Function wiggle_generate::names::module
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pub fn link_module(
module: &witx::Module,
target_path: Option<&syn::Path>,
settings: &CodegenSettings,
) -> TokenStream {
let module_ident = names::module(&;
let send_bound = if settings.async_.contains_async(module) {
quote! { + Send, T: Send }
} else {
quote! {}
let mut bodies = Vec::new();
let mut bounds = HashSet::new();
for f in module.funcs() {
let asyncness = settings.async_.get(,;
bodies.push(generate_func(&module, &f, target_path, asyncness));
let bound = func_bounds(module, &f, settings);
for b in bound {
let ctx_bound = if let Some(target_path) = target_path {
let bounds = bounds
.map(|b| quote!(#target_path::#module_ident::#b));
quote!( #(#bounds)+* #send_bound )
} else {
let bounds = bounds.into_iter();
quote!( #(#bounds)+* #send_bound )
let func_name = if target_path.is_none() {
} else {
format_ident!("add_{}_to_linker", module_ident)
quote! {
/// Adds all instance items to the specified `Linker`.
pub fn #func_name<T, U>(
linker: &mut wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Linker<T>,
get_cx: impl Fn(&mut T) -> &mut U + Send + Sync + Copy + 'static,
) -> wiggle::anyhow::Result<()>
U: #ctx_bound #send_bound
fn generate_func(
module: &witx::Module,
func: &witx::InterfaceFunc,
target_path: Option<&syn::Path>,
asyncness: Asyncness,
) -> TokenStream {
let module_str =;
let module_ident = names::module(&;
let field_str =;
let field_ident = names::func(&;
let (params, results) = func.wasm_signature();
let arg_names = (0..params.len())
.map(|i| Ident::new(&format!("arg{}", i), Span::call_site()))
let arg_decls = params
.map(|(i, ty)| {
let name = &arg_names[i];
let wasm = names::wasm_type(*ty);
quote! { #name: #wasm }
let ret_ty = match results.len() {
0 => quote!(()),
1 => names::wasm_type(results[0]),
_ => unimplemented!(),
let await_ = if asyncness.is_sync() {
} else {
let abi_func = if let Some(target_path) = target_path {
quote!( #target_path::#module_ident::#field_ident )
} else {
quote!( #field_ident )
let body = quote! {
let export = caller.get_export("memory");
let (mem, ctx) = match &export {
Some(wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Extern::Memory(m)) => {
let (mem, ctx) = m.data_and_store_mut(&mut caller);
let ctx = get_cx(ctx);
(wiggle::wasmtime::WasmtimeGuestMemory::new(mem), ctx)
Some(wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Extern::SharedMemory(m)) => {
let ctx = get_cx(caller.data_mut());
(wiggle::wasmtime::WasmtimeGuestMemory::shared(, ctx)
_ => wiggle::anyhow::bail!("missing required memory export"),
Ok(<#ret_ty>::from(#abi_func(ctx, &mem #(, #arg_names)*) #await_ ?))
match asyncness {
Asyncness::Async => {
let wrapper = format_ident!("func_wrap{}_async", params.len());
quote! {
move |mut caller: wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Caller<'_, T> #(, #arg_decls)*| {
Box::new(async move { #body })
Asyncness::Blocking => {
quote! {
move |mut caller: wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Caller<'_, T> #(, #arg_decls)*| -> wiggle::anyhow::Result<#ret_ty> {
let result = async { #body };
Asyncness::Sync => {
quote! {
move |mut caller: wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Caller<'_, T> #(, #arg_decls)*| -> wiggle::anyhow::Result<#ret_ty> {
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pub fn generate(doc: &witx::Document, settings: &CodegenSettings) -> TokenStream {
let types = doc
.map(|t| define_datatype(&t, settings.errors.for_name(&t)));
let constants = doc.constants().map(|c| {
let name = quote::format_ident!(
let ty = names::type_(&c.ty);
let value = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(c.value);
quote! {
pub const #name: #ty = #value;
let user_error_methods = settings.errors.iter().filter_map(|errtype| match errtype {
ErrorType::User(errtype) => {
let abi_typename = names::type_ref(&errtype.abi_type(), anon_lifetime());
let user_typename = errtype.typename();
let methodname = names::user_error_conversion_method(&errtype);
Some(quote! {
fn #methodname(&mut self, e: super::#user_typename)
-> wiggle::anyhow::Result<#abi_typename>;
ErrorType::Generated(_) => None,
let user_error_conversion = quote! {
pub trait UserErrorConversion {
let modules = doc.modules().map(|module| {
let modname = names::module(&;
let fs = module.funcs().map(|f| define_func(&module, &f, &settings));
let modtrait = define_module_trait(&module, &settings);
let wasmtime = if settings.wasmtime {
crate::wasmtime::link_module(&module, None, &settings)
} else {
quote! {}
pub mod #modname {
use super::types::*;
pub use super::types::UserErrorConversion;
pub mod types {
use std::convert::TryFrom;