
Function serial_fft

pub fn serial_fft<B, E>(values: &mut [E], twiddles: &[B])
where B: StarkField, E: FieldElement<BaseField = B>,
Expand description

Executes a single-threaded version of the FFT algorithm on the provided values.

The evaluation is done in-place, meaning the function does not allocate any additional memory, and the results are written back into values.

The twiddles needed for evaluation can be obtained via fft::get_twiddles() function using values.len() as the domain size parameter. This implies that twiddles.len() must be equal to values.len() / 2.


Panics if:

  • Length of values is not a power of two.
  • Length of twiddles is not values.len() / 2.
  • Field specified by B does not contain a multiplicative subgroup of size values.len().