
1//! Window events, [`on_window_open`](fn@on_window_open) and [`on_window_close_requested`](fn@on_window_close_requested).
3//! These events are re-exported by [`Window!`](struct@crate::Window) as `on_open` and `on_close_requested`, but you can
4//! attach then in any widget inside a window using the property full name.
6//! There is no event property for the [`WINDOW_CLOSE_EVENT`] because that event notifies
7//! after the window is deinited. You can use [`on_deinit`](fn@zng_wgt::on_deinit) in the
8//! [`Window!`](struct@crate::Window) widget to handle a window closing, or create an app level handler for the
9//! event using [`EVENTS`](zng_app::event::EVENTS).
11//! [`WINDOW_CLOSE_EVENT`]: zng_ext_window::WINDOW_CLOSE_EVENT
13use zng_ext_window::*;
14use zng_wgt::prelude::*;
16event_property! {
17    /// On window opened.
18    ///
19    /// This event notifies once per window, after the window content is inited.
20    pub fn window_open {
21        event: WINDOW_OPEN_EVENT,
22        args: WindowOpenArgs,
23        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id(),
24    }
26    /// On window loaded.
27    ///
28    /// This event notifies once per window, after the first layout and all [`WindowLoadingHandle`]
29    /// have expired or dropped.
30    ///
31    /// [`WindowLoadingHandle`]: zng_ext_window::WindowLoadingHandle
32    pub fn window_load {
33        event: WINDOW_LOAD_EVENT,
34        args: WindowOpenArgs,
35        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id(),
36    }
38    /// On window moved, resized or other state changed.
39    ///
40    /// This event aggregates events moves, resizes and other state changes into a
41    /// single event to simplify tracking composite changes, for example, the window changes size and position
42    /// when maximized, this can be trivially observed with this event.
43    pub fn window_changed {
44        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
45        args: WindowChangedArgs,
46        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id(),
47    }
49    /// On window position changed.
50    pub fn window_moved {
51        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
52        args: WindowChangedArgs,
53        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.is_moved(),
54    }
56    /// On window size changed.
57    pub fn window_resized {
58        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
59        args: WindowChangedArgs,
60        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.is_resized(),
61    }
63    /// On window close requested.
64    ///
65    /// Calling `propagation().stop()` on this event cancels the window close.
66    pub fn window_close_requested {
68        args: WindowCloseRequestedArgs,
69        filter: |args| args.windows.contains(&WINDOW.id()),
70    }
72    /// On window closed.
73    ///
74    /// See [`WINDOW_CLOSE_EVENT`] for more details of when this event notifies.
75    pub fn window_close {
76        event: WINDOW_CLOSE_EVENT,
77        args: WindowCloseArgs,
78        filter: |args| args.windows.contains(&WINDOW.id()),
79    }
81    /// On window state changed.
82    ///
83    /// This event notifies every time the user or the app changes the [`WindowVars::state`].
84    ///
85    /// [`WindowVars::state`]: zng_ext_window::WindowVars
86    pub fn window_state_changed {
87        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
88        args: WindowChangedArgs,
89        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.is_state_changed(),
90    }
92    /// On window state changed to [`WindowState::Maximized`].
93    ///
94    /// [`WindowState::Maximized`]: zng_ext_window::WindowState::Maximized
95    pub fn window_maximized {
96        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
97        args: WindowChangedArgs,
98        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.entered_state(WindowState::Maximized),
99    }
101    /// On window state changed from [`WindowState::Maximized`].
102    ///
103    /// [`WindowState::Maximized`]: zng_ext_window::WindowState::Maximized
104    pub fn window_unmaximized {
105        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
106        args: WindowChangedArgs,
107        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.exited_state(WindowState::Maximized),
108    }
110    /// On window state changed to [`WindowState::Minimized`].
111    ///
112    /// [`WindowState::Minimized`]: zng_ext_window::WindowState::Minimized
113    pub fn window_minimized {
114        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
115        args: WindowChangedArgs,
116        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.entered_state(WindowState::Minimized),
117    }
119    /// On window state changed from [`WindowState::Minimized`].
120    ///
121    /// [`WindowState::Minimized`]: zng_ext_window::WindowState::Minimized
122    pub fn window_unminimized {
123        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
124        args: WindowChangedArgs,
125        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.exited_state(WindowState::Minimized),
126    }
128    /// On window state changed to [`WindowState::Normal`].
129    ///
130    /// [`WindowState::Normal`]: zng_ext_window::WindowState::Normal
131    pub fn window_restored {
132        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
133        args: WindowChangedArgs,
134        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.entered_state(WindowState::Normal),
135    }
137    /// On window state changed to [`WindowState::is_fullscreen`].
138    ///
139    /// [`WindowState::is_fullscreen`]: zng_ext_window::WindowState::is_fullscreen
140    pub fn window_fullscreen {
141        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
142        args: WindowChangedArgs,
143        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.entered_fullscreen(),
144    }
146    /// On window state changed from [`WindowState::is_fullscreen`].
147    ///
148    /// [`WindowState::is_fullscreen`]: zng_ext_window::WindowState::is_fullscreen
149    pub fn window_exited_fullscreen {
150        event: WINDOW_CHANGED_EVENT,
151        args: WindowChangedArgs,
152        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id() && args.exited_fullscreen(),
153    }
155    /// On window frame rendered.
156    pub fn frame_image_ready {
157        event: FRAME_IMAGE_READY_EVENT,
158        args: FrameImageReadyArgs,
159        filter: |args| args.window_id == WINDOW.id(),
160    }
162    /// On Input Method Editor event.
163    pub fn ime {
164        event: IME_EVENT,
165        args: ImeArgs,
166        filter: |args| args.target.widget_id() == WIDGET.id(),
167    }