Macro html_nested

html_nested!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

This macro is similar to html!, but preserves the component type instead of wrapping it in Html.

That macro is useful when, for example, in a typical implementation of a list component (let’s assume it’s called List). In a typical implementation you might find two component types – List and ListItem. Only ListItem components are allowed to be children of List`.

You can find an example implementation of this in the nested_list example. That example shows, how to create static lists with their children.

use yew::html::ChildrenRenderer;
use yew::virtual_dom::VChild;

#[derive(Clone, Properties)]
struct List {
  children: ChildrenRenderer<ListItem>,
impl Component for List {
  type Properties = Self;
  // ...

struct ListItem;
impl Component for ListItem {
  // ...

// Required for ChildrenRenderer
impl From<VChild<ListItem>> for ListItem {
  fn from(child: VChild<ListItem>) -> Self { Self }

impl Into<Html> for ListItem {
  fn into(self) -> Html { self.view() }

// You can use `List` with nested `ListItem` components.
// Using any other kind of element would result in a compile error.
html! {
// In many cases you might want to create the content dynamically.
// To do this, you can use the following code:
html! {
    { for|_| html_nested!{ <ListItem/> }) }

If you used the html! macro instead of html_nested!, the code would not compile because we explicitly indicated to the compiler that List can only contain elements of type ListItem using ChildrenRenderer<ListItem>, while html! creates items of type Html.