macro_rules! define_router_state {
($StateT:ty) => {
define_router_state!($StateT, stringify!($StateT));
($StateT:ty, $StateName:expr) => {
#[doc = "A set of aliases to commonly used structures and functions used for routing."]
mod router_state {
#[doc = "The state that can be stored by the router service."]
pub type State = $StateT;
#[doc = "Alias to [Route<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](route/struct.Route.html)."]
pub type Route = $crate::route::Route<$StateT>;
#[doc = "Alias to [RouteService<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](route_service/struct.RouteService.html)."]
pub type RouteService = $crate::service::RouteService<$StateT>;
#[cfg(feature = "agent")]
#[doc = "Alias to [RouteAgent<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](agent/struct.RouteAgent.html)."]
pub type RouteAgent = $crate::agent::RouteAgent<$StateT>;
#[cfg(feature = "agent")]
#[doc = "Alias to [RouteAgentBridge<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](agent/bridge/struct.RouteAgentBridge.html)`."]
pub type RouteAgentBridge = $crate::agent::RouteAgentBridge<$StateT>;
#[cfg(feature = "agent")]
#[doc = "Alias to [RouteAgentDispatcher<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](agent/struct.RouteAgentDispatcher.html)`."]
pub type RouteAgentDispatcher = $crate::agent::RouteAgentDispatcher<$StateT>;
#[deprecated(note = "Has been renamed to RouterAnchor")]
#[cfg(feature = "components")]
#[doc = "Alias to [RouterLink<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](components/struct.RouterLink.html)`."]
pub type RouterLink = $crate::components::RouterLink<$StateT>;
#[cfg(feature = "components")]
#[doc = "Alias to [RouterAnchor<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](components/struct.RouterAnchor.html)`."]
pub type RouterAnchor = $crate::components::RouterAnchor<$StateT>;
#[cfg(feature = "components")]
#[doc = "Alias to [RouterButton<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](components/struct.RouterButton.html)`."]
pub type RouterButton = $crate::components::RouterButton<$StateT>;
#[cfg(feature = "router")]
#[doc = "Alias to [Router<"]
#[doc = $StateName]
#[doc = ">](router/router/struct.Router.html)."]
pub type Router<SW> = $crate::router::Router<$StateT, SW>;