
2mod nat_test;
4use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
5use std::net::IpAddr;
6use std::ops::Add;
7use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
8use std::sync::Arc;
9use std::time::SystemTime;
11use portable_atomic::AtomicU16;
12use tokio::sync::Mutex;
13use tokio::time::Duration;
15use crate::error::*;
16use crate::vnet::chunk::Chunk;
17use crate::vnet::net::UDP_STR;
19const DEFAULT_NAT_MAPPING_LIFE_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
21// EndpointDependencyType defines a type of behavioral dependency on the
22// remote endpoint's IP address or port number. This is used for the two
23// kinds of behaviors:
24//  - Port Mapping behavior
25//  - Filtering behavior
26// See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4787
27#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
28pub enum EndpointDependencyType {
29    // EndpointIndependent means the behavior is independent of the endpoint's address or port
30    #[default]
31    EndpointIndependent,
32    // EndpointAddrDependent means the behavior is dependent on the endpoint's address
33    EndpointAddrDependent,
34    // EndpointAddrPortDependent means the behavior is dependent on the endpoint's address and port
35    EndpointAddrPortDependent,
38// NATMode defines basic behavior of the NAT
39#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
40pub enum NatMode {
41    // NATModeNormal means the NAT behaves as a standard NAPT (RFC 2663).
42    #[default]
43    Normal,
44    // NATModeNAT1To1 exhibits 1:1 DNAT where the external IP address is statically mapped to
45    // a specific local IP address with port number is preserved always between them.
46    // When this mode is selected, mapping_behavior, filtering_behavior, port_preservation and
47    // mapping_life_time of NATType are ignored.
48    Nat1To1,
51// NATType has a set of parameters that define the behavior of NAT.
52#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
53pub struct NatType {
54    pub mode: NatMode,
55    pub mapping_behavior: EndpointDependencyType,
56    pub filtering_behavior: EndpointDependencyType,
57    pub hair_pining: bool,       // Not implemented yet
58    pub port_preservation: bool, // Not implemented yet
59    pub mapping_life_time: Duration,
62#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
63pub(crate) struct NatConfig {
64    pub(crate) name: String,
65    pub(crate) nat_type: NatType,
66    pub(crate) mapped_ips: Vec<IpAddr>, // mapped IPv4
67    pub(crate) local_ips: Vec<IpAddr>,  // local IPv4, required only when the mode is NATModeNAT1To1
70#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
71pub(crate) struct Mapping {
72    proto: String,                        // "udp" or "tcp"
73    local: String,                        // "<local-ip>:<local-port>"
74    mapped: String,                       // "<mapped-ip>:<mapped-port>"
75    bound: String,                        // key: "[<remote-ip>[:<remote-port>]]"
76    filters: Arc<Mutex<HashSet<String>>>, // key: "[<remote-ip>[:<remote-port>]]"
77    expires: Arc<Mutex<SystemTime>>,      // time to expire
80impl Default for Mapping {
81    fn default() -> Self {
82        Mapping {
83            proto: String::new(),                             // "udp" or "tcp"
84            local: String::new(),                             // "<local-ip>:<local-port>"
85            mapped: String::new(),                            // "<mapped-ip>:<mapped-port>"
86            bound: String::new(), // key: "[<remote-ip>[:<remote-port>]]"
87            filters: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashSet::new())), // key: "[<remote-ip>[:<remote-port>]]"
88            expires: Arc::new(Mutex::new(SystemTime::now())), // time to expire
89        }
90    }
93#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
94pub(crate) struct NetworkAddressTranslator {
95    pub(crate) name: String,
96    pub(crate) nat_type: NatType,
97    pub(crate) mapped_ips: Vec<IpAddr>, // mapped IPv4
98    pub(crate) local_ips: Vec<IpAddr>,  // local IPv4, required only when the mode is NATModeNAT1To1
99    pub(crate) outbound_map: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, Arc<Mapping>>>>, // key: "<proto>:<local-ip>:<local-port>[:remote-ip[:remote-port]]
100    pub(crate) inbound_map: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, Arc<Mapping>>>>, // key: "<proto>:<mapped-ip>:<mapped-port>"
101    pub(crate) udp_port_counter: Arc<AtomicU16>,
104impl NetworkAddressTranslator {
105    pub(crate) fn new(config: NatConfig) -> Result<Self> {
106        let mut nat_type = config.nat_type;
108        if nat_type.mode == NatMode::Nat1To1 {
109            // 1:1 NAT behavior
110            nat_type.mapping_behavior = EndpointDependencyType::EndpointIndependent;
111            nat_type.filtering_behavior = EndpointDependencyType::EndpointIndependent;
112            nat_type.port_preservation = true;
113            nat_type.mapping_life_time = Duration::from_secs(0);
115            if config.mapped_ips.is_empty() {
116                return Err(Error::ErrNatRequiresMapping);
117            }
118            if config.mapped_ips.len() != config.local_ips.len() {
119                return Err(Error::ErrMismatchLengthIp);
120            }
121        } else {
122            // Normal (NAPT) behavior
123            nat_type.mode = NatMode::Normal;
124            if nat_type.mapping_life_time == Duration::from_secs(0) {
125                nat_type.mapping_life_time = DEFAULT_NAT_MAPPING_LIFE_TIME;
126            }
127        }
129        Ok(NetworkAddressTranslator {
130            name: config.name,
131            nat_type,
132            mapped_ips: config.mapped_ips,
133            local_ips: config.local_ips,
134            outbound_map: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
135            inbound_map: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
136            udp_port_counter: Arc::new(AtomicU16::new(0)),
137        })
138    }
140    pub(crate) fn get_paired_mapped_ip(&self, loc_ip: &IpAddr) -> Option<&IpAddr> {
141        for (i, ip) in self.local_ips.iter().enumerate() {
142            if ip == loc_ip {
143                return self.mapped_ips.get(i);
144            }
145        }
146        None
147    }
149    pub(crate) fn get_paired_local_ip(&self, mapped_ip: &IpAddr) -> Option<&IpAddr> {
150        for (i, ip) in self.mapped_ips.iter().enumerate() {
151            if ip == mapped_ip {
152                return self.local_ips.get(i);
153            }
154        }
155        None
156    }
158    pub(crate) async fn translate_outbound(
159        &self,
160        from: &(dyn Chunk + Send + Sync),
161    ) -> Result<Option<Box<dyn Chunk + Send + Sync>>> {
162        let mut to = from.clone_to();
164        if from.network() == UDP_STR {
165            if self.nat_type.mode == NatMode::Nat1To1 {
166                // 1:1 NAT behavior
167                let src_addr = from.source_addr();
168                if let Some(src_ip) = self.get_paired_mapped_ip(&src_addr.ip()) {
169                    to.set_source_addr(&format!("{}:{}", src_ip, src_addr.port()))?;
170                } else {
171                    log::debug!(
172                        "[{}] drop outbound chunk {} with not route",
173                        self.name,
174                        from
175                    );
176                    return Ok(None); // silently discard
177                }
178            } else {
179                // Normal (NAPT) behavior
180                let bound = match self.nat_type.mapping_behavior {
181                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointIndependent => "".to_owned(),
182                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointAddrDependent => {
183                        from.get_destination_ip().to_string()
184                    }
185                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointAddrPortDependent => {
186                        from.destination_addr().to_string()
187                    }
188                };
190                let filter_key = match self.nat_type.filtering_behavior {
191                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointIndependent => "".to_owned(),
192                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointAddrDependent => {
193                        from.get_destination_ip().to_string()
194                    }
195                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointAddrPortDependent => {
196                        from.destination_addr().to_string()
197                    }
198                };
200                let o_key = format!("udp:{}:{}", from.source_addr(), bound);
201                let name = self.name.clone();
203                let m_mapped = if let Some(m) = self.find_outbound_mapping(&o_key).await {
204                    let mut filters = m.filters.lock().await;
205                    if !filters.contains(&filter_key) {
206                        log::debug!(
207                            "[{}] permit access from {} to {}",
208                            name,
209                            filter_key,
210                            m.mapped
211                        );
212                        filters.insert(filter_key);
213                    }
214                    m.mapped.clone()
215                } else {
216                    // Create a new Mapping
217                    let udp_port_counter = self.udp_port_counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
218                    let mapped_port = 0xC000 + udp_port_counter;
219                    if udp_port_counter == 0xFFFF - 0xC000 {
220                        self.udp_port_counter.store(0, Ordering::SeqCst);
221                    } else {
222                        self.udp_port_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
223                    }
225                    let m = if let Some(mapped_ips_first) = self.mapped_ips.first() {
226                        Mapping {
227                            proto: "udp".to_owned(),
228                            local: from.source_addr().to_string(),
229                            bound,
230                            mapped: format!("{mapped_ips_first}:{mapped_port}"),
231                            filters: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashSet::new())),
232                            expires: Arc::new(Mutex::new(
233                                SystemTime::now().add(self.nat_type.mapping_life_time),
234                            )),
235                        }
236                    } else {
237                        return Err(Error::ErrNatRequiresMapping);
238                    };
240                    {
241                        let mut outbound_map = self.outbound_map.lock().await;
242                        outbound_map.insert(o_key.clone(), Arc::new(m.clone()));
243                    }
245                    let i_key = format!("udp:{}", m.mapped);
247                    log::debug!(
248                        "[{}] created a new NAT binding oKey={} i_key={}",
249                        self.name,
250                        o_key,
251                        i_key
252                    );
253                    log::debug!(
254                        "[{}] permit access from {} to {}",
255                        self.name,
256                        filter_key,
257                        m.mapped
258                    );
260                    {
261                        let mut filters = m.filters.lock().await;
262                        filters.insert(filter_key);
263                    }
265                    let m_mapped = m.mapped.clone();
266                    {
267                        let mut inbound_map = self.inbound_map.lock().await;
268                        inbound_map.insert(i_key, Arc::new(m));
269                    }
270                    m_mapped
271                };
273                to.set_source_addr(&m_mapped)?;
274            }
276            log::debug!(
277                "[{}] translate outbound chunk from {} to {}",
278                self.name,
279                from,
280                to
281            );
283            return Ok(Some(to));
284        }
286        Err(Error::ErrNonUdpTranslationNotSupported)
287    }
289    pub(crate) async fn translate_inbound(
290        &self,
291        from: &(dyn Chunk + Send + Sync),
292    ) -> Result<Option<Box<dyn Chunk + Send + Sync>>> {
293        let mut to = from.clone_to();
295        if from.network() == UDP_STR {
296            if self.nat_type.mode == NatMode::Nat1To1 {
297                // 1:1 NAT behavior
298                let dst_addr = from.destination_addr();
299                if let Some(dst_ip) = self.get_paired_local_ip(&dst_addr.ip()) {
300                    let dst_port = from.destination_addr().port();
301                    to.set_destination_addr(&format!("{dst_ip}:{dst_port}"))?;
302                } else {
303                    return Err(Error::Other(format!(
304                        "drop {from} as {:?}",
305                        Error::ErrNoAssociatedLocalAddress
306                    )));
307                }
308            } else {
309                // Normal (NAPT) behavior
310                let filter_key = match self.nat_type.filtering_behavior {
311                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointIndependent => "".to_owned(),
312                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointAddrDependent => {
313                        from.get_source_ip().to_string()
314                    }
315                    EndpointDependencyType::EndpointAddrPortDependent => {
316                        from.source_addr().to_string()
317                    }
318                };
320                let i_key = format!("udp:{}", from.destination_addr());
321                if let Some(m) = self.find_inbound_mapping(&i_key).await {
322                    {
323                        let filters = m.filters.lock().await;
324                        if !filters.contains(&filter_key) {
325                            return Err(Error::Other(format!(
326                                "drop {} as the remote {} {:?}",
327                                from,
328                                filter_key,
329                                Error::ErrHasNoPermission
330                            )));
331                        }
332                    }
334                    // See RFC 4847 Section 4.3.  Mapping Refresh
335                    // a) Inbound refresh may be useful for applications with no outgoing
336                    //   UDP traffic.  However, allowing inbound refresh may allow an
337                    //   external attacker or misbehaving application to keep a Mapping
338                    //   alive indefinitely.  This may be a security risk.  Also, if the
339                    //   process is repeated with different ports, over time, it could
340                    //   use up all the ports on the NAT.
342                    to.set_destination_addr(&m.local)?;
343                } else {
344                    return Err(Error::Other(format!(
345                        "drop {} as {:?}",
346                        from,
347                        Error::ErrNoNatBindingFound
348                    )));
349                }
350            }
352            log::debug!(
353                "[{}] translate inbound chunk from {} to {}",
354                self.name,
355                from,
356                to
357            );
359            return Ok(Some(to));
360        }
362        Err(Error::ErrNonUdpTranslationNotSupported)
363    }
365    // caller must hold the mutex
366    pub(crate) async fn find_outbound_mapping(&self, o_key: &str) -> Option<Arc<Mapping>> {
367        let mapping_life_time = self.nat_type.mapping_life_time;
368        let mut expired = false;
369        let (in_key, out_key) = {
370            let outbound_map = self.outbound_map.lock().await;
371            if let Some(m) = outbound_map.get(o_key) {
372                let now = SystemTime::now();
374                {
375                    let mut expires = m.expires.lock().await;
376                    // check if this Mapping is expired
377                    if now.duration_since(*expires).is_ok() {
378                        expired = true;
379                    } else {
380                        *expires = now.add(mapping_life_time);
381                    }
382                }
383                (
384                    NetworkAddressTranslator::get_inbound_map_key(m),
385                    NetworkAddressTranslator::get_outbound_map_key(m),
386                )
387            } else {
388                (String::new(), String::new())
389            }
390        };
392        if expired {
393            {
394                let mut inbound_map = self.inbound_map.lock().await;
395                inbound_map.remove(&in_key);
396            }
397            {
398                let mut outbound_map = self.outbound_map.lock().await;
399                outbound_map.remove(&out_key);
400            }
401        }
403        let outbound_map = self.outbound_map.lock().await;
404        outbound_map.get(o_key).cloned()
405    }
407    // caller must hold the mutex
408    pub(crate) async fn find_inbound_mapping(&self, i_key: &str) -> Option<Arc<Mapping>> {
409        let mut expired = false;
410        let (in_key, out_key) = {
411            let inbound_map = self.inbound_map.lock().await;
412            if let Some(m) = inbound_map.get(i_key) {
413                let now = SystemTime::now();
415                {
416                    let expires = m.expires.lock().await;
417                    // check if this Mapping is expired
418                    if now.duration_since(*expires).is_ok() {
419                        expired = true;
420                    }
421                }
422                (
423                    NetworkAddressTranslator::get_inbound_map_key(m),
424                    NetworkAddressTranslator::get_outbound_map_key(m),
425                )
426            } else {
427                (String::new(), String::new())
428            }
429        };
431        if expired {
432            {
433                let mut inbound_map = self.inbound_map.lock().await;
434                inbound_map.remove(&in_key);
435            }
436            {
437                let mut outbound_map = self.outbound_map.lock().await;
438                outbound_map.remove(&out_key);
439            }
440        }
442        let inbound_map = self.inbound_map.lock().await;
443        inbound_map.get(i_key).cloned()
444    }
446    // caller must hold the mutex
447    fn get_outbound_map_key(m: &Mapping) -> String {
448        format!("{}:{}:{}", m.proto, m.local, m.bound)
449    }
451    fn get_inbound_map_key(m: &Mapping) -> String {
452        format!("{}:{}", m.proto, m.mapped)
453    }
455    async fn inbound_map_len(&self) -> usize {
456        let inbound_map = self.inbound_map.lock().await;
457        inbound_map.len()
458    }
460    async fn outbound_map_len(&self) -> usize {
461        let outbound_map = self.outbound_map.lock().await;
462        outbound_map.len()
463    }