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//! Staging protocols from wayland-protocols
//! The protocols described this module are in the staging process and will soon be made part of a
//! release. Staging protocols are guaranteed to have no backwards incompatible changes introduced.
//! These protocols are ready for wider adoption and clients and compositors are encouraged to
//! implement staging protocol extensions where a protocol's functionality is desired.
//! Although these protocols should be stable, the protocols may be completely replaced in a new
//! major version or with a completely different protocol.
#![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
pub mod xdg_activation {
//! The way for a client to pass focus to another toplevel is as follows.
//! The client that intends to activate another toplevel uses the
//! xdg_activation_v1.get_activation_token request to get an activation token.
//! This token is then passed to the client to be activated through a separate
//! band of communication. The client to be activated will then pass the token
//! it received to the xdg_activation_v1.activate request. The compositor can
//! then use this token to decide how to react to the activation request.
//! The token the activating client gets may be ineffective either already at
//! the time it receives it, for example if it was not focused, for focus
//! stealing prevention. The activating client will have no way to discover
//! the validity of the token, and may still forward it to the to be activated
//! client.
//! The created activation token may optionally get information attached to it
//! that can be used by the compositor to identify the application that we
//! intend to activate. This can for example be used to display a visual hint
//! about what application is being started.
pub mod v1 {
pub mod ext_session_lock {
//! This protocol allows for a privileged Wayland client to lock the session
//! and display arbitrary graphics while the session is locked.
//! The compositor may choose to restrict this protocol to a special client
//! launched by the compositor itself or expose it to all privileged clients,
//! this is compositor policy.
//! The client is responsible for performing authentication and informing the
//! compositor when the session should be unlocked. If the client dies while
//! the session is locked the session remains locked, possibly permanently
//! depending on compositor policy.
pub mod v1 {
pub mod drm_lease {
//! This protocol is used by Wayland compositors which act as Direct
//! Renderering Manager (DRM) masters to lease DRM resources to Wayland
//! clients.
//! The compositor will advertise one wp_drm_lease_device_v1 global for each
//! DRM node. Some time after a client binds to the wp_drm_lease_device_v1
//! global, the compositor will send a drm_fd event followed by zero, one or
//! more connector events. After all currently available connectors have been
//! sent, the compositor will send a wp_drm_lease_device_v1.done event.
//! When the list of connectors available for lease changes the compositor
//! will send wp_drm_lease_device_v1.connector events for added connectors and
//! wp_drm_lease_connector_v1.withdrawn events for removed connectors,
//! followed by a wp_drm_lease_device_v1.done event.
//! The compositor will indicate when a device is gone by removing the global
//! via a wl_registry.global_remove event. Upon receiving this event, the
//! client should destroy any matching wp_drm_lease_device_v1 object.
//! To destroy a wp_drm_lease_device_v1 object, the client must first issue
//! a release request. Upon receiving this request, the compositor will
//! immediately send a released event and destroy the object. The client must
//! continue to process and discard drm_fd and connector events until it
//! receives the released event. Upon receiving the released event, the
//! client can safely cleanup any client-side resources.
pub mod v1 {