[][src]Module wayland_protocols::unstable::xdg_shell::v6::server::zxdg_surface_v6

desktop user interface surface base interface

An interface that may be implemented by a wl_surface, for implementations that provide a desktop-style user interface.

It provides a base set of functionality required to construct user interface elements requiring management by the compositor, such as toplevel windows, menus, etc. The types of functionality are split into xdg_surface roles.

Creating an xdg_surface does not set the role for a wl_surface. In order to map an xdg_surface, the client must create a role-specific object using, e.g., get_toplevel, get_popup. The wl_surface for any given xdg_surface can have at most one role, and may not be assigned any role not based on xdg_surface.

A role must be assigned before any other requests are made to the xdg_surface object.

The client must call wl_surface.commit on the corresponding wl_surface for the xdg_surface state to take effect.

Creating an xdg_surface from a wl_surface which has a buffer attached or committed is a client error, and any attempts by a client to attach or manipulate a buffer prior to the first xdg_surface.configure call must also be treated as errors.

For a surface to be mapped by the compositor, the following conditions must be met: (1) the client has assigned a xdg_surface based role to the surface, (2) the client has set and committed the xdg_surface state and the role dependent state to the surface and (3) the client has committed a buffer to the surface.







The minimal object version supporting this event


The minimal object version supporting this request


The minimal object version supporting this request


The minimal object version supporting this request


The minimal object version supporting this request


The minimal object version supporting this request