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//! Memory Protection Keys (MPK) implementation for use in striped memory
//! allocation.
//! MPK is an x86 feature available on relatively recent versions of Intel and
//! AMD CPUs. In Linux, this feature is named `pku` (protection keys userspace)
//! and consists of three new system calls: `pkey_alloc`, `pkey_free`, and
//! `pkey_mprotect` (see the [Linux documentation]). This crate provides an
//! abstraction, [`ProtectionKey`], that the [pooling allocator] applies to
//! contiguous memory allocations, allowing it to avoid guard pages in some
//! cases and more efficiently use memory. This technique was first presented in
//! a 2022 paper: [Segue and ColorGuard: Optimizing SFI Performance and
//! Scalability on Modern x86][colorguard].
//! [pooling allocator]: crate::PoolingInstanceAllocator
//! [Linux documentation]:
//! https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/core-api/protection-keys.html
//! [colorguard]: https://plas2022.github.io/files/pdf/SegueColorGuard.pdf
//! On x86_64 Linux systems, this module implements the various parts necessary
//! to use MPK in Wasmtime:
//! - [`is_supported`] indicates whether the feature is available at runtime
//! - [`ProtectionKey`] provides access to the kernel-allocated protection keys
//! (see [`keys`])
//! - [`allow`] sets the CPU state to prevent access to regions outside the
//! [`ProtectionMask`]
//! - the `sys` module bridges the gap to Linux's `pkey_*` system calls
//! - the `pkru` module controls the x86 `PKRU` register (and other CPU state)
//! On any other kind of machine, this module exposes noop implementations of
//! the public interface.
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_os = "linux", not(miri)))] {
mod enabled;
mod pkru;
mod sys;
pub use enabled::{allow, current_mask, is_supported, keys, ProtectionKey, ProtectionMask};
} else {
mod disabled;
pub use disabled::{allow, current_mask, is_supported, keys, ProtectionKey, ProtectionMask};
/// Describe the tri-state configuration of memory protection keys (MPK).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum MpkEnabled {
/// Use MPK if supported by the current system; fall back to guard regions
/// otherwise.
/// Use MPK or fail if not supported.
/// Do not use MPK.