Crate weak_table

Expand description

This library offers a variety of weak hash tables:

  • For a hash map where the keys are held by weak pointers and compared by key value, see WeakKeyHashMap.

  • For a hash map where the keys are held by weak pointers and compared by pointer, see PtrWeakKeyHashMap.

  • For a hash map where the values are held by weak pointers, see WeakValueHashMap.

  • For a hash map where the keys and values are both held by weak pointers and the keys are compared by value, see WeakWeakHashMap.

  • For a hash map where the keys and values are both held by weak pointers and the keys are compared by pointer, see PtrWeakWeakHashMap.

  • For a hash set where the elements are held by weak pointers and compared by element value, see WeakHashSet.

  • For a hash set where the elements are held by weak pointers and compared by pointer, see PtrWeakHashSet.

To add support for your own weak pointers, see the traits WeakElement and WeakKey.

§Rust version support

This crate supports Rust version 1.46 and later.

§Asymptotic complexity

Most operations have documented asymptotic time complexities. When time complexities are given in big-O notation, the following parameters are used consistently:

  • n: the capacity of the map or set being accessed or constructed

  • m: the capacity of a second map/set involved in a submap/subset operation

  • p: the length of the probe sequence for the key in question

Note that pO(n), but we expect it to be O(1).

§Crate features

weak-table is built with the std feature, which enables functionality dependent on the std library, enabled by default. Optionally, the following dependency may be enabled:

  • ahash: use ahash’s hasher rather than the std hasher

If the std feature is disabled (for no_std) then the ahash dependency must be enabled.


Here we create a weak hash table mapping strings to integers. Note that after dropping one, the key "one" is no longer present in the map. This is because the map holds the strings as std::sync::Weak<str>s.

use weak_table::WeakKeyHashMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};

let mut table = <WeakKeyHashMap<Weak<str>, u32>>::new();
let one = Arc::<str>::from("one");
let two = Arc::<str>::from("two");

table.insert(one.clone(), 1);

assert_eq!( table.get("one"), Some(&1) );
assert_eq!( table.get("two"), None );

table.insert(two.clone(), 2);
*table.get_mut(&one).unwrap() += 10;

assert_eq!( table.get("one"), Some(&11) );
assert_eq!( table.get("two"), Some(&2) );


assert_eq!( table.get("one"), None );
assert_eq!( table.get("two"), Some(&2) );

Here we use a weak hash set to implement a simple string interning facility:

use weak_table::WeakHashSet;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Symbol(Rc<str>);

impl PartialEq for Symbol {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Symbol) -> bool {
        Rc::ptr_eq(&self.0, &other.0)

impl Eq for Symbol {}

impl Deref for Symbol {
    type Target = str;
    fn deref(&self) -> &str {

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct SymbolTable(WeakHashSet<Weak<str>>);

impl SymbolTable {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    pub fn intern(&mut self, name: &str) -> Symbol {
        if let Some(rc) = self.0.get(name) {
        } else {
            let rc = Rc::<str>::from(name);

fn interning() {
    let mut tab = SymbolTable::new();

    let a0 = tab.intern("a");
    let a1 = tab.intern("a");
    let b  = tab.intern("b");

    assert_eq!(a0, a1);
    assert_ne!(a0, b);


A hash set where the elements are held by weak pointers and compared by pointer.
A hash map where the keys are held by weak pointers and compared by pointer.
A hash map where the keys and values are both held by weak pointers, and keys are compared by pointer.
Traits for describing strong and weak pointers and their use as elements and keys.
A hash set where the elements are held by weak pointers and compared by value.
A hash map where the keys are held by weak pointers and compared by key value.
A hash map where the values are held by weak pointers.
A hash map where the keys and values are both held by weak pointers, and keys are compared by value.


A hash set with weak elements, hashed on element pointer.
A hash map with weak keys, hashed on key pointer.
A hash map with weak keys and weak values, hashed on key pointer.
A hash set with weak elements, hashed on element value.
A hash map with weak keys, hashed on key value.
A hash map with weak values.
A hash map with weak keys and weak values, hashed on key value.