
1#![expect(clippy::allow_attributes, reason = "crate not migrated yet")]
4#[cfg(any(feature = "std", unix, windows))]
6extern crate std;
7extern crate alloc;
9use alloc::boxed::Box;
10use anyhow::Error;
11use core::cell::Cell;
12use core::marker::PhantomData;
13use core::ops::Range;
15cfg_if::cfg_if! {
16    if #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] {
17        mod nostd;
18        use nostd as imp;
19    } else if #[cfg(windows)] {
20        mod windows;
21        use windows as imp;
22    } else if #[cfg(unix)] {
23        mod unix;
24        use unix as imp;
25    } else {
26        compile_error!("fibers are not supported on this platform");
27    }
30// Our own stack switcher routines are used on Unix and no_std
31// platforms, but not on Windows (it has its own fiber API).
32#[cfg(any(unix, not(feature = "std")))]
33pub(crate) mod stackswitch;
35/// Represents an execution stack to use for a fiber.
36pub struct FiberStack(imp::FiberStack);
38fn _assert_send_sync() {
39    fn _assert_send<T: Send>() {}
40    fn _assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}
42    _assert_send::<FiberStack>();
43    _assert_sync::<FiberStack>();
46pub type Result<T, E = imp::Error> = core::result::Result<T, E>;
48impl FiberStack {
49    /// Creates a new fiber stack of the given size.
50    pub fn new(size: usize, zeroed: bool) -> Result<Self> {
51        Ok(Self(imp::FiberStack::new(size, zeroed)?))
52    }
54    /// Creates a new fiber stack of the given size.
55    pub fn from_custom(custom: Box<dyn RuntimeFiberStack>) -> Result<Self> {
56        Ok(Self(imp::FiberStack::from_custom(custom)?))
57    }
59    /// Creates a new fiber stack with the given pointer to the bottom of the
60    /// stack plus how large the guard size and stack size are.
61    ///
62    /// The bytes from `bottom` to `bottom.add(guard_size)` should all be
63    /// guaranteed to be unmapped. The bytes from `bottom.add(guard_size)` to
64    /// `bottom.add(guard_size + len)` should be addressable.
65    ///
66    /// # Safety
67    ///
68    /// This is unsafe because there is no validation of the given pointer.
69    ///
70    /// The caller must properly allocate the stack space with a guard page and
71    /// make the pages accessible for correct behavior.
72    pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(bottom: *mut u8, guard_size: usize, len: usize) -> Result<Self> {
73        Ok(Self(imp::FiberStack::from_raw_parts(
74            bottom, guard_size, len,
75        )?))
76    }
78    /// Gets the top of the stack.
79    ///
80    /// Returns `None` if the platform does not support getting the top of the
81    /// stack.
82    pub fn top(&self) -> Option<*mut u8> {
83        self.0.top()
84    }
86    /// Returns the range of where this stack resides in memory if the platform
87    /// supports it.
88    pub fn range(&self) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
89        self.0.range()
90    }
92    /// Is this a manually-managed stack created from raw parts? If so, it is up
93    /// to whoever created it to manage the stack's memory allocation.
94    pub fn is_from_raw_parts(&self) -> bool {
95        self.0.is_from_raw_parts()
96    }
98    /// Returns the range of memory that the guard page(s) reside in.
99    pub fn guard_range(&self) -> Option<Range<*mut u8>> {
100        self.0.guard_range()
101    }
104/// A creator of RuntimeFiberStacks.
105pub unsafe trait RuntimeFiberStackCreator: Send + Sync {
106    /// Creates a new RuntimeFiberStack with the specified size, guard pages should be included,
107    /// memory should be zeroed.
108    ///
109    /// This is useful to plugin previously allocated memory instead of mmap'ing a new stack for
110    /// every instance.
111    fn new_stack(&self, size: usize, zeroed: bool) -> Result<Box<dyn RuntimeFiberStack>, Error>;
114/// A fiber stack backed by custom memory.
115pub unsafe trait RuntimeFiberStack: Send + Sync {
116    /// The top of the allocated stack.
117    fn top(&self) -> *mut u8;
118    /// The valid range of the stack without guard pages.
119    fn range(&self) -> Range<usize>;
120    /// The range of the guard page(s)
121    fn guard_range(&self) -> Range<*mut u8>;
124pub struct Fiber<'a, Resume, Yield, Return> {
125    stack: Option<FiberStack>,
126    inner: imp::Fiber,
127    done: Cell<bool>,
128    _phantom: PhantomData<&'a (Resume, Yield, Return)>,
131pub struct Suspend<Resume, Yield, Return> {
132    inner: imp::Suspend,
133    _phantom: PhantomData<(Resume, Yield, Return)>,
136enum RunResult<Resume, Yield, Return> {
137    Executing,
138    Resuming(Resume),
139    Yield(Yield),
140    Returned(Return),
141    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
142    Panicked(Box<dyn core::any::Any + Send>),
145impl<'a, Resume, Yield, Return> Fiber<'a, Resume, Yield, Return> {
146    /// Creates a new fiber which will execute `func` on the given stack.
147    ///
148    /// This function returns a `Fiber` which, when resumed, will execute `func`
149    /// to completion. When desired the `func` can suspend itself via
150    /// `Fiber::suspend`.
151    pub fn new(
152        stack: FiberStack,
153        func: impl FnOnce(Resume, &mut Suspend<Resume, Yield, Return>) -> Return + 'a,
154    ) -> Result<Self> {
155        let inner = imp::Fiber::new(&stack.0, func)?;
157        Ok(Self {
158            stack: Some(stack),
159            inner,
160            done: Cell::new(false),
161            _phantom: PhantomData,
162        })
163    }
165    /// Resumes execution of this fiber.
166    ///
167    /// This function will transfer execution to the fiber and resume from where
168    /// it last left off.
169    ///
170    /// Returns `true` if the fiber finished or `false` if the fiber was
171    /// suspended in the middle of execution.
172    ///
173    /// # Panics
174    ///
175    /// Panics if the current thread is already executing a fiber or if this
176    /// fiber has already finished.
177    ///
178    /// Note that if the fiber itself panics during execution then the panic
179    /// will be propagated to this caller.
180    pub fn resume(&self, val: Resume) -> Result<Return, Yield> {
181        assert!(!self.done.replace(true), "cannot resume a finished fiber");
182        let result = Cell::new(RunResult::Resuming(val));
183        self.inner.resume(&self.stack().0, &result);
184        match result.into_inner() {
185            RunResult::Resuming(_) | RunResult::Executing => unreachable!(),
186            RunResult::Yield(y) => {
187                self.done.set(false);
188                Err(y)
189            }
190            RunResult::Returned(r) => Ok(r),
191            #[cfg(feature = "std")]
192            RunResult::Panicked(_payload) => {
193                use std::panic;
194                panic::resume_unwind(_payload);
195            }
196        }
197    }
199    /// Returns whether this fiber has finished executing.
200    pub fn done(&self) -> bool {
201        self.done.get()
202    }
204    /// Gets the stack associated with this fiber.
205    pub fn stack(&self) -> &FiberStack {
206        self.stack.as_ref().unwrap()
207    }
209    /// When this fiber has finished executing, reclaim its stack.
210    pub fn into_stack(mut self) -> FiberStack {
211        assert!(self.done());
212        self.stack.take().unwrap()
213    }
216impl<Resume, Yield, Return> Suspend<Resume, Yield, Return> {
217    /// Suspend execution of a currently running fiber.
218    ///
219    /// This function will switch control back to the original caller of
220    /// `Fiber::resume`. This function will then return once the `Fiber::resume`
221    /// function is called again.
222    ///
223    /// # Panics
224    ///
225    /// Panics if the current thread is not executing a fiber from this library.
226    pub fn suspend(&mut self, value: Yield) -> Resume {
227        self.inner
228            .switch::<Resume, Yield, Return>(RunResult::Yield(value))
229    }
231    fn execute(
232        inner: imp::Suspend,
233        initial: Resume,
234        func: impl FnOnce(Resume, &mut Suspend<Resume, Yield, Return>) -> Return,
235    ) {
236        let mut suspend = Suspend {
237            inner,
238            _phantom: PhantomData,
239        };
241        #[cfg(feature = "std")]
242        {
243            use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};
244            let result = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| (func)(initial, &mut suspend)));
245            suspend.inner.switch::<Resume, Yield, Return>(match result {
246                Ok(result) => RunResult::Returned(result),
247                Err(panic) => RunResult::Panicked(panic),
248            });
249        }
250        // Note that it is sound to omit the `catch_unwind` here: it
251        // will not result in unwinding going off the top of the fiber
252        // stack, because the code on the fiber stack is invoked via
253        // an extern "C" boundary which will panic on unwinds.
254        #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
255        {
256            let result = (func)(initial, &mut suspend);
257            suspend
258                .inner
259                .switch::<Resume, Yield, Return>(RunResult::Returned(result));
260        }
261    }
264impl<A, B, C> Drop for Fiber<'_, A, B, C> {
265    fn drop(&mut self) {
266        debug_assert!(self.done.get(), "fiber dropped without finishing");
267    }
271mod tests {
272    use super::{Fiber, FiberStack};
273    use alloc::string::ToString;
274    use std::cell::Cell;
275    use std::rc::Rc;
277    #[test]
278    fn small_stacks() {
279        Fiber::<(), (), ()>::new(FiberStack::new(0, false).unwrap(), |_, _| {})
280            .unwrap()
281            .resume(())
282            .unwrap();
283        Fiber::<(), (), ()>::new(FiberStack::new(1, false).unwrap(), |_, _| {})
284            .unwrap()
285            .resume(())
286            .unwrap();
287    }
289    #[test]
290    fn smoke() {
291        let hit = Rc::new(Cell::new(false));
292        let hit2 = hit.clone();
293        let fiber =
294            Fiber::<(), (), ()>::new(FiberStack::new(1024 * 1024, false).unwrap(), move |_, _| {
295                hit2.set(true);
296            })
297            .unwrap();
298        assert!(!hit.get());
299        fiber.resume(()).unwrap();
300        assert!(hit.get());
301    }
303    #[test]
304    fn suspend_and_resume() {
305        let hit = Rc::new(Cell::new(false));
306        let hit2 = hit.clone();
307        let fiber =
308            Fiber::<(), (), ()>::new(FiberStack::new(1024 * 1024, false).unwrap(), move |_, s| {
309                s.suspend(());
310                hit2.set(true);
311                s.suspend(());
312            })
313            .unwrap();
314        assert!(!hit.get());
315        assert!(fiber.resume(()).is_err());
316        assert!(!hit.get());
317        assert!(fiber.resume(()).is_err());
318        assert!(hit.get());
319        assert!(fiber.resume(()).is_ok());
320        assert!(hit.get());
321    }
323    #[test]
324    fn backtrace_traces_to_host() {
325        #[inline(never)] // try to get this to show up in backtraces
326        fn look_for_me() {
327            run_test();
328        }
329        fn assert_contains_host() {
330            let trace = backtrace::Backtrace::new();
331            println!("{trace:?}");
332            assert!(
333                trace
334                .frames()
335                .iter()
336                .flat_map(|f| f.symbols())
337                .filter_map(|s| Some(s.name()?.to_string()))
338                .any(|s| s.contains("look_for_me"))
339                // TODO: apparently windows unwind routines don't unwind through fibers, so this will always fail. Is there a way we can fix that?
340                || cfg!(windows)
341                // TODO: the system libunwind is broken (#2808)
342                || cfg!(all(target_os = "macos", target_arch = "aarch64"))
343                // TODO: see comments in `arm.rs` about how this seems to work
344                // in gdb but not at runtime, unsure why at this time.
345                || cfg!(target_arch = "arm")
346            );
347        }
349        fn run_test() {
350            let fiber = Fiber::<(), (), ()>::new(
351                FiberStack::new(1024 * 1024, false).unwrap(),
352                move |(), s| {
353                    assert_contains_host();
354                    s.suspend(());
355                    assert_contains_host();
356                    s.suspend(());
357                    assert_contains_host();
358                },
359            )
360            .unwrap();
361            assert!(fiber.resume(()).is_err());
362            assert!(fiber.resume(()).is_err());
363            assert!(fiber.resume(()).is_ok());
364        }
366        look_for_me();
367    }
369    #[test]
370    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
371    fn panics_propagated() {
372        use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};
374        let a = Rc::new(Cell::new(false));
375        let b = SetOnDrop(a.clone());
376        let fiber = Fiber::<(), (), ()>::new(
377            FiberStack::new(1024 * 1024, false).unwrap(),
378            move |(), _s| {
379                let _ = &b;
380                panic!();
381            },
382        )
383        .unwrap();
384        assert!(panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| fiber.resume(()))).is_err());
385        assert!(a.get());
387        struct SetOnDrop(Rc<Cell<bool>>);
389        impl Drop for SetOnDrop {
390            fn drop(&mut self) {
391                self.0.set(true);
392            }
393        }
394    }
396    #[test]
397    fn suspend_and_resume_values() {
398        let fiber = Fiber::new(
399            FiberStack::new(1024 * 1024, false).unwrap(),
400            move |first, s| {
401                assert_eq!(first, 2.0);
402                assert_eq!(s.suspend(4), 3.0);
403                "hello".to_string()
404            },
405        )
406        .unwrap();
407        assert_eq!(fiber.resume(2.0), Err(4));
408        assert_eq!(fiber.resume(3.0), Ok("hello".to_string()));
409    }