use std::{fs, path::Path};
use toml::{Table, Value};
use zino_core::{
extension::{JsonObjectExt, TomlValueExt},
json, Map,
const PAGE_SCHEMA_NODES: [&str; 5] = ["body", "aside", "toolbar", "title", "subTitle"];
pub(crate) fn compile(config_dir: &Path, output_dir: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
generate_schemas(config_dir, output_dir, None)
fn generate_schemas(
config_dir: &Path,
output_dir: &Path,
route_name: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut definitions = Map::new();
let mut page_component = Map::new();
page_component.upsert("type", "page");
for entry in fs::read_dir(config_dir)? {
let entry = entry?;
let path = entry.path();
if path.is_dir() {
if path.join("page.toml").exists() {
if let Some(dir_name) = path.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) {
let output_name = match route_name {
Some(name) => [name, dir_name].join("_"),
None => dir_name.to_owned(),
generate_schemas(&path, output_dir, Some(&output_name))?;
} else {
let config = read_config_file(&path);
if entry.file_name() == "page.toml" {
for (key, value) in config {
if PAGE_SCHEMA_NODES.contains(&key.as_str()) {
match value {
Value::String(s) => {
page_component.upsert(key, s);
Value::Table(table) => {
let schema = parse_schema(config_dir, table);
page_component.upsert(key, schema);
Value::Array(vec) => {
let schema_array = vec
.filter_map(|value| {
if let Value::Table(table) = value {
Some(parse_schema(config_dir, table))
} else {
page_component.upsert(key, schema_array);
_ => (),
} else if key == "definitions" {
if let Value::Table(config) = value {
for (key, value) in config {
if let Value::Table(table) = value {
let schema = parse_schema(config_dir, table);
definitions.upsert(key, schema);
} else {
page_component.upsert(key, value.to_json_value());
if !definitions.is_empty() {
page_component.upsert("definitions", definitions);
let bytes = serde_json::to_vec_pretty(&json!({
"schema": page_component,
"props": {},
let output_file = [route_name.unwrap_or("index"), ".json"].concat();
fs::write(output_dir.join(output_file), bytes)?;
fn parse_schema(config_dir: &Path, mut config: Table) -> Map {
let mut schema = if let Some(Value::String(path)) = config.remove("include") {
let config_file = config_dir.join(path).with_extension("toml");
let config = read_config_file(&config_file);
let config_dir = config_file.parent().unwrap_or(config_dir);
parse_schema(config_dir, config)
} else {
for (key, value) in config {
schema.upsert(key, value.to_json_value());
fn read_config_file(path: &Path) -> Table {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
let amis_file = path.display();
panic!("fail to read the amis file `{amis_file}`: {err}");
.expect("fail to parse the amis file as a TOML table")