
3use std::num::ParseIntError;
4use std::string::FromUtf8Error;
5use std::{io, net};
7use thiserror::Error;
9pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
11#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
13pub enum Error {
14    #[error("buffer: full")]
15    ErrBufferFull,
16    #[error("buffer: closed")]
17    ErrBufferClosed,
18    #[error("buffer: short")]
19    ErrBufferShort,
20    #[error("packet too big")]
21    ErrPacketTooBig,
22    #[error("i/o timeout")]
23    ErrTimeout,
24    #[error("udp: listener closed")]
25    ErrClosedListener,
26    #[error("udp: listen queue exceeded")]
27    ErrListenQueueExceeded,
28    #[error("udp: listener accept ch closed")]
29    ErrClosedListenerAcceptCh,
30    #[error("obs cannot be nil")]
31    ErrObsCannotBeNil,
32    #[error("se of closed network connection")]
33    ErrUseClosedNetworkConn,
34    #[error("addr is not a net.UDPAddr")]
35    ErrAddrNotUdpAddr,
36    #[error("something went wrong with locAddr")]
37    ErrLocAddr,
38    #[error("already closed")]
39    ErrAlreadyClosed,
40    #[error("no remAddr defined")]
41    ErrNoRemAddr,
42    #[error("address already in use")]
43    ErrAddressAlreadyInUse,
44    #[error("no such UDPConn")]
45    ErrNoSuchUdpConn,
46    #[error("cannot remove unspecified IP by the specified IP")]
47    ErrCannotRemoveUnspecifiedIp,
48    #[error("no address assigned")]
49    ErrNoAddressAssigned,
50    #[error("1:1 NAT requires more than one mapping")]
51    ErrNatRequiresMapping,
52    #[error("length mismtach between mappedIPs and localIPs")]
53    ErrMismatchLengthIp,
54    #[error("non-udp translation is not supported yet")]
55    ErrNonUdpTranslationNotSupported,
56    #[error("no associated local address")]
57    ErrNoAssociatedLocalAddress,
58    #[error("no NAT binding found")]
59    ErrNoNatBindingFound,
60    #[error("has no permission")]
61    ErrHasNoPermission,
62    #[error("host name must not be empty")]
63    ErrHostnameEmpty,
64    #[error("failed to parse IP address")]
65    ErrFailedToParseIpaddr,
66    #[error("no interface is available")]
67    ErrNoInterface,
68    #[error("not found")]
69    ErrNotFound,
70    #[error("unexpected network")]
71    ErrUnexpectedNetwork,
72    #[error("can't assign requested address")]
73    ErrCantAssignRequestedAddr,
74    #[error("unknown network")]
75    ErrUnknownNetwork,
76    #[error("no router linked")]
77    ErrNoRouterLinked,
78    #[error("invalid port number")]
79    ErrInvalidPortNumber,
80    #[error("unexpected type-switch failure")]
81    ErrUnexpectedTypeSwitchFailure,
82    #[error("bind failed")]
83    ErrBindFailed,
84    #[error("end port is less than the start")]
85    ErrEndPortLessThanStart,
86    #[error("port space exhausted")]
87    ErrPortSpaceExhausted,
88    #[error("vnet is not enabled")]
89    ErrVnetDisabled,
90    #[error("invalid local IP in static_ips")]
91    ErrInvalidLocalIpInStaticIps,
92    #[error("mapped in static_ips is beyond subnet")]
93    ErrLocalIpBeyondStaticIpsSubset,
94    #[error("all static_ips must have associated local IPs")]
95    ErrLocalIpNoStaticsIpsAssociated,
96    #[error("router already started")]
97    ErrRouterAlreadyStarted,
98    #[error("router already stopped")]
99    ErrRouterAlreadyStopped,
100    #[error("static IP is beyond subnet")]
101    ErrStaticIpIsBeyondSubnet,
102    #[error("address space exhausted")]
103    ErrAddressSpaceExhausted,
104    #[error("no IP address is assigned for eth0")]
105    ErrNoIpaddrEth0,
106    #[error("Invalid mask")]
107    ErrInvalidMask,
108    #[error("parse ipnet: {0}")]
109    ParseIpnet(#[from] ipnet::AddrParseError),
110    #[error("parse ip: {0}")]
111    ParseIp(#[from] net::AddrParseError),
112    #[error("parse int: {0}")]
113    ParseInt(#[from] ParseIntError),
114    #[error("{0}")]
115    Io(#[source] IoError),
116    #[error("utf8: {0}")]
117    Utf8(#[from] FromUtf8Error),
118    #[error("{0}")]
119    Std(#[source] StdError),
120    #[error("{0}")]
121    Other(String),
124impl Error {
125    pub fn from_std<T>(error: T) -> Self
126    where
127        T: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
128    {
129        Error::Std(StdError(Box::new(error)))
130    }
132    pub fn downcast_ref<T: std::error::Error + 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
133        if let Error::Std(s) = self {
134            return s.0.downcast_ref();
135        }
137        None
138    }
141#[derive(Debug, Error)]
142#[error("io error: {0}")]
143pub struct IoError(#[from] pub io::Error);
145// Workaround for wanting PartialEq for io::Error.
146impl PartialEq for IoError {
147    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
148        self.0.kind() == other.0.kind()
149    }
152impl From<io::Error> for Error {
153    fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self {
154        Error::Io(IoError(e))
155    }
158/// An escape hatch to preserve stack traces when we don't know the error.
160/// This crate exports some traits such as `Conn` and `Listener`. The trait functions
161/// produce the local error `util::Error`. However when used in crates higher up the stack,
162/// we are forced to handle errors that are local to that crate. For example we use
163/// `Listener` the `dtls` crate and it needs to handle `dtls::Error`.
165/// By using `util::Error::from_std` we can preserve the underlying error (and stack trace!).
166#[derive(Debug, Error)]
168pub struct StdError(pub Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>);
170impl PartialEq for StdError {
171    fn eq(&self, _: &Self) -> bool {
172        false
173    }