
1use proc_macro::TokenStream;
2use quote::quote;
3use syn::parse_macro_input;
5/// This macro expands to a set of `pub` Rust modules:
7/// * The `types` module contains definitions for each `typename` declared in
8///   the witx document. Type names are translated to the Rust-idiomatic
9///   CamelCase.
11/// * For each `module` defined in the witx document, a Rust module is defined
12///   containing definitions for that module. Module names are translated to the
13///   Rust-idiomatic snake\_case.
15///     * For each `@interface func` defined in a witx module, an abi-level
16///       function is generated which takes ABI-level arguments, along with
17///       a ref that impls the module trait, and a `GuestMemory` implementation.
18///       Users typically won't use these abi-level functions: Either the
19///       `wasmtime_integration` macro or the `lucet-wiggle` crates adapt these
20///       to work with a particular WebAssembly engine.
22///     * A public "module trait" is defined (called the module name, in
23///       SnakeCase) which has a `&self` method for each function in the
24///       module. These methods takes idiomatic Rust types for each argument
25///       and return `Result<($return_types),$error_type>`
27///     * When the `wiggle` crate is built with the `wasmtime_integration`
28///       feature, each module contains an `add_to_linker` function to add it to
29///       a `wasmtime::Linker`.
31/// Arguments are provided using Rust struct value syntax.
33/// * `witx` takes a list of string literal paths. Paths are relative to the
34///   CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR of the crate where the macro is invoked. Alternatively,
35///   `witx_literal` takes a string containing a complete witx document.
36/// * Optional: `errors` takes a mapping of witx identifiers to types, e.g
37///   `{ errno => YourErrnoType }`. This allows you to use the `UserErrorConversion`
38///   trait to map these rich errors into the flat witx type, or to terminate
39///   WebAssembly execution by trapping.
40///     * Instead of requiring the user to define an error type, wiggle can
41///       generate an error type for the user which has conversions to/from
42///       the base type, and permits trapping, using the syntax
43///       `errno => trappable AnErrorType`.
44/// * Optional: `async` takes a set of witx modules and functions which are
45///   made Rust `async` functions in the module trait.
47/// ## Example
49/// ```
50/// use wiggle::GuestPtr;
51/// wiggle::from_witx!({
52///     witx_literal: "
53///         (typename $errno
54///           (enum (@witx tag u32)
55///             $ok
56///             $invalid_arg
57///             $io
58///             $overflow))
59///          (typename $alias_to_float f32)
60///          (module $example
61///            (@interface func (export \"int_float_args\")
62///              (param $an_int u32)
63///              (param $some_floats (list f32))
64///              (result $r (expected (error $errno))))
65///            (@interface func (export \"double_int_return_float\")
66///              (param $an_int u32)
67///              (result $r (expected $alias_to_float (error $errno)))))
68///     ",
69///     errors: { errno => YourRichError },
70///     async: { example::double_int_return_float },
71/// });
73/// /// Witx generates a set of traits, which the user must impl on a
74/// /// type they define. We call this the ctx type. It stores any context
75/// /// these functions need to execute.
76/// pub struct YourCtxType {}
78/// /// Witx provides a hook to translate "rich" (arbitrary Rust type) errors
79/// /// into the flat error enums used at the WebAssembly interface. You will
80/// /// need to impl the `types::UserErrorConversion` trait to provide a translation
81/// /// from this rich type.
82/// #[derive(Debug)]
83/// pub enum YourRichError {
84///     InvalidArg(String),
85///     Io(std::io::Error),
86///     Overflow,
87///     Trap(String),
88/// }
90/// /// The above witx text contains one module called `$example`. So, we must
91/// /// implement this one method trait for our ctx type.
92/// #[wiggle::async_trait]
93/// /// We specified in the `async_` field that `example::double_int_return_float`
94/// /// is an asynchronous method. Therefore, we use the `async_trait` proc macro
95/// /// to define this trait, so that `double_int_return_float` can be an `async fn`.
96/// /// `wiggle::async_trait` is defined as `#[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)]` -
97/// /// in wiggle, async methods do not have the Send constraint.
98/// impl example::Example for YourCtxType {
99///     /// The arrays module has two methods, shown here.
100///     /// Note that the `GuestPtr` type comes from `wiggle`,
101///     /// whereas the witx-defined types like `Excuse` and `Errno` come
102///     /// from the `pub mod types` emitted by the `wiggle::from_witx!`
103///     /// invocation above.
104///     fn int_float_args(&mut self, _int: u32, _floats: &GuestPtr<[f32]>)
105///         -> Result<(), YourRichError> {
106///         unimplemented!()
107///     }
108///     async fn double_int_return_float(&mut self, int: u32)
109///         -> Result<f32, YourRichError> {
110///         Ok(int.checked_mul(2).ok_or(YourRichError::Overflow)? as f32)
111///     }
112/// }
114/// /// For all types used in the `error` an `expected` in the witx document,
115/// /// you must implement `GuestErrorType` which tells wiggle-generated
116/// /// code what value to return when the method returns Ok(...).
117/// impl wiggle::GuestErrorType for types::Errno {
118///     fn success() -> Self {
119///         unimplemented!()
120///     }
121/// }
123/// /// If you specify a `error` mapping to the macro, you must implement the
124/// /// `types::UserErrorConversion` for your ctx type as well. This trait gives
125/// /// you an opportunity to store or log your rich error type, while returning
126/// /// a basic witx enum to the WebAssembly caller. It also gives you the ability
127/// /// to terminate WebAssembly execution by trapping.
129/// impl types::UserErrorConversion for YourCtxType {
130///     fn errno_from_your_rich_error(&mut self, e: YourRichError)
131///         -> Result<types::Errno, wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Error>
132///     {
133///         println!("Rich error: {:?}", e);
134///         match e {
135///             YourRichError::InvalidArg{..} => Ok(types::Errno::InvalidArg),
136///             YourRichError::Io{..} => Ok(types::Errno::Io),
137///             YourRichError::Overflow => Ok(types::Errno::Overflow),
138///             YourRichError::Trap(s) => Err(wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Error::msg(s)),
139///         }
140///     }
141/// }
143/// # fn main() { println!("this fools doc tests into compiling the above outside a function body")
144/// # }
145/// ```
147pub fn from_witx(args: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
148    let config = parse_macro_input!(args as wiggle_generate::Config);
150    let doc = config.load_document();
152    let settings = wiggle_generate::CodegenSettings::new(
153        &config.errors,
154        &config.async_,
155        &doc,
156        config.wasmtime,
157        &config.tracing,
158        config.mutable,
159    )
160    .expect("validating codegen settings");
162    let code = wiggle_generate::generate(&doc, &settings);
163    let metadata = if cfg!(feature = "wiggle_metadata") {
164        wiggle_generate::generate_metadata(&doc)
165    } else {
166        quote!()
167    };
169    let mut ret = quote! { #code #metadata };
171    if std::env::var("WIGGLE_DEBUG_BINDGEN").is_ok() {
172        use std::path::Path;
173        use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::Relaxed};
174        static INVOCATION: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
175        let root = Path::new(env!("DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR"));
176        let n = INVOCATION.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);
177        let path = root.join(format!("wiggle{n}.rs"));
179        std::fs::write(&path, ret.to_string()).unwrap();
181        // optimistically format the code but don't require success
182        drop(
183            std::process::Command::new("rustfmt")
184                .arg(&path)
185                .arg("--edition=2021")
186                .output(),
187        );
189        let path = path.to_str().unwrap();
190        ret = quote!(include!(#path););
191    }
192    TokenStream::from(ret)
196pub fn async_trait(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
197    let _ = parse_macro_input!(attr as syn::parse::Nothing);
198    let item = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(item);
199    TokenStream::from(quote! {
200        #[wiggle::async_trait_crate::async_trait]
201        #item
202    })
205/// Define the structs required to integrate a Wiggle implementation with Wasmtime.
207/// ## Arguments
209/// Arguments are provided using struct syntax e.g. `{ arg_name: value }`.
211/// * `target`: The path of the module where the Wiggle implementation is defined.
213pub fn wasmtime_integration(args: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
214    let config = parse_macro_input!(args as wiggle_generate::WasmtimeConfig);
215    let doc = config.c.load_document();
217    let settings = wiggle_generate::CodegenSettings::new(
218        &config.c.errors,
219        &config.c.async_,
220        &doc,
221        true,
222        &config.c.tracing,
223        config.c.mutable,
224    )
225    .expect("validating codegen settings");
227    let modules = doc.modules().map(|module| {
228        wiggle_generate::wasmtime::link_module(&module, Some(&config.target), &settings)
229    });
230    quote!( #(#modules)* ).into()