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//! This crate implements Winch's function compilation environment,
//! which allows Winch's code generation to resolve module and runtime
//! specific information. This crate mainly implements the
//! `winch_codegen::FuncEnv` trait.
use wasmparser::types::Types;
use wasmtime_environ::{FuncIndex, Module};
use winch_codegen::{self, Callee, TargetIsa};
/// Function environment containing module and runtime specific
/// information.
pub struct FuncEnv<'a> {
/// The translated WebAssembly module.
pub module: &'a Module,
/// Type information about a module, once it has been validated.
pub types: &'a Types,
/// The current ISA.
pub isa: &'a dyn TargetIsa,
impl<'a> winch_codegen::FuncEnv for FuncEnv<'a> {
fn callee_from_index(&self, index: u32) -> Callee {
let func = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("function type at index: {}", index));
Callee {
ty: func.clone(),
import: self.module.is_imported_function(FuncIndex::from_u32(index)),
impl<'a> FuncEnv<'a> {
/// Create a new function environment.
pub fn new(module: &'a Module, types: &'a Types, isa: &'a dyn TargetIsa) -> Self {
Self { module, types, isa }