u32,
66    trampoline_func_refs: u32,
67    lowerings: u32,
68    memories: u32,
69    reallocs: u32,
70    callbacks: u32,
71    post_returns: u32,
72    resource_destructors: u32,
73    size: u32,
77fn align(offset: u32, align: u32) -> u32 {
78    assert!(align.is_power_of_two());
79    (offset + (align - 1)) & !(align - 1)
82impl<P: PtrSize> VMComponentOffsets<P> {
83    /// Creates a new set of offsets for the `component` specified configured
84    /// additionally for the `ptr` size specified.
85    pub fn new(ptr: P, component: &Component) -> Self {
86        let mut ret = Self {
87            ptr,
88            num_lowerings: component.num_lowerings,
89            num_runtime_memories: component.num_runtime_memories.try_into().unwrap(),
90            num_runtime_reallocs: component.num_runtime_reallocs.try_into().unwrap(),
91            num_runtime_callbacks: component.num_runtime_callbacks.try_into().unwrap(),
92            num_runtime_post_returns: component.num_runtime_post_returns.try_into().unwrap(),
93            num_runtime_component_instances: component
94                .num_runtime_component_instances
95                .try_into()
96                .unwrap(),
97            num_trampolines: component.trampolines.len().try_into().unwrap(),
98            num_resources: component.num_resources,
99            magic: 0,
100            builtins: 0,
101            vm_store_context: 0,
102            flags: 0,
103            trampoline_func_refs: 0,
104            lowerings: 0,
105            memories: 0,
106            reallocs: 0,
107            callbacks: 0,
108            post_returns: 0,
109            resource_destructors: 0,
110            size: 0,
111        };
113        // Convenience functions for checked addition and multiplication.
114        // As side effect this reduces binary size by using only a single
115        // `#[track_caller]` location for each function instead of one for
116        // each individual invocation.
117        #[inline]
118        fn cmul(count: u32, size: u8) -> u32 {
119            count.checked_mul(u32::from(size)).unwrap()
120        }
122        let mut next_field_offset = 0;
124        macro_rules! fields {
125            (size($field:ident) = $size:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
126                ret.$field = next_field_offset;
127                next_field_offset = next_field_offset.checked_add(u32::from($size)).unwrap();
128                fields!($($rest)*);
129            };
130            (align($align:expr), $($rest:tt)*) => {
131                next_field_offset = align(next_field_offset, $align);
132                fields!($($rest)*);
133            };
134            () => {};
135        }
137        fields! {
138            size(magic) = 4u32,
139            align(u32::from(ret.ptr.size())),
140            size(builtins) = ret.ptr.size(),
141            size(vm_store_context) = ret.ptr.size(),
142            align(16),
143            size(flags) = cmul(ret.num_runtime_component_instances, ret.ptr.size_of_vmglobal_definition()),
144            align(u32::from(ret.ptr.size())),
145            size(trampoline_func_refs) = cmul(ret.num_trampolines, ret.ptr.size_of_vm_func_ref()),
146            size(lowerings) = cmul(ret.num_lowerings, ret.ptr.size() * 2),
147            size(memories) = cmul(ret.num_runtime_memories, ret.ptr.size()),
148            size(reallocs) = cmul(ret.num_runtime_reallocs, ret.ptr.size()),
149            size(callbacks) = cmul(ret.num_runtime_callbacks, ret.ptr.size()),
150            size(post_returns) = cmul(ret.num_runtime_post_returns, ret.ptr.size()),
151            size(resource_destructors) = cmul(ret.num_resources, ret.ptr.size()),
152        }
154        ret.size = next_field_offset;
156        // This is required by the implementation of
157        // `VMComponentContext::from_opaque`. If this value changes then this
158        // location needs to be updated.
159        assert_eq!(ret.magic, 0);
161        return ret;
162    }
164    /// The size, in bytes, of the host pointer.
165    #[inline]
166    pub fn pointer_size(&self) -> u8 {
167        self.ptr.size()
168    }
170    /// The offset of the `magic` field.
171    #[inline]
172    pub fn magic(&self) -> u32 {
173        self.magic
174    }
176    /// The offset of the `builtins` field.
177    #[inline]
178    pub fn builtins(&self) -> u32 {
179        self.builtins
180    }
182    /// The offset of the `flags` field.
183    #[inline]
184    pub fn instance_flags(&self, index: RuntimeComponentInstanceIndex) -> u32 {
185        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_runtime_component_instances);
186        self.flags + index.as_u32() * u32::from(self.ptr.size_of_vmglobal_definition())
187    }
189    /// The offset of the `vm_store_context` field.
190    #[inline]
191    pub fn vm_store_context(&self) -> u32 {
192        self.vm_store_context
193    }
195    /// The offset of the `trampoline_func_refs` field.
196    #[inline]
197    pub fn trampoline_func_refs(&self) -> u32 {
198        self.trampoline_func_refs
199    }
201    /// The offset of `VMFuncRef` for the `index` specified.
202    #[inline]
203    pub fn trampoline_func_ref(&self, index: TrampolineIndex) -> u32 {
204        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_trampolines);
205        self.trampoline_func_refs() + index.as_u32() * u32::from(self.ptr.size_of_vm_func_ref())
206    }
208    /// The offset of the `lowerings` field.
209    #[inline]
210    pub fn lowerings(&self) -> u32 {
211        self.lowerings
212    }
214    /// The offset of the `VMLowering` for the `index` specified.
215    #[inline]
216    pub fn lowering(&self, index: LoweredIndex) -> u32 {
217        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_lowerings);
218        self.lowerings() + index.as_u32() * u32::from(2 * self.ptr.size())
219    }
221    /// The offset of the `callee` for the `index` specified.
222    #[inline]
223    pub fn lowering_callee(&self, index: LoweredIndex) -> u32 {
224        self.lowering(index) + self.lowering_callee_offset()
225    }
227    /// The offset of the `data` for the `index` specified.
228    #[inline]
229    pub fn lowering_data(&self, index: LoweredIndex) -> u32 {
230        self.lowering(index) + self.lowering_data_offset()
231    }
233    /// The size of the `VMLowering` type
234    #[inline]
235    pub fn lowering_size(&self) -> u8 {
236        2 * self.ptr.size()
237    }
239    /// The offset of the `callee` field within the `VMLowering` type.
240    #[inline]
241    pub fn lowering_callee_offset(&self) -> u32 {
242        0
243    }
245    /// The offset of the `data` field within the `VMLowering` type.
246    #[inline]
247    pub fn lowering_data_offset(&self) -> u32 {
248        u32::from(self.ptr.size())
249    }
251    /// The offset of the base of the `runtime_memories` field
252    #[inline]
253    pub fn runtime_memories(&self) -> u32 {
254        self.memories
255    }
257    /// The offset of the `*mut VMMemoryDefinition` for the runtime index
258    /// provided.
259    #[inline]
260    pub fn runtime_memory(&self, index: RuntimeMemoryIndex) -> u32 {
261        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_runtime_memories);
262        self.runtime_memories() + index.as_u32() * u32::from(self.ptr.size())
263    }
265    /// The offset of the base of the `runtime_reallocs` field
266    #[inline]
267    pub fn runtime_reallocs(&self) -> u32 {
268        self.reallocs
269    }
271    /// The offset of the `*mut VMFuncRef` for the runtime index
272    /// provided.
273    #[inline]
274    pub fn runtime_realloc(&self, index: RuntimeReallocIndex) -> u32 {
275        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_runtime_reallocs);
276        self.runtime_reallocs() + index.as_u32() * u32::from(self.ptr.size())
277    }
279    /// The offset of the base of the `runtime_callbacks` field
280    #[inline]
281    pub fn runtime_callbacks(&self) -> u32 {
282        self.callbacks
283    }
285    /// The offset of the `*mut VMFuncRef` for the runtime index
286    /// provided.
287    #[inline]
288    pub fn runtime_callback(&self, index: RuntimeCallbackIndex) -> u32 {
289        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_runtime_callbacks);
290        self.runtime_callbacks() + index.as_u32() * u32::from(self.ptr.size())
291    }
293    /// The offset of the base of the `runtime_post_returns` field
294    #[inline]
295    pub fn runtime_post_returns(&self) -> u32 {
296        self.post_returns
297    }
299    /// The offset of the `*mut VMFuncRef` for the runtime index
300    /// provided.
301    #[inline]
302    pub fn runtime_post_return(&self, index: RuntimePostReturnIndex) -> u32 {
303        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_runtime_post_returns);
304        self.runtime_post_returns() + index.as_u32() * u32::from(self.ptr.size())
305    }
307    /// The offset of the base of the `resource_destructors` field
308    #[inline]
309    pub fn resource_destructors(&self) -> u32 {
310        self.resource_destructors
311    }
313    /// The offset of the `*mut VMFuncRef` for the runtime index
314    /// provided.
315    #[inline]
316    pub fn resource_destructor(&self, index: ResourceIndex) -> u32 {
317        assert!(index.as_u32() < self.num_resources);
318        self.resource_destructors() + index.as_u32() * u32::from(self.ptr.size())
319    }
321    /// Return the size of the `VMComponentContext` allocation.
322    #[inline]
323    pub fn size_of_vmctx(&self) -> u32 {
324        self.size
325    }