
Derive Macro Switch

    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Implements the Switch trait based on attributes present on the struct or enum variants.

If deriving an enum, each variant should have a #[to = ""] attribute, and if deriving a struct, the struct itself should have a #[to = ""] attribute.

Inside the "" you should put your route matcher string. At its simplest, the route matcher string will create your variant/struct if it exactly matches the browser’s route. If the route in the url bar is and your route matcher string for an enum variant is /some/route, then that variant will be created when switch() is called with the route.

But the route matcher has other capabilities. If you want to capture data from the route matcher string, for example, extract an id or user name from the route, you can use {field_name} to capture data from the route. For example, #[to = "/route/{id}"] will capture the content after “/route/”, and if the associated variant is defined as Route{id: usize}, then the string that was captured will be transformed into a usize. If the conversion fails, then the match won’t succeed and the next variant will be tried instead.

There are also {*:field_name} and {3:field_name} types of capture sections that will capture everything, and the next 3 path sections respectively. {1:field_name} is the same as {field_name}.

Tuple-structs and Tuple-enum-variants are also supported. If you don’t want to specify keys that don’t correspond to any specific field, {}, {*}, and {4} also denote valid capture sections when used on structs and variants without named fields. In datastructures without field names, the captures will be assigned in order - left to right.


It should be mentioned that the derived function for matching will try enum variants in order, from top to bottom, and that the whole route doesn’t need to be matched by the route matcher string in order for the match to succeed. What is meant by this is that [to = "/"] will match “/”, but also “/anything/else”, because as soon as the “/” is satisfied, that is considered a match.

This can be mitigated by specifying a ! at the end of your route to inform the matcher that if any characters are left after matching the route matcher string, the match should fail. This means that [to = "/!"] will match “/” and only “/”.

There are other attributes as well. #[rest], #[rest="field_name"] and #[end] attributes exist as well. #[rest] and #[rest="field_name"] are equivalent to {*} and {*:field_name} respectively. #[end] is equivalent to !. The #[rest] attributes are good if you just want to delegate the whole matching of a variant to a specific wrapped struct or enum that also implements Switch.


use yew_router::Switch;

#[derive(Switch, Clone)]
enum AppRoute {
    #[to = "/some/simple/route"]
    #[to = "/capture/{}"]
    #[to = "/named/capture/{name}"]
    NamedCapture { name: String },
    #[to = "/convert/{id}"]
    Convert { id: usize },
    #[rest] // shorthand for #[to="{*}"]

#[derive(Switch, Clone)]
#[to = "/inner/route/{first}/{second}"]
struct InnerRoute {
    first: String,
    second: String,

Check out the examples directory in the repository to see some more usages of the routing syntax.