pub struct NonExhaustive<E, S, I> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

A generic type for all ffi-safe non-exhaustive enums.

This type allows adding variants to enums it wraps in ABI compatible versions of a library.

Generic parameters


This is the enum that this was constructed from, and can be unwrapped back into if it’s one of the valid variants in this context.


The storage type,used to store the enum opaquely.

This has to be at least the size and alignment of the wrapped enum.

This is necessary because:

  • The compiler assumes that an enum cannot be a variant outside the ones it sees.

  • To give some flexibility to grow the enum in semver compatible versions of a library.


The interface of the enum(it implements InterfaceType), determining which traits are required when constructing NonExhaustive<> and which are available afterwards.


Error type

Say that we define an error type for a library.

Version 1.0.

use abi_stable::{
    nonexhaustive_enum::{NonExhaustive, NonExhaustiveFor},

#[derive(StableAbi, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
    size = [usize;8],
    traits(Debug, Clone, PartialEq),
pub enum Error {
    CouldNotFindItem {
        name: RString,
    OutOfStock {
        id: usize,
        name: RString,

fn returns_could_not_find_item(name: RString) -> NonExhaustiveFor<Error> {
    let e = Error::CouldNotFindItem { name };

fn returns_out_of_stock(id: usize, name: RString) -> NonExhaustiveFor<Error> {
    let e = Error::OutOfStock { id, name };

Then in 1.1 we add another error variant,returned only by new library functions.

use abi_stable::{
    nonexhaustive_enum::{NonExhaustive, NonExhaustiveFor},

#[derive(StableAbi, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
    size = [usize;8],
    traits(Debug, Clone, PartialEq),
pub enum Error {
    CouldNotFindItem {
        name: RString,
    OutOfStock {
        id: usize,
        name: RString,
    InvalidItemId {
        id: usize,

fn returns_invalid_item_id() -> NonExhaustiveFor<Error> {
    NonExhaustive::new(Error::InvalidItemId { id: 100 })

If a library user attempted to unwrap Error::InvalidItemId (using NonExhaustive::as_enum/as_enum_mut/into_enum) with the 1.0 version of Error they would get an Err(..) back.

Static enums

This example demonstrates putting a nonexhaustive enum in a static.

use abi_stable::{
    nonexhaustive_enum::{NonExhaustive, NonExhaustiveFor},
    rstr, StableAbi,

static AA: NonExhaustiveFor<Foo> = NonExhaustive::new(Foo::A);

static BB: NonExhaustiveFor<Foo> = NonExhaustive::new(Foo::B(2));

let cc = NonExhaustive::new(Foo::C {name: "hello".into()});

assert_eq!(AA, Foo::A);
assert_eq!(BB, Foo::B(2));
assert_eq!(cc, Foo::C {name: RString::from("hello")});

#[derive(StableAbi, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
    size = 64,
    traits(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)
pub enum Foo {
    C { name: RString },



impl<E, S, I> NonExhaustive<E, S, I>


pub const fn new(value: E) -> Self
where E: GetVTable<S, I> + GetEnumInfo<DefaultStorage = S, DefaultInterface = I>,

Constructs a NonExhaustive<> from value using its default interface and storage.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of E.


pub const fn with_interface(value: E) -> Self
where E: GetVTable<S, I> + GetEnumInfo<DefaultStorage = S>,

Constructs a NonExhaustive<> from value using its default storage and a custom interface.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of E.


pub const fn with_storage(value: E) -> Self
where E: GetVTable<S, I> + GetEnumInfo<DefaultInterface = I>,

Constructs a NonExhaustive<> from value using its default interface and a custom storage.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of E.


pub const fn with_storage_and_interface(value: E) -> Self
where E: GetVTable<S, I>,

Constructs a NonExhaustive<> from value using both a custom interface and storage.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of E.


impl<E, S, I> NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: GetEnumInfo,


pub fn as_enum(&self) -> Result<&E, UnwrapEnumError<&Self>>

wraps a reference to this NonExhaustive<> into a reference to the original enum.


This returns an error if the wrapped enum is of a variant that is not valid in this context.


This shows how some NonExhaustive<enum> can be unwrapped, and others cannot.
That enum comes from a newer version of the library than this knows.

use abi_stable::nonexhaustive_enum::doc_enums::example_2::{
    new_a, new_b, new_c, Foo,

assert_eq!(new_a().as_enum().ok(), Some(&Foo::A));
assert_eq!(new_b(10).as_enum().ok(), Some(&Foo::B(10)));
assert_eq!(new_b(77).as_enum().ok(), Some(&Foo::B(77)));
assert_eq!(new_c().as_enum().ok(), None);


pub fn as_enum_mut(&mut self) -> Result<&mut E, UnwrapEnumError<&mut Self>>
where E: GetVTable<S, I>,

Unwraps a mutable reference to this NonExhaustive<> into a mutable reference to the original enum.


This returns an error if the wrapped enum is of a variant that is not valid in this context.


This shows how some NonExhaustive<enum> can be unwrapped, and others cannot.
That enum comes from a newer version of the library than this knows.

use abi_stable::nonexhaustive_enum::doc_enums::example_1::{
    new_a, new_b, new_c, Foo,

assert_eq!(new_a().as_enum_mut().ok(), Some(&mut Foo::A));
assert_eq!(new_b(10).as_enum_mut().ok(), None);
assert_eq!(new_b(77).as_enum_mut().ok(), None);
assert_eq!(new_c().as_enum_mut().ok(), None);

pub fn into_enum(self) -> Result<E, UnwrapEnumError<Self>>

Unwraps this NonExhaustive<> into the original enum.


This returns an error if the wrapped enum is of a variant that is not valid in this context.


This shows how some NonExhaustive<enum> can be unwrapped, and others cannot.
That enum comes from a newer version of the library than this knows.

use abi_stable::nonexhaustive_enum::doc_enums::example_2::{
    new_a, new_b, new_c, Foo,

assert_eq!(new_a().into_enum().ok(), Some(Foo::A));
assert_eq!(new_b(10).into_enum().ok(), Some(Foo::B(10)));
assert_eq!(new_b(77).into_enum().ok(), Some(Foo::B(77)));
assert_eq!(new_c().into_enum().ok(), None);

pub fn is_valid_discriminant(&self) -> bool

Returns whether the discriminant of this enum is valid in this context.

The only way for it to be invalid is if the dynamic library is a newer version than this knows.


pub const fn get_discriminant(&self) -> E::Discriminant

Gets the value of the discriminant of the enum.


impl<E, S, I> NonExhaustive<E, S, I>


pub const unsafe fn transmute_enum<F>(self) -> NonExhaustive<F, S, I>

Transmute this NonExhaustive<E,S,I> into NonExhaustive<F,S,I>, changing the type of the enum it wraps.


This has the same safety requirements that std::mem::transmute has.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of F.


pub const unsafe fn transmute_enum_ref<F>(&self) -> &NonExhaustive<F, S, I>

Transmute this &NonExhaustive<E,S,I> into &NonExhaustive<F,S,I>, changing the type of the enum it wraps.


This has the same safety requirements that std::mem::transmute has.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of F.


pub unsafe fn transmute_enum_mut<F>(&mut self) -> &mut NonExhaustive<F, S, I>

Transmute this &mut NonExhaustive<E,S,I> into &mut NonExhaustive<F,S,I>, changing the type of the enum it wraps.


This has the same safety requirements that std::mem::transmute has.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of F.


pub unsafe fn transmute_enum_ptr<P, F>(this: P) -> P::TransmutedPtr
where P: Deref<Target = Self> + CanTransmuteElement<NonExhaustive<F, S, I>>,

Transmute this pointer to a NonExhaustive<E,S,I> into a pointer (of the same kind) to a NonExhaustive<F,S,I>, changing the type of the enum it wraps.


This has the same safety requirements that abi_stable::pointer_traits::TransmuteElement::transmute_element has.


This panics if the storage has an alignment or size smaller than that of F.


impl<E, S, I> NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: GetEnumInfo,


pub fn serialize_into_proxy(&self) -> Result<I::Proxy, RBoxError>
where I: InterfaceType<Serialize = Implemented<Serialize>> + SerializeEnum<E>,

It serializes a NonExhaustive<_> into a proxy.


pub fn deserialize_from_proxy<'borr>(proxy: I::Proxy) -> Result<Self, RBoxError>
where I: InterfaceType<Deserialize = Implemented<Deserialize>> + DeserializeEnum<'borr, Self>, I::Proxy: 'borr,

Deserializes a NonExhaustive<_> from a proxy.

Trait Implementations§


impl<E, S, I> Clone for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where I: InterfaceType<Clone = Implemented<Clone>>,


fn clone(&self) -> Self

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<E, S, I> Debug for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where I: InterfaceType<Debug = Implemented<Debug>>,


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'de, E, S, I> Deserialize<'de> for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: 'de + GetVTable<S, I>, S: 'de, I: 'de + InterfaceType<Deserialize = Implemented<Deserialize>> + DeserializeEnum<'de, Self>, <I as DeserializeEnum<'de, Self>>::Proxy: Deserialize<'de>,

First it Deserializes a string,then it deserializes into a NonExhaustive<_>,by using <I as DeserializeEnum>::deserialize_enum.


fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl<E, S, I> Display for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where I: InterfaceType<Display = Implemented<Display>>,


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<E, S, I> Drop for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>


fn drop(&mut self)

Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

impl<E, S, I> Error for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where I: InterfaceType<Debug = Implemented<Debug>, Display = Implemented<Display>, Error = Implemented<Error>>,

1.30.0 · source§

fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)>

The lower-level source of this error, if any. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn description(&self) -> &str

👎Deprecated since 1.42.0: use the Display impl or to_string()
1.0.0 · source§

fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn Error>

👎Deprecated since 1.33.0: replaced by Error::source, which can support downcasting

fn provide<'a>(&'a self, request: &mut Request<'a>)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (error_generic_member_access)
Provides type based access to context intended for error reports. Read more

impl<E, S, I> GetStaticEquivalent_ for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>


type StaticEquivalent = _static_NonExhaustive<<E as GetStaticEquivalent_>::StaticEquivalent, <S as GetStaticEquivalent_>::StaticEquivalent, <I as GetStaticEquivalent_>::StaticEquivalent>

The 'static equivalent of Self

impl<E, S, I> Hash for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where I: InterfaceType<Hash = Implemented<Hash>>,


fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher,

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 · source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl<'a, E, S, I> NonExhaustiveSharedOps for &'a NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: GetEnumInfo,


type Discriminant = <E as GetEnumInfo>::Discriminant

The type of the discriminant of the wrapped enum.

fn get_discriminant_(&self) -> E::Discriminant

Gets the discriminant of the wrapped enum.

fn enum_info_(&self) -> &'static EnumInfo

Gets miscelaneous information about the wrapped enum

impl<'a, E, S, I> NonExhaustiveSharedOps for &'a mut NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: GetEnumInfo,


type Discriminant = <E as GetEnumInfo>::Discriminant

The type of the discriminant of the wrapped enum.

fn get_discriminant_(&self) -> E::Discriminant

Gets the discriminant of the wrapped enum.

fn enum_info_(&self) -> &'static EnumInfo

Gets miscelaneous information about the wrapped enum

impl<E, S, I> NonExhaustiveSharedOps for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: GetEnumInfo,


type Discriminant = <E as GetEnumInfo>::Discriminant

The type of the discriminant of the wrapped enum.

fn get_discriminant_(&self) -> E::Discriminant

Gets the discriminant of the wrapped enum.

fn enum_info_(&self) -> &'static EnumInfo

Gets miscelaneous information about the wrapped enum

impl<E, S, I> Ord for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where I: InterfaceType<Ord = Implemented<Ord>>, Self: PartialOrd + Eq,


fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more
1.21.0 · source§

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more
1.21.0 · source§

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more
1.50.0 · source§

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized + PartialOrd,

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

impl<E, S, I> PartialEq<E> for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>


fn eq(&self, other: &E) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl<E, S, I1, I2> PartialEq<NonExhaustive<E, S, I2>> for NonExhaustive<E, S, I1>
where I1: InterfaceType<PartialEq = Implemented<PartialEq>>,


fn eq(&self, other: &NonExhaustive<E, S, I2>) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl<E, S, I> PartialOrd<E> for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: GetEnumInfo + PartialOrd, I: InterfaceType<PartialOrd = Implemented<PartialOrd>>, Self: PartialEq<E>,


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &E) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl<E, S, I1, I2> PartialOrd<NonExhaustive<E, S, I2>> for NonExhaustive<E, S, I1>
where I1: InterfaceType<PartialOrd = Implemented<PartialOrd>>, Self: PartialEq<NonExhaustive<E, S, I2>>,


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &NonExhaustive<E, S, I2>) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl<E, S, I> Serialize for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>

First it serializes a NonExhaustive<_> into a proxy,then it serializes that proxy.


fn serialize<Z>(&self, serializer: Z) -> Result<Z::Ok, Z::Error>
where Z: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl<E, S, I> StableAbi for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>


type IsNonZeroType = False

Whether this type has a single invalid bit-pattern. Read more

const LAYOUT: &'static TypeLayout = _

The layout of the type provided by implementors.

const ABI_CONSTS: AbiConsts = _

const-equivalents of the associated types.

impl<E, S, I> Eq for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where Self: PartialEq, I: InterfaceType<Eq = Implemented<Eq>>,

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<E, S, I> RefUnwindSafe for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>


impl<E, S, I> Send for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: Send + Sync, I: Sync, S: Send + Sync,


impl<E, S, I> Sync for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: Sync, I: Sync, S: Sync,


impl<E, S, I> Unpin for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>
where E: Unpin, S: Unpin,


impl<E, S, I> UnwindSafe for NonExhaustive<E, S, I>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> AlignerFor<1> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo1<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<1024> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo1024<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<128> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo128<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<16> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo16<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<16384> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo16384<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<2> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo2<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<2048> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo2048<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<256> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo256<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<32> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo32<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<32768> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo32768<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<4> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo4<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<4096> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo4096<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<512> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo512<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<64> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo64<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<8> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo8<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> AlignerFor<8192> for T


type Aligner = AlignTo8192<T>

The AlignTo* type which aligns Self to ALIGNMENT.

impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<'a, T> RCowCompatibleRef<'a> for T
where T: Clone + 'a,


type RefC = &'a T

The (preferably) ffi-safe equivalent of &Self.

type ROwned = T

The owned version of Self::RefC.

fn as_c_ref(from: &'a T) -> <T as RCowCompatibleRef<'a>>::RefC

Converts a reference to an FFI-safe type

fn as_rust_ref(from: <T as RCowCompatibleRef<'a>>::RefC) -> &'a T

Converts an FFI-safe type to a reference

impl<S> ROExtAcc for S


fn f_get<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> &F

Gets a reference to a field, determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_mut<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> &mut F

Gets a muatble reference to a field, determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_ptr<F, A>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, A>) -> *const F

Gets a const pointer to a field, the field is determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_mut_ptr<F, A>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, A>) -> *mut F

Gets a mutable pointer to a field, determined by offset. Read more

impl<S> ROExtOps<Aligned> for S


fn f_replace<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>, value: F) -> F

Replaces a field (determined by offset) with value, returning the previous value of the field. Read more

fn f_swap<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>, right: &mut S)

Swaps a field (determined by offset) with the same field in right. Read more

fn f_get_copy<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> F
where F: Copy,

Gets a copy of a field (determined by offset). The field is determined by offset. Read more

impl<S> ROExtOps<Unaligned> for S


fn f_replace<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>, value: F) -> F

Replaces a field (determined by offset) with value, returning the previous value of the field. Read more

fn f_swap<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>, right: &mut S)

Swaps a field (determined by offset) with the same field in right. Read more

fn f_get_copy<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>) -> F
where F: Copy,

Gets a copy of a field (determined by offset). The field is determined by offset. Read more

impl<T> SelfOps for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn eq_id(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

Compares the address of self with the address of other. Read more

fn piped<F, U>(self, f: F) -> U
where F: FnOnce(Self) -> U, Self: Sized,

Emulates the pipeline operator, allowing method syntax in more places. Read more

fn piped_ref<'a, F, U>(&'a self, f: F) -> U
where F: FnOnce(&'a Self) -> U,

The same as piped except that the function takes &Self Useful for functions that take &Self instead of Self. Read more

fn piped_mut<'a, F, U>(&'a mut self, f: F) -> U
where F: FnOnce(&'a mut Self) -> U,

The same as piped, except that the function takes &mut Self. Useful for functions that take &mut Self instead of Self.

fn mutated<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
where F: FnOnce(&mut Self), Self: Sized,

Mutates self using a closure taking self by mutable reference, passing it along the method chain. Read more

fn observe<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
where F: FnOnce(&Self), Self: Sized,

Observes the value of self, passing it along unmodified. Useful in long method chains. Read more

fn into_<T>(self) -> T
where Self: Into<T>,

Performs a conversion with Into. using the turbofish .into_::<_>() syntax. Read more

fn as_ref_<T>(&self) -> &T
where Self: AsRef<T>, T: ?Sized,

Performs a reference to reference conversion with AsRef, using the turbofish .as_ref_::<_>() syntax. Read more

fn as_mut_<T>(&mut self) -> &mut T
where Self: AsMut<T>, T: ?Sized,

Performs a mutable reference to mutable reference conversion with AsMut, using the turbofish .as_mut_::<_>() syntax. Read more

fn drop_(self)
where Self: Sized,

Drops self using method notation. Alternative to std::mem::drop. Read more

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


default fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<This> TransmuteElement for This
where This: ?Sized,


unsafe fn transmute_element<T>( self ) -> <Self as CanTransmuteElement<T>>::TransmutedPtr
where Self: CanTransmuteElement<T>,

Transmutes the element type of this pointer.. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> TypeIdentity for T
where T: ?Sized,


type Type = T

This is always Self.

fn into_type(self) -> Self::Type
where Self: Sized, Self::Type: Sized,

Converts a value back to the original type.

fn as_type(&self) -> &Self::Type

Converts a reference back to the original type.

fn as_type_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Type

Converts a mutable reference back to the original type.

fn into_type_box(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<Self::Type>

Converts a box back to the original type.

fn into_type_arc(this: Arc<Self>) -> Arc<Self::Type>

Converts an Arc back to the original type. Read more

fn into_type_rc(this: Rc<Self>) -> Rc<Self::Type>

Converts an Rc back to the original type. Read more

fn from_type(this: Self::Type) -> Self
where Self: Sized, Self::Type: Sized,

Converts a value back to the original type.

fn from_type_ref(this: &Self::Type) -> &Self

Converts a reference back to the original type.

fn from_type_mut(this: &mut Self::Type) -> &mut Self

Converts a mutable reference back to the original type.

fn from_type_box(this: Box<Self::Type>) -> Box<Self>

Converts a box back to the original type.

fn from_type_arc(this: Arc<Self::Type>) -> Arc<Self>

Converts an Arc back to the original type.

fn from_type_rc(this: Rc<Self::Type>) -> Rc<Self>

Converts an Rc back to the original type.

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T
where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,


impl<This> ValidTag_Bounds for This
where This: Debug + Clone + PartialEq,