Expand description

Bindings to the core X11 protocol.

For more documentation on the X11 protocol, see the protocol reference manual. This is especially recommended for looking up the exact semantics of specific errors, events, or requests.


Allocate a color.


release queued events.

a mouse button was pressed/released.


Auxiliary and optional information for the change_gc function

change graphics context components.

Auxiliary and optional information for the change_keyboard_control function

Changes a window property.

Changes a client’s save set.

Auxiliary and optional information for the change_window_attributes function

change window attributes.


Change window stacking order.


the colormap for some window changed.


Auxiliary and optional information for the configure_window function

Configures window attributes.


copy areas.

Auxiliary and optional information for the create_gc function

Creates a graphics context.

Creates a pixmap.

Auxiliary and optional information for the create_window function

Creates a window.

a window is destroyed.

Destroys a window.

the pointer is in a different window.



Deletes a cursor.

Destroys a graphics context.

Destroys a pixmap.


generic event (with length).

Get current window geometry.

Gets a window property.

Gets the owner of a selection.

Gets window attributes.

Grab pointer button(s).

Grab keyboard key(s).

Grab the keyboard.


Grab the pointer.

Draws text.

Draws text.


Get atom identifier by name.

a key was pressed/released.

kills a client.

get matching font names.

get matching font names and information.

a window was mapped.

window wants to be mapped.

Makes a window visible.

keyboard mapping changed.

a key was pressed.

opens a font.


Fills rectangles.

draw lines.

draw lines.


a window property changed.

check if extension is present.

query font metrics.

get pointer coordinates.

get text extents.

query the window tree.

Reparents a window.

send an event.

Sets input focus.

Sets the owner of a selection.

release a key combination.

release the pointer.

a window is unmapped.

Makes a window invisible.

move mouse pointer.


Opcode for the Access error

Opcode for the AllocColorCells request

Opcode for the AllocColorPlanes request

Opcode for the AllocColor request

Opcode for the Alloc error

Opcode for the AllocNamedColor request

Opcode for the AllowEvents request

Opcode for the Atom error

Opcode for the Bell request

Opcode for the ButtonPress event

Opcode for the ButtonRelease event

Opcode for the ChangeActivePointerGrab request

Opcode for the ChangeGC request

Opcode for the ChangeHosts request

Opcode for the ChangeKeyboardControl request

Opcode for the ChangeKeyboardMapping request

Opcode for the ChangePointerControl request

Opcode for the ChangeProperty request

Opcode for the ChangeSaveSet request

Opcode for the ChangeWindowAttributes request

Opcode for the CirculateNotify event

Opcode for the CirculateRequest event

Opcode for the CirculateWindow request

Opcode for the ClearArea request

Opcode for the ClientMessage event

Opcode for the CloseFont request

Opcode for the Colormap error

Opcode for the ColormapNotify event

Opcode for the ConfigureNotify event

Opcode for the ConfigureRequest event

Opcode for the ConfigureWindow request

Opcode for the ConvertSelection request

Opcode for the CopyArea request

Opcode for the CopyColormapAndFree request

Opcode for the CopyGC request

Opcode for the CopyPlane request

Opcode for the CreateColormap request

Opcode for the CreateCursor request

Opcode for the CreateGC request

Opcode for the CreateGlyphCursor request

Opcode for the CreateNotify event

Opcode for the CreatePixmap request

Opcode for the CreateWindow request

Opcode for the Cursor error

Opcode for the DeleteProperty request

Opcode for the DestroyNotify event

Opcode for the DestroySubwindows request

Opcode for the DestroyWindow request

Opcode for the Drawable error

Opcode for the EnterNotify event

Opcode for the Expose event

Opcode for the FillPoly request

Opcode for the FocusIn event

Opcode for the FocusOut event

Opcode for the Font error

Opcode for the ForceScreenSaver request

Opcode for the FreeColormap request

Opcode for the FreeColors request

Opcode for the FreeCursor request

Opcode for the FreeGC request

Opcode for the FreePixmap request

Opcode for the GetAtomName request

Opcode for the GetFontPath request

Opcode for the GetGeometry request

Opcode for the GetImage request

Opcode for the GetInputFocus request

Opcode for the GetKeyboardControl request

Opcode for the GetKeyboardMapping request

Opcode for the GetModifierMapping request

Opcode for the GetMotionEvents request

Opcode for the GetPointerControl request

Opcode for the GetPointerMapping request

Opcode for the GetProperty request

Opcode for the GetScreenSaver request

Opcode for the GetSelectionOwner request

Opcode for the GetWindowAttributes request

Opcode for the GeGeneric event

Opcode for the GrabButton request

Opcode for the GrabKeyboard request

Opcode for the GrabKey request

Opcode for the GrabPointer request

Opcode for the GrabServer request

Opcode for the GraphicsExposure event

Opcode for the GravityNotify event

Opcode for the GContext error

Opcode for the IDChoice error

Opcode for the ImageText8 request

Opcode for the ImageText16 request

Opcode for the Implementation error

Opcode for the InstallColormap request

Opcode for the InternAtom request

Opcode for the KeymapNotify event

Opcode for the KeyPress event

Opcode for the KeyRelease event

Opcode for the KillClient request

Opcode for the LeaveNotify event

Opcode for the Length error

Opcode for the ListExtensions request

Opcode for the ListFonts request

Opcode for the ListFontsWithInfo request

Opcode for the ListHosts request

Opcode for the ListInstalledColormaps request

Opcode for the ListProperties request

Opcode for the LookupColor request

Opcode for the MappingNotify event

Opcode for the MapNotify event

Opcode for the MapRequest event

Opcode for the MapSubwindows request

Opcode for the MapWindow request

Opcode for the Match error

Opcode for the MotionNotify event

Opcode for the Name error

Opcode for the NoExposure event

Opcode for the NoOperation request

Opcode for the OpenFont request

Opcode for the Pixmap error

Opcode for the PolyArc request

Opcode for the PolyFillArc request

Opcode for the PolyFillRectangle request

Opcode for the PolyLine request

Opcode for the PolyPoint request

Opcode for the PolyRectangle request

Opcode for the PolySegment request

Opcode for the PolyText8 request

Opcode for the PolyText16 request

Opcode for the PropertyNotify event

Opcode for the PutImage request

Opcode for the QueryBestSize request

Opcode for the QueryColors request

Opcode for the QueryExtension request

Opcode for the QueryFont request

Opcode for the QueryKeymap request

Opcode for the QueryPointer request

Opcode for the QueryTextExtents request

Opcode for the QueryTree request

Opcode for the RecolorCursor request

Opcode for the ReparentNotify event

Opcode for the ReparentWindow request

Opcode for the Request error

Opcode for the ResizeRequest event

Opcode for the RotateProperties request

Opcode for the SelectionClear event

Opcode for the SelectionNotify event

Opcode for the SelectionRequest event

Opcode for the SendEvent request

Opcode for the SetAccessControl request

Opcode for the SetClipRectangles request

Opcode for the SetCloseDownMode request

Opcode for the SetDashes request

Opcode for the SetFontPath request

Opcode for the SetInputFocus request

Opcode for the SetModifierMapping request

Opcode for the SetPointerMapping request

Opcode for the SetScreenSaver request

Opcode for the SetSelectionOwner request

Opcode for the StoreColors request

Opcode for the StoreNamedColor request

Opcode for the TranslateCoordinates request

Opcode for the UngrabButton request

Opcode for the UngrabKeyboard request

Opcode for the UngrabKey request

Opcode for the UngrabPointer request

Opcode for the UngrabServer request

Opcode for the UninstallColormap request

Opcode for the UnmapNotify event

Opcode for the UnmapSubwindows request

Opcode for the UnmapWindow request

Opcode for the Value error

Opcode for the VisibilityNotify event

Opcode for the WarpPointer request

Opcode for the Window error

Type Definitions