
1/*! Allocating resource ids, and tracking the resources they refer to.
3The `wgpu_core` API uses identifiers of type [`Id<R>`] to refer to
4resources of type `R`. For example, [`id::DeviceId`] is an alias for
5`Id<markers::Device>`, and [`id::BufferId`] is an alias for
6`Id<markers::Buffer>`. `Id` implements `Copy`, `Hash`, `Eq`, `Ord`, and
7of course `Debug`.
9[`id::DeviceId`]: crate::id::DeviceId
10[`id::BufferId`]: crate::id::BufferId
12Each `Id` contains not only an index for the resource it denotes but
13also a Backend indicating which `wgpu` backend it belongs to.
15`Id`s also incorporate a generation number, for additional validation.
17The resources to which identifiers refer are freed explicitly.
18Attempting to use an identifier for a resource that has been freed
19elicits an error result.
21## Assigning ids to resources
23The users of `wgpu_core` generally want resource ids to be assigned
24in one of two ways:
26- Users like `wgpu` want `wgpu_core` to assign ids to resources itself.
27  For example, `wgpu` expects to call `Global::device_create_buffer`
28  and have the return value indicate the newly created buffer's id.
30- Users like `player` and Firefox want to allocate ids themselves, and
31  pass `Global::device_create_buffer` and friends the id to assign the
32  new resource.
34To accommodate either pattern, `wgpu_core` methods that create
35resources all expect an `id_in` argument that the caller can use to
36specify the id, and they all return the id used. For example, the
37declaration of `Global::device_create_buffer` looks like this:
40impl Global {
41    /* ... */
42    pub fn device_create_buffer<A: HalApi>(
43        &self,
44        device_id: id::DeviceId,
45        desc: &resource::BufferDescriptor,
46        id_in: Input<G>,
47    ) -> (id::BufferId, Option<resource::CreateBufferError>) {
48        /* ... */
49    }
50    /* ... */
54Users that want to assign resource ids themselves pass in the id they
55want as the `id_in` argument, whereas users that want `wgpu_core`
56itself to choose ids always pass `()`. In either case, the id
57ultimately assigned is returned as the first element of the tuple.
59Producing true identifiers from `id_in` values is the job of an
60[`crate::identity::IdentityManager`] or ids will be received from outside through `Option<Id>` arguments.
62## Id allocation and streaming
64Perhaps surprisingly, allowing users to assign resource ids themselves
65enables major performance improvements in some applications.
67The `wgpu_core` API is designed for use by Firefox's [WebGPU]
68implementation. For security, web content and GPU use must be kept
69segregated in separate processes, with all interaction between them
70mediated by an inter-process communication protocol. As web content uses
71the WebGPU API, the content process sends messages to the GPU process,
72which interacts with the platform's GPU APIs on content's behalf,
73occasionally sending results back.
75In a classic Rust API, a resource allocation function takes parameters
76describing the resource to create, and if creation succeeds, it returns
77the resource id in a `Result::Ok` value. However, this design is a poor
78fit for the split-process design described above: content must wait for
79the reply to its buffer-creation message (say) before it can know which
80id it can use in the next message that uses that buffer. On a common
81usage pattern, the classic Rust design imposes the latency of a full
82cross-process round trip.
84We can avoid incurring these round-trip latencies simply by letting the
85content process assign resource ids itself. With this approach, content
86can choose an id for the new buffer, send a message to create the
87buffer, and then immediately send the next message operating on that
88buffer, since it already knows its id. Allowing content and GPU process
89activity to be pipelined greatly improves throughput.
91To help propagate errors correctly in this style of usage, when resource
92creation fails, the id supplied for that resource is marked to indicate
93as much, allowing subsequent operations using that id to be properly
94flagged as errors as well.
96[`process`]: crate::identity::IdentityManager::process
97[`Id<R>`]: crate::id::Id
98[wrapped in a mutex]: trait.IdentityHandler.html#impl-IdentityHandler%3CI%3E-for-Mutex%3CIdentityManager%3E
99[WebGPU]: https://www.w3.org/TR/webgpu/
103use crate::{
104    binding_model::{BindGroup, BindGroupLayout, PipelineLayout},
105    command::{CommandBuffer, RenderBundle},
106    device::{queue::Queue, Device},
107    instance::Adapter,
108    pipeline::{ComputePipeline, PipelineCache, RenderPipeline, ShaderModule},
109    registry::{Registry, RegistryReport},
110    resource::{
111        Blas, Buffer, Fallible, QuerySet, Sampler, StagingBuffer, Texture, TextureView, Tlas,
112    },
114use std::{fmt::Debug, sync::Arc};
116#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
117pub struct HubReport {
118    pub adapters: RegistryReport,
119    pub devices: RegistryReport,
120    pub queues: RegistryReport,
121    pub pipeline_layouts: RegistryReport,
122    pub shader_modules: RegistryReport,
123    pub bind_group_layouts: RegistryReport,
124    pub bind_groups: RegistryReport,
125    pub command_buffers: RegistryReport,
126    pub render_bundles: RegistryReport,
127    pub render_pipelines: RegistryReport,
128    pub compute_pipelines: RegistryReport,
129    pub pipeline_caches: RegistryReport,
130    pub query_sets: RegistryReport,
131    pub buffers: RegistryReport,
132    pub textures: RegistryReport,
133    pub texture_views: RegistryReport,
134    pub samplers: RegistryReport,
137impl HubReport {
138    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
139        self.adapters.is_empty()
140    }
144/// All the resources tracked by a [`crate::global::Global`].
146/// ## Locking
148/// Each field in `Hub` is a [`Registry`] holding all the values of a
149/// particular type of resource, all protected by a single RwLock.
150/// So for example, to access any [`Buffer`], you must acquire a read
151/// lock on the `Hub`s entire buffers registry. The lock guard
152/// gives you access to the `Registry`'s [`Storage`], which you can
153/// then index with the buffer's id. (Yes, this design causes
154/// contention; see [#2272].)
156/// But most `wgpu` operations require access to several different
157/// kinds of resource, so you often need to hold locks on several
158/// different fields of your [`Hub`] simultaneously.
160/// Inside the `Registry` there are `Arc<T>` where `T` is a Resource
161/// Lock of `Registry` happens only when accessing to get the specific resource
163/// [`Storage`]: crate::storage::Storage
164pub struct Hub {
165    pub(crate) adapters: Registry<Arc<Adapter>>,
166    pub(crate) devices: Registry<Arc<Device>>,
167    pub(crate) queues: Registry<Arc<Queue>>,
168    pub(crate) pipeline_layouts: Registry<Fallible<PipelineLayout>>,
169    pub(crate) shader_modules: Registry<Fallible<ShaderModule>>,
170    pub(crate) bind_group_layouts: Registry<Fallible<BindGroupLayout>>,
171    pub(crate) bind_groups: Registry<Fallible<BindGroup>>,
172    pub(crate) command_buffers: Registry<Arc<CommandBuffer>>,
173    pub(crate) render_bundles: Registry<Fallible<RenderBundle>>,
174    pub(crate) render_pipelines: Registry<Fallible<RenderPipeline>>,
175    pub(crate) compute_pipelines: Registry<Fallible<ComputePipeline>>,
176    pub(crate) pipeline_caches: Registry<Fallible<PipelineCache>>,
177    pub(crate) query_sets: Registry<Fallible<QuerySet>>,
178    pub(crate) buffers: Registry<Fallible<Buffer>>,
179    pub(crate) staging_buffers: Registry<StagingBuffer>,
180    pub(crate) textures: Registry<Fallible<Texture>>,
181    pub(crate) texture_views: Registry<Fallible<TextureView>>,
182    pub(crate) samplers: Registry<Fallible<Sampler>>,
183    pub(crate) blas_s: Registry<Fallible<Blas>>,
184    pub(crate) tlas_s: Registry<Fallible<Tlas>>,
187impl Hub {
188    pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
189        Self {
190            adapters: Registry::new(),
191            devices: Registry::new(),
192            queues: Registry::new(),
193            pipeline_layouts: Registry::new(),
194            shader_modules: Registry::new(),
195            bind_group_layouts: Registry::new(),
196            bind_groups: Registry::new(),
197            command_buffers: Registry::new(),
198            render_bundles: Registry::new(),
199            render_pipelines: Registry::new(),
200            compute_pipelines: Registry::new(),
201            pipeline_caches: Registry::new(),
202            query_sets: Registry::new(),
203            buffers: Registry::new(),
204            staging_buffers: Registry::new(),
205            textures: Registry::new(),
206            texture_views: Registry::new(),
207            samplers: Registry::new(),
208            blas_s: Registry::new(),
209            tlas_s: Registry::new(),
210        }
211    }
213    pub fn generate_report(&self) -> HubReport {
214        HubReport {
215            adapters: self.adapters.generate_report(),
216            devices: self.devices.generate_report(),
217            queues: self.queues.generate_report(),
218            pipeline_layouts: self.pipeline_layouts.generate_report(),
219            shader_modules: self.shader_modules.generate_report(),
220            bind_group_layouts: self.bind_group_layouts.generate_report(),
221            bind_groups: self.bind_groups.generate_report(),
222            command_buffers: self.command_buffers.generate_report(),
223            render_bundles: self.render_bundles.generate_report(),
224            render_pipelines: self.render_pipelines.generate_report(),
225            compute_pipelines: self.compute_pipelines.generate_report(),
226            pipeline_caches: self.pipeline_caches.generate_report(),
227            query_sets: self.query_sets.generate_report(),
228            buffers: self.buffers.generate_report(),
229            textures: self.textures.generate_report(),
230            texture_views: self.texture_views.generate_report(),
231            samplers: self.samplers.generate_report(),
232        }
233    }