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use EventQueueHandle; use protocol::wl_registry::WlRegistry; #[doc(hidden)] pub trait EnvHandlerInner: Sized { fn create(&WlRegistry, &[(u32, String, u32)]) -> Option<Self>; } /// Utility type to handle the registry and global objects /// /// This struct provides you with a generic handler for the `wl_registry` /// and the instanciation of global objects. /// /// To use it, you need to declare your globals of interest using the /// `wayland_env!(..)` macro. Then, insert this handler in your event loop and /// register your registry to it. /// /// Once this handler is fully initialized (and all globals have been /// instantiated), it makes them usable via deref-ing towards the struct /// previously declared by the `wayland_env!(...)` macro. /// /// The `globals()` method also give you a list of all globals declared by /// the server, had them been instantiated or not. It is perfectly safe /// to instantiate again a global that have already been instantiated. /// /// This list is updated whenever the server declares or removes a global object, /// (as long as you don't change the handler associated to your registry). /// /// If you want to manage all you globals manually, but still want to use /// this utility to maintain the list of evailable globals, you can simply /// create an empty env type using the macro, like this : `wayland_env!(WaylandEnv)`. /// No global will be automatically instantiated for you, but you still can use /// this `globals()` method. /// /// ## example of use /// /// ```ignore /// // Declare your globals of interest using the macro. /// // This creates a struct named WaylandEnv (but you can change it). /// wayland_env!(WaylandEnv, compositor: wl_compositor::WlCompositor); /// /// let registry = display.get_registry(); /// let env_id = eventqueue.add_handler(EnvHandler::<WaylandEnv>::new()); /// eventqueue.register::<_, EnvHandler<WaylandEnv>>(®istry, env_id); /// // a roundtrip sync will dispatch all event declaring globals to the handler /// eventqueue.sync_roundtrip().unwrap(); /// // then, we can access them via the state of the event queue: /// let state = eventqueue.state(); /// let env = state.get_handler::<EnvHandler<WaylandEnv>>(env_id); /// // We can now access the globals as fields of env. /// // Note that is some globals were missing, this acces (via Deref) /// // will panic! /// let compositor = env.compositor; /// ``` pub struct EnvHandler<H: EnvHandlerInner> { globals: Vec<(u32, String, u32)>, inner: Option<H>, } impl<H: EnvHandlerInner> EnvHandler<H> { /// Create a new EnvHandler /// /// This handler will need to be given to an event queue /// and a `WlRegistry` be registered to it. pub fn new() -> EnvHandler<H> { EnvHandler { globals: Vec::new(), inner: None, } } /// Is the handler ready /// /// Returns true if all required globals have been created. /// /// If this method returns false, trying to access a global /// field will panic. pub fn ready(&self) -> bool { self.inner.is_some() } /// List of advertised globals /// /// Returns a list of all globals that have been advertised by the server. /// /// The type format of each tuple is: `(global_id, interface_name, global_version)`. pub fn globals(&self) -> &[(u32, String, u32)] { &self.globals } fn try_make_ready(&mut self, registry: &WlRegistry) { if self.inner.is_some() { return; } self.inner = H::create(registry, &self.globals); } } impl<H: EnvHandlerInner> ::std::ops::Deref for EnvHandler<H> { type Target = H; fn deref(&self) -> &H { self.inner.as_ref().expect( "Tried to get contents of a not-ready EnvHandler.", ) } } impl<H: EnvHandlerInner> ::protocol::wl_registry::Handler for EnvHandler<H> { fn global(&mut self, _: &mut EventQueueHandle, registry: &WlRegistry, name: u32, interface: String, version: u32) { self.globals.push((name, interface, version)); self.try_make_ready(registry); } fn global_remove(&mut self, _: &mut EventQueueHandle, _: &WlRegistry, name: u32) { self.globals.retain(|&(i, _, _)| i != name) } } unsafe impl<H: EnvHandlerInner> ::Handler<WlRegistry> for EnvHandler<H> { unsafe fn message(&mut self, evq: &mut EventQueueHandle, proxy: &WlRegistry, opcode: u32, args: *const ::sys::wl_argument) -> Result<(), ()> { <EnvHandler<H> as ::protocol::wl_registry::Handler>::__message(self, evq, proxy, opcode, args) } } /// Create an environment handling struct /// /// To be used in conjunction with the `EnvHandler` utility. /// /// Declare the globals your application needs to use, like this, following the /// general pattern: `$name : $type`: /// /// ```ignore /// use wayland_client::protocol::{Wl_compositor,wl_shell}; /// /// wayland_env!(WaylandEnv, /// compositor: wl_compositor::WlCompositor, /// shell : wl_shell::WlShell /// ); /// ``` /// /// `$name` (`compositor` and `shell` in this example) are the name of the /// fields that will contain the global objects one initialisation is done. /// `$type` must be a wayland object type, implementing the `Proxy` trait. /// /// If more than one field with a given type are provided, the handler will expect /// the server to declare as many global objects of given type. If more globals of /// a given type are declared by the server than in this macro, only the first `N` /// will be bound in the environment struct. /// /// This utility will interpret all globals declared in this macro as _necessary_, and /// thus will not give you access to anything util they have all been declared by the compositor. /// As such, only declare globals that your application cannot run without, like probably /// `wl_compositor`, `wl_shm` or `wl_seat`. If there are globals that you can optionnaly /// use, you'll have to instantiate them manually via `WlRegistry::bind(..)`. #[macro_export] macro_rules! wayland_env( (pub $name: ident) => { pub struct $name; impl $crate::EnvHandlerInner for $name { fn create(_registry: &$crate::protocol::wl_registry::WlRegistry, _globals: &[(u32, String, u32)]) -> Option<$name> { Some($name) } } }; (pub $name: ident, $($global_name: ident : $global_type: path),+) => { pub struct $name { $( pub $global_name: $global_type ),+ } wayland_env!(__impl $name, $($global_name : $global_type),+); }; ($name: ident) => { struct $name; impl $crate::EnvHandlerInner for $name { fn create(_registry: &$crate::protocol::wl_registry::WlRegistry, _globals: &[(u32, String, u32)]) -> Option<$name> { Some($name) } } }; ($name: ident, $($global_name: ident : $global_type: path),+) => { struct $name { $( pub $global_name: $global_type ),+ } wayland_env!(__impl $name, $($global_name : $global_type),+); }; (__impl $name: ident, $($global_name: ident : $global_type: path),+) => { impl $crate::EnvHandlerInner for $name { fn create(registry: &$crate::protocol::wl_registry::WlRegistry, globals: &[(u32, String, u32)]) -> Option<$name> { // hopefully llvm will optimize this let mut need = 0usize; $( let _ = stringify!($global_name); need += 1; )+ if need > globals.len() { return None } let mut my_globals: Vec<(u32, &str, u32)> = globals.iter().map(|&(i,ref n,v)| (i,&n[..],v)).collect(); $( let $global_name = { let iname = <$global_type as $crate::Proxy>::interface_name(); let index = my_globals.iter().position(|&(_,name,_)| name == iname); match index { None => return None, Some(i) => my_globals.swap_remove(i) } }; )* $( let $global_name = { let (id, _, v) = $global_name; let version = ::std::cmp::min(v, <$global_type as $crate::Proxy>::supported_version()); registry.bind::<$global_type>(version, id) }; )+ Some($name { $( $global_name: $global_name ),+ }) } } }; );