Crate zksync_concurrency

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Concurrency primitives.


  • Implementation of the golang Context ( You can think of context as a runtime equivalent of the rust lifetime: As soon as its context is canceled the function should return ASAP, without doing any further blocking calls.
  • Generalization of anyhow::Context to more structured errors.
  • Context-aware async read/write operations.
  • Rate limiter which supports delayed permit consumption.
  • Prometheus metrics utilities.
  • Context-aware network utilities. Built on top of tokio::net.
  • Context-aware wrapper around tokio::sync::oneshot channel.
  • Implementation of Structured Concurrency (both sync and async) with cancellation, based on Golang errgroup ( Instead of “errgroup” we use name “scope” to be consistent with std::thread::scope.
  • Simple signal reporting primitive. A building block for Scope and Ctx. Can also be used outside of the crate, but only together with Ctx.
  • Context-aware wrappers for tokio synchronization primitives.
  • Testonly utilities for concurrent tests.
  • Well-defined alternatives to types in std::time. Provides a signed Duration and UTC timestamps with nanoseconds precision.
