use crate::bindings::http::types::{
Error, Fields, FutureIncomingResponse, Headers, IncomingRequest, IncomingResponse,
IncomingStream, Method, OutgoingRequest, OutgoingResponse, OutgoingStream, ResponseOutparam,
Scheme, StatusCode, Trailers,
use crate::http_impl::WasiHttpViewExt;
use crate::types::{ActiveFields, ActiveRequest, HttpRequest, TableHttpExt};
use crate::WasiHttpView;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context};
use bytes::Bytes;
use wasmtime_wasi::preview2::{bindings::poll::poll::Pollable, HostPollable, TablePollableExt};
impl<T: WasiHttpView + WasiHttpViewExt> crate::bindings::http::types::Host for T {
async fn drop_fields(&mut self, fields: Fields) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
.context("[drop_fields] deleting fields")?;
async fn new_fields(&mut self, entries: Vec<(String, String)>) -> wasmtime::Result<Fields> {
let mut map = ActiveFields::new();
for (key, value) in entries {
map.insert(key, vec![value.clone().into_bytes()]);
let id = self
.context("[new_fields] pushing fields")?;
async fn fields_get(&mut self, fields: Fields, name: String) -> wasmtime::Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
let res = self
.context("[fields_get] getting fields")?
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("key not found: {name}"))?
async fn fields_set(
&mut self,
fields: Fields,
name: String,
value: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
match self.table_mut().get_fields_mut(fields) {
Ok(m) => {
m.insert(name, value.clone());
Err(_) => bail!("fields not found"),
async fn fields_delete(&mut self, fields: Fields, name: String) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
match self.table_mut().get_fields_mut(fields) {
Ok(m) => m.remove(&name),
Err(_) => None,
async fn fields_append(
&mut self,
fields: Fields,
name: String,
value: Vec<u8>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
let m = self
.context("[fields_append] getting mutable fields")?;
match m.get_mut(&name) {
Some(v) => v.push(value),
None => {
let mut vec = std::vec::Vec::new();
m.insert(name, vec);
async fn fields_entries(&mut self, fields: Fields) -> wasmtime::Result<Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>> {
let field_map = match self.table().get_fields(fields) {
Ok(m) => m.iter(),
Err(_) => bail!("fields not found."),
let mut result = Vec::new();
for (name, value) in field_map {
result.push((name.clone(), value[0].clone()));
async fn fields_clone(&mut self, fields: Fields) -> wasmtime::Result<Fields> {
let table = self.table_mut();
let m = table
.context("[fields_clone] getting fields")?;
let id = table
.context("[fields_clone] pushing fields")?;
async fn finish_incoming_stream(
&mut self,
stream_id: IncomingStream,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<Trailers>> {
for (_, stream) in self.http_ctx().streams.iter() {
if stream_id == stream.incoming() {
let response = self
.context("[finish_incoming_stream] get trailers from response")?;
return Ok(response.trailers());
bail!("unknown stream!")
async fn finish_outgoing_stream(
&mut self,
_s: OutgoingStream,
_trailers: Option<Trailers>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
bail!("unimplemented: finish_outgoing_stream")
async fn drop_incoming_request(&mut self, _request: IncomingRequest) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
bail!("unimplemented: drop_incoming_request")
async fn drop_outgoing_request(&mut self, request: OutgoingRequest) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
let r = self
.context("[drop_outgoing_request] getting fields")?;
let body = r.body();
let headers = r.headers();
if let Some(b) = body {
if let Some(h) = headers {
.context("[drop_outgoing_request] deleting request")?;
async fn incoming_request_method(
&mut self,
_request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Method> {
bail!("unimplemented: incoming_request_method")
async fn incoming_request_path_with_query(
&mut self,
_request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<String>> {
bail!("unimplemented: incoming_request_path")
async fn incoming_request_scheme(
&mut self,
_request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<Scheme>> {
bail!("unimplemented: incoming_request_scheme")
async fn incoming_request_authority(
&mut self,
_request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<String>> {
bail!("unimplemented: incoming_request_authority")
async fn incoming_request_headers(
&mut self,
_request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Headers> {
bail!("unimplemented: incoming_request_headers")
async fn incoming_request_consume(
&mut self,
_request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<IncomingStream, ()>> {
bail!("unimplemented: incoming_request_consume")
async fn new_outgoing_request(
&mut self,
method: Method,
path_with_query: Option<String>,
scheme: Option<Scheme>,
authority: Option<String>,
headers: Headers,
) -> wasmtime::Result<OutgoingRequest> {
let mut req = ActiveRequest::new();
req.path_with_query = path_with_query.unwrap_or("".to_string());
req.authority = authority.unwrap_or("".to_string());
req.method = method;
req.headers = Some(headers);
req.scheme = scheme;
let id = self
.context("[new_outgoing_request] pushing request")?;
async fn outgoing_request_write(
&mut self,
request: OutgoingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<OutgoingStream, ()>> {
let req = self
.context("[outgoing_request_write] getting request")?;
let stream_id = if let Some(stream_id) = req.body() {
} else {
let (new, stream) = self
.push_stream(Bytes::new(), request)
.expect("[outgoing_request_write] valid output stream");
self.http_ctx_mut().streams.insert(new, stream);
let req = self
.expect("[outgoing_request_write] request to be found");
let stream = self
.context("[outgoing_request_write] getting stream")?;
async fn drop_response_outparam(
&mut self,
_response: ResponseOutparam,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
bail!("unimplemented: drop_response_outparam")
async fn set_response_outparam(
&mut self,
_outparam: ResponseOutparam,
_response: Result<OutgoingResponse, Error>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<(), ()>> {
bail!("unimplemented: set_response_outparam")
async fn drop_incoming_response(&mut self, response: IncomingResponse) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
let r = self
.context("[drop_incoming_response] getting response")?;
let body = r.body();
let headers = r.headers();
if let Some(id) = body {
let stream = self
.context("[drop_incoming_response] getting stream")?;
let incoming_id = stream.incoming();
if let Some(trailers) = self.finish_incoming_stream(incoming_id).await? {
.context("[drop_incoming_response] deleting trailers")
.unwrap_or_else(|_| ());
if let Some(h) = headers {
.context("[drop_incoming_response] deleting response")?;
async fn drop_outgoing_response(
&mut self,
_response: OutgoingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
bail!("unimplemented: drop_outgoing_response")
async fn incoming_response_status(
&mut self,
response: IncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<StatusCode> {
let r = self
.context("[incoming_response_status] getting response")?;
async fn incoming_response_headers(
&mut self,
response: IncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Headers> {
let r = self
.context("[incoming_response_headers] getting response")?;
Ok(r.headers().unwrap_or(0 as Headers))
async fn incoming_response_consume(
&mut self,
response: IncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<IncomingStream, ()>> {
let table = self.table_mut();
let r = table
.context("[incoming_response_consume] getting response")?;
.map(|id| {
.map(|stream| stream.incoming())
.expect("[incoming_response_consume] response body stream")
.unwrap_or(0 as IncomingStream)))
async fn new_outgoing_response(
&mut self,
_status_code: StatusCode,
_headers: Headers,
) -> wasmtime::Result<OutgoingResponse> {
bail!("unimplemented: new_outgoing_response")
async fn outgoing_response_write(
&mut self,
_response: OutgoingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<OutgoingStream, ()>> {
bail!("unimplemented: outgoing_response_write")
async fn drop_future_incoming_response(
&mut self,
future: FutureIncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
.context("[drop_future_incoming_response] deleting future")?;
async fn future_incoming_response_get(
&mut self,
future: FutureIncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<Result<IncomingResponse, Error>>> {
let f = self
.context("[future_incoming_response_get] getting future")?;
Ok(match f.pollable_id() {
Some(_) => {
let result = match f.response_id() {
Some(id) => Ok(id),
None => {
let response = self.handle_async(f.request_id(), f.options()).await;
match response {
Ok(id) => {
"including response id to future incoming response"
let future_mut = self.table_mut().get_future_mut(future)?;
"future incoming response details {:?}",
_ => {}
None => None,
async fn listen_to_future_incoming_response(
&mut self,
future: FutureIncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Pollable> {
let f = self
.context("[listen_to_future_incoming_response] getting future")?;
Ok(match f.pollable_id() {
Some(pollable_id) => pollable_id,
None => {
tracing::debug!("including pollable id to future incoming response");
let pollable =
HostPollable::Closure(Box::new(|| Box::pin(futures::future::ready(Ok(())))));
let pollable_id = self
.context("[listen_to_future_incoming_response] pushing host pollable")?;
let f = self
.context("[listen_to_future_incoming_response] getting future")?;
tracing::trace!("future incoming response details {:?}", *f);
#[cfg(feature = "sync")]
pub mod sync {
use crate::bindings::http::types::{
Error as AsyncError, Host as AsyncHost, Method as AsyncMethod, Scheme as AsyncScheme,
use crate::bindings::sync::http::types::{
Error, Fields, FutureIncomingResponse, Headers, IncomingRequest, IncomingResponse,
IncomingStream, Method, OutgoingRequest, OutgoingResponse, OutgoingStream,
ResponseOutparam, Scheme, StatusCode, Trailers,
use crate::http_impl::WasiHttpViewExt;
use crate::WasiHttpView;
use wasmtime_wasi::preview2::{bindings::poll::poll::Pollable, in_tokio};
impl From<AsyncError> for Error {
fn from(other: AsyncError) -> Self {
match other {
AsyncError::InvalidUrl(v) => Self::InvalidUrl(v),
AsyncError::ProtocolError(v) => Self::ProtocolError(v),
AsyncError::TimeoutError(v) => Self::TimeoutError(v),
AsyncError::UnexpectedError(v) => Self::UnexpectedError(v),
impl From<Error> for AsyncError {
fn from(other: Error) -> Self {
match other {
Error::InvalidUrl(v) => Self::InvalidUrl(v),
Error::ProtocolError(v) => Self::ProtocolError(v),
Error::TimeoutError(v) => Self::TimeoutError(v),
Error::UnexpectedError(v) => Self::UnexpectedError(v),
impl From<AsyncMethod> for Method {
fn from(other: AsyncMethod) -> Self {
match other {
AsyncMethod::Connect => Self::Connect,
AsyncMethod::Delete => Self::Delete,
AsyncMethod::Get => Self::Get,
AsyncMethod::Head => Self::Head,
AsyncMethod::Options => Self::Options,
AsyncMethod::Patch => Self::Patch,
AsyncMethod::Post => Self::Post,
AsyncMethod::Put => Self::Put,
AsyncMethod::Trace => Self::Trace,
AsyncMethod::Other(v) => Self::Other(v),
impl From<Method> for AsyncMethod {
fn from(other: Method) -> Self {
match other {
Method::Connect => Self::Connect,
Method::Delete => Self::Delete,
Method::Get => Self::Get,
Method::Head => Self::Head,
Method::Options => Self::Options,
Method::Patch => Self::Patch,
Method::Post => Self::Post,
Method::Put => Self::Put,
Method::Trace => Self::Trace,
Method::Other(v) => Self::Other(v),
impl From<AsyncScheme> for Scheme {
fn from(other: AsyncScheme) -> Self {
match other {
AsyncScheme::Http => Self::Http,
AsyncScheme::Https => Self::Https,
AsyncScheme::Other(v) => Self::Other(v),
impl From<Scheme> for AsyncScheme {
fn from(other: Scheme) -> Self {
match other {
Scheme::Http => Self::Http,
Scheme::Https => Self::Https,
Scheme::Other(v) => Self::Other(v),
impl<T: WasiHttpView + WasiHttpViewExt> crate::bindings::sync::http::types::Host for T {
fn drop_fields(&mut self, fields: Fields) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::drop_fields(self, fields).await })
fn new_fields(&mut self, entries: Vec<(String, String)>) -> wasmtime::Result<Fields> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::new_fields(self, entries).await })
fn fields_get(&mut self, fields: Fields, name: String) -> wasmtime::Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::fields_get(self, fields, name).await })
fn fields_set(
&mut self,
fields: Fields,
name: String,
value: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::fields_set(self, fields, name, value).await })
fn fields_delete(&mut self, fields: Fields, name: String) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::fields_delete(self, fields, name).await })
fn fields_append(
&mut self,
fields: Fields,
name: String,
value: Vec<u8>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::fields_append(self, fields, name, value).await })
fn fields_entries(&mut self, fields: Fields) -> wasmtime::Result<Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::fields_entries(self, fields).await })
fn fields_clone(&mut self, fields: Fields) -> wasmtime::Result<Fields> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::fields_clone(self, fields).await })
fn finish_incoming_stream(
&mut self,
stream_id: IncomingStream,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<Trailers>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::finish_incoming_stream(self, stream_id).await })
fn finish_outgoing_stream(
&mut self,
stream: OutgoingStream,
trailers: Option<Trailers>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::finish_outgoing_stream(self, stream, trailers).await })
fn drop_incoming_request(&mut self, request: IncomingRequest) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::drop_incoming_request(self, request).await })
fn drop_outgoing_request(&mut self, request: OutgoingRequest) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::drop_outgoing_request(self, request).await })
fn incoming_request_method(
&mut self,
request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Method> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_request_method(self, request).await })
fn incoming_request_path_with_query(
&mut self,
request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<String>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_request_path_with_query(self, request).await })
fn incoming_request_scheme(
&mut self,
request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<Scheme>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_request_scheme(self, request).await })?
fn incoming_request_authority(
&mut self,
request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<String>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_request_authority(self, request).await })
fn incoming_request_headers(
&mut self,
request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Headers> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_request_headers(self, request).await })
fn incoming_request_consume(
&mut self,
request: IncomingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<IncomingStream, ()>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_request_consume(self, request).await })
fn new_outgoing_request(
&mut self,
method: Method,
path_with_query: Option<String>,
scheme: Option<Scheme>,
authority: Option<String>,
headers: Headers,
) -> wasmtime::Result<OutgoingRequest> {
in_tokio(async {
fn outgoing_request_write(
&mut self,
request: OutgoingRequest,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<OutgoingStream, ()>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::outgoing_request_write(self, request).await })
fn drop_response_outparam(&mut self, response: ResponseOutparam) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::drop_response_outparam(self, response).await })
fn set_response_outparam(
&mut self,
outparam: ResponseOutparam,
response: Result<OutgoingResponse, Error>,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<(), ()>> {
in_tokio(async {
AsyncHost::set_response_outparam(self, outparam, response.map_err(AsyncError::from))
fn drop_incoming_response(&mut self, response: IncomingResponse) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::drop_incoming_response(self, response).await })
fn drop_outgoing_response(&mut self, response: OutgoingResponse) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::drop_outgoing_response(self, response).await })
fn incoming_response_status(
&mut self,
response: IncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<StatusCode> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_response_status(self, response).await })
fn incoming_response_headers(
&mut self,
response: IncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Headers> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_response_headers(self, response).await })
fn incoming_response_consume(
&mut self,
response: IncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<IncomingStream, ()>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::incoming_response_consume(self, response).await })
fn new_outgoing_response(
&mut self,
status_code: StatusCode,
headers: Headers,
) -> wasmtime::Result<OutgoingResponse> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::new_outgoing_response(self, status_code, headers).await })
fn outgoing_response_write(
&mut self,
response: OutgoingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Result<OutgoingStream, ()>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::outgoing_response_write(self, response).await })
fn drop_future_incoming_response(
&mut self,
future: FutureIncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<()> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::drop_future_incoming_response(self, future).await })
fn future_incoming_response_get(
&mut self,
future: FutureIncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Option<Result<IncomingResponse, Error>>> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::future_incoming_response_get(self, future).await })?
.map(|v| v.map_err(Error::from)),
fn listen_to_future_incoming_response(
&mut self,
future: FutureIncomingResponse,
) -> wasmtime::Result<Pollable> {
in_tokio(async { AsyncHost::listen_to_future_incoming_response(self, future).await })