Macro offset_of

1.77.0 · Source
pub macro offset_of($Container:ty, $($fields:expr)+ $(,)?) {
Expand description

Expands to the offset in bytes of a field from the beginning of the given type.

The type may be a struct, enum, union, or tuple.

The field may be a nested field (field1.field2), but not an array index. The field must be visible to the call site.

The offset is returned as a usize.

§Offsets of, and in, dynamically sized types

The field’s type must be Sized, but it may be located in a dynamically sized container. If the field type is dynamically sized, then you cannot use offset_of! (since the field’s alignment, and therefore its offset, may also be dynamic) and must take the offset from an actual pointer to the container instead.

pub struct Struct<T: ?Sized> {
    a: u8,
    b: T,

#[repr(C, align(4))]
struct Align4(u32);

assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(Struct<dyn Debug>, a), 0); // OK — Sized field
assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(Struct<Align4>, b), 4); // OK — not DST

// assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(Struct<dyn Debug>, b), 1);
// ^^^ error[E0277]: ... cannot be known at compilation time

// To obtain the offset of a !Sized field, examine a concrete value
// instead of using offset_of!.
let value: Struct<Align4> = Struct { a: 1, b: Align4(2) };
let ref_unsized: &Struct<dyn Debug> = &value;
let offset_of_b = unsafe {
    (&raw const ref_unsized.b).byte_offset_from_unsigned(ref_unsized)
assert_eq!(offset_of_b, 4);

If you need to obtain the offset of a field of a !Sized type, then, since the offset may depend on the particular value being stored (in particular, dyn Trait values have a dynamically-determined alignment), you must retrieve the offset from a specific reference or pointer, and so you cannot use offset_of! to work without one.

§Layout is subject to change

Note that type layout is, in general, subject to change and platform-specific. If layout stability is required, consider using an explicit repr attribute.

Rust guarantees that the offset of a given field within a given type will not change over the lifetime of the program. However, two different compilations of the same program may result in different layouts. Also, even within a single program execution, no guarantees are made about types which are similar but not identical, e.g.:

struct Wrapper<T, U>(T, U);

type A = Wrapper<u8, u8>;
type B = Wrapper<u8, i8>;

// Not necessarily identical even though `u8` and `i8` have the same layout!
// assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(A, 1), mem::offset_of!(B, 1));

struct U8(u8);

type C = Wrapper<u8, U8>;

// Not necessarily identical even though `u8` and `U8` have the same layout!
// assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(A, 1), mem::offset_of!(C, 1));

struct Empty<T>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);

// Not necessarily identical even though `PhantomData` always has the same layout!
// assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(Empty<u8>, 0), mem::offset_of!(Empty<i8>, 0));

§Unstable features

The following unstable features expand the functionality of offset_of!:

  • offset_of_enum — allows enum variants to be traversed as if they were fields.
  • offset_of_slice — allows getting the offset of a field of type [T].


use std::mem;
struct FieldStruct {
    first: u8,
    second: u16,
    third: u8

assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(FieldStruct, first), 0);
assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(FieldStruct, second), 2);
assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(FieldStruct, third), 4);

struct NestedA {
    b: NestedB

struct NestedB(u8);

assert_eq!(mem::offset_of!(NestedA, b.0), 0);