[][src]Struct actix_connect::resolver::AsyncResolver

pub struct AsyncResolver<C, P> where
    C: DnsHandle,
    P: ConnectionProvider<Conn = C>, 
{ /* fields omitted */ }

An asynchronous resolver for DNS generic over async Runtimes.

Creating a AsyncResolver returns a new handle and a future that should be spawned on an executor to drive the background work. The lookup methods on AsyncResolver request lookups from the background task.

The futures returned by a AsyncResolver and the corresponding background task need not be spawned on the same executor, or be in the same thread. Additionally, one background task may have any number of handles; calling clone() on a handle will create a new handle linked to the same background task.

NOTE If lookup futures returned by a AsyncResolver and the background future are spawned on two separate CurrentThread executors, one thread cannot run both executors simultaneously, so the run or block_on functions will cause the thread to deadlock. If both the background work and the lookup futures are intended to be run on the same thread, they should be spawned on the same executor.

The background task manages the name server pool and other state used to drive lookups. When this future is spawned on an executor, it will first construct and configure the necessary client state, before checking for any incoming lookup requests, handling them, and yielding. It will continue to do so as long as there are still any AsyncResolver handle linked to it. When all of its AsyncResolvers have been dropped, the background future will finish.


impl AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<TokioRuntime>>[src]

pub async fn tokio(
    config: ResolverConfig,
    options: ResolverOpts
) -> Result<AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<TokioRuntime>>, ResolveError>

Construct a new Tokio based AsyncResolver with the provided configuration.


  • config - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
  • options - basic lookup options for the resolver


A tuple containing the new AsyncResolver and a future that drives the background task that runs resolutions for the AsyncResolver. See the documentation for AsyncResolver for more information on how to use the background future.

pub async fn tokio_from_system_conf(
) -> Result<AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<TokioRuntime>>, ResolveError>

Constructs a new Tokio based Resolver with the system configuration.

This will use /etc/resolv.conf on Unix OSes and the registry on Windows.

impl<R> AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>> where
    R: RuntimeProvider, 

pub async fn new(
    config: ResolverConfig,
    options: ResolverOpts,
    runtime: <R as RuntimeProvider>::Handle
) -> Result<AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>, ResolveError>

Construct a new AsyncResolver with the provided configuration.


  • config - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
  • options - basic lookup options for the resolver


A tuple containing the new AsyncResolver and a future that drives the background task that runs resolutions for the AsyncResolver. See the documentation for AsyncResolver for more information on how to use the background future.

pub async fn from_system_conf(
    runtime: <R as RuntimeProvider>::Handle
) -> Result<AsyncResolver<GenericConnection, GenericConnectionProvider<R>>, ResolveError>

Constructs a new Resolver with the system configuration.

This will use /etc/resolv.conf on Unix OSes and the registry on Windows.

impl<C, P> AsyncResolver<C, P> where
    C: DnsHandle,
    P: ConnectionProvider<Conn = C>, 

pub async fn new_with_conn(
    config: ResolverConfig,
    options: ResolverOpts,
    conn_provider: P
) -> Result<AsyncResolver<C, P>, ResolveError>

Construct a new AsyncResolver with the provided configuration.


  • config - configuration, name_servers, etc. for the Resolver
  • options - basic lookup options for the resolver


A tuple containing the new AsyncResolver and a future that drives the background task that runs resolutions for the AsyncResolver. See the documentation for AsyncResolver for more information on how to use the background future.

pub async fn from_system_conf_with_provider(
    conn_provider: P
) -> Result<AsyncResolver<C, P>, ResolveError>

Constructs a new Resolver with the system configuration.

This will use /etc/resolv.conf on Unix OSes and the registry on Windows.

pub fn lookup<N>(
    name: N,
    record_type: RecordType,
    options: DnsRequestOptions
) -> impl Send + Unpin + Future<Output = Result<Lookup, ResolveError>> + 'static where
    N: IntoName

Generic lookup for any RecordType

WARNING this interface may change in the future, see if one of the specializations would be better.


  • name - name of the record to lookup, if name is not a valid domain name, an error will be returned
  • record_type - type of record to lookup, all RecordData responses will be filtered to this type


pub async fn lookup_ip<N>(&'_ self, host: N) -> Result<LookupIp, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName + TryParseIp

Performs a dual-stack DNS lookup for the IP for the given hostname.

See the configuration and options parameters for controlling the way in which A(Ipv4) and AAAA(Ipv6) lookups will be performed. For the least expensive query a fully-qualified-domain-name, FQDN, which ends in a final ., e.g. www.example.com., will only issue one query. Anything else will always incur the cost of querying the ResolverConfig::domain and ResolverConfig::search.


  • host - string hostname, if this is an invalid hostname, an error will be returned.

pub async fn reverse_lookup(
    &'_ self,
    query: IpAddr
) -> Result<ReverseLookup, ResolveError>

Performs a lookup for the associated type.


  • query - a type which can be converted to Name via From.

pub async fn ipv4_lookup<N>(
    &'_ self,
    query: N
) -> Result<Ipv4Lookup, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName

Performs a lookup for the associated type.

hint queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups


  • query - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error

pub async fn ipv6_lookup<N>(
    &'_ self,
    query: N
) -> Result<Ipv6Lookup, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName

Performs a lookup for the associated type.

hint queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups


  • query - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error

pub async fn mx_lookup<N>(&'_ self, query: N) -> Result<MxLookup, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName

Performs a lookup for the associated type.

hint queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups


  • query - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error

pub async fn ns_lookup<N>(&'_ self, query: N) -> Result<NsLookup, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName

Performs a lookup for the associated type.

hint queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups


  • query - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error

pub async fn soa_lookup<N>(
    &'_ self,
    query: N
) -> Result<SoaLookup, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName

Performs a lookup for the associated type.

hint queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups


  • query - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error

pub async fn srv_lookup<N>(
    &'_ self,
    query: N
) -> Result<SrvLookup, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName

Performs a lookup for the associated type.

hint queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups


  • query - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error

pub async fn txt_lookup<N>(
    &'_ self,
    query: N
) -> Result<TxtLookup, ResolveError> where
    N: IntoName

Performs a lookup for the associated type.

hint queries that end with a '.' are fully qualified names and are cheaper lookups


  • query - a string which parses to a domain name, failure to parse will return an error

Trait Implementations

impl<C, P> Clone for AsyncResolver<C, P> where
    C: Clone + DnsHandle,
    P: ConnectionProvider<Conn = C> + Clone

impl<C, P> Debug for AsyncResolver<C, P> where
    C: DnsHandle,
    P: ConnectionProvider<Conn = C>, 

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<C, P> !RefUnwindSafe for AsyncResolver<C, P>

impl<C, P> Send for AsyncResolver<C, P>

impl<C, P> Sync for AsyncResolver<C, P>

impl<C, P> Unpin for AsyncResolver<C, P>

impl<C, P> !UnwindSafe for AsyncResolver<C, P>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,