#![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
#[cfg(all(feature = "client", feature = "dlopen"))]
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
use super::common::*;
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
pub enum wl_proxy {}
pub enum wl_display {}
pub enum wl_event_queue {}
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
external_library!(WaylandClient, "wayland-client",
fn wl_display_connect_to_fd(c_int) -> *mut wl_display,
fn wl_display_connect(*const c_char) -> *mut wl_display,
fn wl_display_disconnect(*mut wl_display) -> (),
fn wl_display_get_fd(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_roundtrip(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_read_events(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_prepare_read(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_cancel_read(*mut wl_display) -> (),
fn wl_display_dispatch(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_dispatch_pending(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_get_error(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_get_protocol_error(*mut wl_display, *mut *const wl_interface, *mut u32) -> u32,
fn wl_display_flush(*mut wl_display) -> c_int,
fn wl_event_queue_destroy(*mut wl_event_queue) -> (),
fn wl_display_create_queue(*mut wl_display) -> *mut wl_event_queue,
fn wl_display_roundtrip_queue(*mut wl_display, *mut wl_event_queue) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_prepare_read_queue(*mut wl_display, *mut wl_event_queue) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_dispatch_queue(*mut wl_display, *mut wl_event_queue) -> c_int,
fn wl_display_dispatch_queue_pending(*mut wl_display, *mut wl_event_queue) -> c_int,
fn wl_proxy_create(*mut wl_proxy, *const wl_interface) -> *mut wl_proxy,
fn wl_proxy_destroy(*mut wl_proxy) -> (),
fn wl_proxy_add_listener(*mut wl_proxy, *mut extern "C" fn(), *mut c_void) -> c_int,
fn wl_proxy_get_listener(*mut wl_proxy) -> *const c_void,
fn wl_proxy_add_dispatcher(*mut wl_proxy, wl_dispatcher_func_t, *const c_void, *mut c_void) -> c_int,
fn wl_proxy_marshal_array_constructor(*mut wl_proxy, u32, *mut wl_argument, *const wl_interface) -> *mut wl_proxy,
fn wl_proxy_marshal_array_constructor_versioned(*mut wl_proxy, u32, *mut wl_argument, *const wl_interface, u32) -> *mut wl_proxy,
fn wl_proxy_marshal_array(*mut wl_proxy, u32, *mut wl_argument ) -> (),
fn wl_proxy_set_user_data(*mut wl_proxy, *mut c_void) -> (),
fn wl_proxy_get_user_data(*mut wl_proxy) -> *mut c_void,
fn wl_proxy_get_id(*mut wl_proxy) -> u32,
fn wl_proxy_get_class(*mut wl_proxy) -> *const c_char,
fn wl_proxy_set_queue(*mut wl_proxy, *mut wl_event_queue) -> (),
fn wl_proxy_get_version(*mut wl_proxy) -> u32,
fn wl_proxy_create_wrapper(*mut wl_proxy) -> *mut wl_proxy,
fn wl_proxy_wrapper_destroy(*mut wl_proxy) -> (),
fn wl_log_set_handler_client(wl_log_func_t) -> (),
fn wl_list_init(*mut wl_list) -> (),
fn wl_list_insert(*mut wl_list, *mut wl_list) -> (),
fn wl_list_remove(*mut wl_list) -> (),
fn wl_list_length(*const wl_list) -> c_int,
fn wl_list_empty(*const wl_list) -> c_int,
fn wl_list_insert_list(*mut wl_list,*mut wl_list) -> (),
fn wl_array_init(*mut wl_array) -> (),
fn wl_array_release(*mut wl_array) -> (),
fn wl_array_add(*mut wl_array,usize) -> (),
fn wl_array_copy(*mut wl_array, *mut wl_array) -> (),
fn wl_proxy_marshal_constructor(*mut wl_proxy, u32, *const wl_interface) -> *mut wl_proxy,
fn wl_proxy_marshal_constructor_versioned(*mut wl_proxy, u32, *const wl_interface, u32) -> *mut wl_proxy,
fn wl_proxy_marshal(*mut wl_proxy, u32) -> (),
#[cfg(all(feature = "client", feature = "dlopen"))]
pub fn wayland_client_option() -> Option<&'static WaylandClient> {
static WAYLAND_CLIENT_OPTION: Lazy<Option<WaylandClient>> = Lazy::new(||{
let versions = ["libwayland-client.so.0", "libwayland-client.so"];
for ver in &versions {
match unsafe { WaylandClient::open(ver) } {
Ok(h) => return Some(h),
Err(::dlib::DlError::CantOpen(_)) => continue,
Err(::dlib::DlError::MissingSymbol(s)) => {
log::error!("Found library {} cannot be used: symbol {} is missing.", ver, s);
return None;
#[cfg(all(feature = "client", feature = "dlopen"))]
pub fn wayland_client_handle() -> &'static WaylandClient {
static WAYLAND_CLIENT_HANDLE: Lazy<&'static WaylandClient> = Lazy::new(|| wayland_client_option().expect("Library libwayland-client.so could not be loaded."));
#[cfg(all(feature = "client", not(feature = "dlopen")))]
pub fn is_lib_available() -> bool {
#[cfg(all(feature = "client", feature = "dlopen"))]
pub fn is_lib_available() -> bool {