#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum NSVisualEffectMaterial {
since = "macOS 10.14",
note = "A default material appropriate for the view's effectiveAppearance. You should instead choose an appropriate semantic material."
AppearanceBased = 0,
#[deprecated(since = "macOS 10.14", note = "Use a semantic material instead.")]
Light = 1,
#[deprecated(since = "macOS 10.14", note = "Use a semantic material instead.")]
Dark = 2,
#[deprecated(since = "macOS 10.14", note = "Use a semantic material instead.")]
MediumLight = 8,
#[deprecated(since = "macOS 10.14", note = "Use a semantic material instead.")]
UltraDark = 9,
Titlebar = 3,
Selection = 4,
Menu = 5,
Popover = 6,
Sidebar = 7,
HeaderView = 10,
Sheet = 11,
WindowBackground = 12,
HudWindow = 13,
FullScreenUI = 15,
Tooltip = 17,
ContentBackground = 18,
UnderWindowBackground = 21,
UnderPageBackground = 22,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum NSVisualEffectState {
FollowsWindowActiveState = 0,
Active = 1,
Inactive = 2,
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub use internal::apply_vibrancy;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
mod internal {
use super::{NSVisualEffectMaterial, NSVisualEffectState};
use cocoa::{
NSAppKitVersionNumber, NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10, NSAppKitVersionNumber10_11,
NSAutoresizingMaskOptions, NSView, NSViewHeightSizable, NSViewWidthSizable, NSWindow,
base::{id, nil, BOOL},
foundation::{NSAutoreleasePool, NSPoint, NSRect, NSSize},
use objc::{class, msg_send, sel, sel_impl};
use crate::Error;
pub fn apply_vibrancy(
window: id,
appearance: NSVisualEffectMaterial,
state: Option<NSVisualEffectState>,
radius: Option<f64>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe {
if NSAppKitVersionNumber < NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10 {
eprintln!("\"NSVisualEffectView\" is only available on macOS 10.10 or newer");
return Err(Error::UnsupportedPlatformVersion(
"\"apply_vibrancy()\" is only available on macOS 10.0 or newer.",
if !msg_send![class!(NSThread), isMainThread] {
return Err(Error::NotMainThread(
"\"apply_vibrancy()\" can only be used on the main thread.",
let mut m = appearance;
if (appearance as u32 > 9 && NSAppKitVersionNumber < NSAppKitVersionNumber10_14)
|| (appearance as u32 > 4 && NSAppKitVersionNumber < NSAppKitVersionNumber10_11)
m = NSVisualEffectMaterial::AppearanceBased;
let ns_view: id = window.contentView();
let bounds = NSView::bounds(ns_view);
let blurred_view =
NSVisualEffectView::initWithFrame_(NSVisualEffectView::alloc(nil), bounds);
NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable,
let _: () = msg_send![ns_view, addSubview: blurred_view positioned: NSWindowOrderingMode::NSWindowBelow relativeTo: 0];
const NSAppKitVersionNumber10_14: f64 = 1671.0;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum NSVisualEffectBlendingMode {
BehindWindow = 0,
WithinWindow = 1,
trait NSVisualEffectView: Sized {
unsafe fn alloc(_: Self) -> id {
msg_send![class!(NSVisualEffectView), alloc]
unsafe fn init(self) -> id;
unsafe fn initWithFrame_(self, frameRect: NSRect) -> id;
unsafe fn bounds(self) -> NSRect;
unsafe fn frame(self) -> NSRect;
unsafe fn setFrameSize(self, frameSize: NSSize);
unsafe fn setFrameOrigin(self, frameOrigin: NSPoint);
unsafe fn superview(self) -> id;
unsafe fn removeFromSuperview(self);
unsafe fn setAutoresizingMask_(self, autoresizingMask: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions);
unsafe fn isEmphasized(self) -> BOOL;
unsafe fn setEmphasized_(self, emphasized: BOOL);
unsafe fn setMaterial_(self, material: NSVisualEffectMaterial);
unsafe fn setCornerRadius_(self, radius: f64);
unsafe fn setState_(self, state: NSVisualEffectState);
unsafe fn setBlendingMode_(self, mode: NSVisualEffectBlendingMode);
impl NSVisualEffectView for id {
unsafe fn init(self) -> id {
msg_send![self, init]
unsafe fn initWithFrame_(self, frameRect: NSRect) -> id {
msg_send![self, initWithFrame: frameRect]
unsafe fn bounds(self) -> NSRect {
msg_send![self, bounds]
unsafe fn frame(self) -> NSRect {
msg_send![self, frame]
unsafe fn setFrameSize(self, frameSize: NSSize) {
msg_send![self, setFrameSize: frameSize]
unsafe fn setFrameOrigin(self, frameOrigin: NSPoint) {
msg_send![self, setFrameOrigin: frameOrigin]
unsafe fn superview(self) -> id {
msg_send![self, superview]
unsafe fn removeFromSuperview(self) {
msg_send![self, removeFromSuperview]
unsafe fn setAutoresizingMask_(self, autoresizingMask: NSAutoresizingMaskOptions) {
msg_send![self, setAutoresizingMask: autoresizingMask]
unsafe fn isEmphasized(self) -> BOOL {
msg_send![self, isEmphasized]
unsafe fn setEmphasized_(self, emphasized: BOOL) {
msg_send![self, setEmphasized: emphasized]
unsafe fn setMaterial_(self, material: NSVisualEffectMaterial) {
msg_send![self, setMaterial: material]
unsafe fn setCornerRadius_(self, radius: f64) {
msg_send![self, setCornerRadius: radius]
unsafe fn setState_(self, state: NSVisualEffectState) {
msg_send![self, setState: state]
unsafe fn setBlendingMode_(self, mode: NSVisualEffectBlendingMode) {
msg_send![self, setBlendingMode: mode]