Module wasmtime_wasi::preview2

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Wasmtime’s WASI Preview 2 Implementation

Welcome to the (new!) WASI implementation from the Wasmtime team. The goal of this implementation is to support WASI Preview 2 via the Component Model, as well as to provide legacy Preview 1 host support with an adapter that is implemented in terms of the Preview 2 interfaces.

Presently, this crate is experimental. We don’t yet recommend you use it in production. Specifically:

  • the wit files in tree describing preview 2 are not faithful to the standards repos

Once these issues are resolved, we expect to move this namespace up to the root of the wasmtime-wasi crate, and move its other exports underneath a pub mod legacy with an off-by-default feature flag, and after 2 releases, retire and remove that code from our tree.



  • Implement insecure-random using a deterministic cycle of bytes.
  • An error returned from the proc_exit host syscall.
  • A host representation of the wasi:io/poll.pollable resource.
  • Only public interface is the HostInputStream impl.
  • The Table type is designed to map u32 handles to resources. The table is now part of the public interface to a WasiCtx - it is reference counted so that it can be shared beyond a WasiCtx with other WASI proposals (e.g. wasi-crypto and wasi-nn) to manage their resources. Elements in the Table are Any typed.
  • A helper error type used by many other modules through type aliases.




Type Aliases