Expand description
Bindings to the Dbe
X11 extension.
- Allocate
Back Buffer Request - Allocates a back buffer.
- Begin
Idiom Request - Begins a logical swap block.
- Buffer
Attributes - Deallocate
Back Buffer Request - Deallocates a back buffer.
- EndIdiom
Request - Ends a logical swap block.
- GetBack
Buffer Attributes Reply - GetBack
Buffer Attributes Request - Gets back buffer attributes.
- GetVisual
Info Reply - GetVisual
Info Request - Requests visuals that support double buffering.
- Query
Version Reply - Query
Version Request - Queries the version of this extension.
- Swap
Action - Specifies what to do with the front buffer after it is swapped with the back buffer.
- Swap
Buffers Request - Swaps front and back buffers.
- Swap
Info - Visual
Info - Visual
BACK_ BUFFER_ REQUEST - Opcode for the AllocateBackBuffer request
- BAD_
BUFFER_ ERROR - Opcode for the BadBuffer error
IDIOM_ REQUEST - Opcode for the BeginIdiom request
BACK_ BUFFER_ REQUEST - Opcode for the DeallocateBackBuffer request
- END_
IDIOM_ REQUEST - Opcode for the EndIdiom request
- GET_
BACK_ BUFFER_ ATTRIBUTES_ REQUEST - Opcode for the GetBackBufferAttributes request
- GET_
VISUAL_ INFO_ REQUEST - Opcode for the GetVisualInfo request
VERSION_ REQUEST - Opcode for the QueryVersion request
BUFFERS_ REQUEST - Opcode for the SwapBuffers request
- X11_
EXTENSION_ NAME - The X11 name of the extension for QueryExtension
- X11_
XML_ VERSION - The version number of this extension that this client library supports.